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Neural populations across cortical layers perform different computational tasks. However, it is not known whether information in different layers is encoded using a common neural code or whether it depends on the specific layer. Here we... more
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      Computational ModellingComputational NeuroscienceInformation Theory and codingMathematical Neuroscience
The prefrontal cortex has been extensively implicated in autism to explain deficits in executive and other higher-order functions related to cognition, language, sociability and emotion. The possible changes at the level of the neuronal... more
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      Long Term PotentiationAutism Spectrum DisordersPrefrontal CortexSynaptic Plasticity
We applied recently developed information theory methods [1,2] to the analysis of cortical responses in a large-scale computational model of cat primary visual cortex [3]. These methods quantify the information conveyed by spikes and by... more
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      Information TheoryInformation Theory and codingCortical MicrocircuitCortical Column
A large-scale computational model of the thalamocortical system containing specific thalamic structures and four layers of cat primary visual cortex (V1) has been developed and simulated in the parallel NEURON environment. The model... more
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      Computational NeuroscienceModellingCortical MicrocircuitVisual Cortex