Corrosion control
Most cited papers in Corrosion control
This paper presents an updated review of the external corrosion and failure mechanisms of buried natural gas and oil pipelines. Various forms of external corrosion and failure mechanisms such as hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC), hydrogen... more
Hydrogen evolution and permeation occur during electroplating, corrosion, and cathodic protection. Hydrogen accumulates in areas of high stress and may reach a critical concentration, potentially causing fractures and catastrophic damage.... more
A series of metal-phosphonate organic-inorganic polymeric hybrid materials are synthesized, structurally characterized, and evaluated for their anticorrosion properties for the protection of carbon steels. These materials are Zn-AMP... more
The constant growth in the area of metal phosphonate materials is exemplified with rich chemistry and a variety of applications. From the multitude of subjects related to metal phosphonates, we have decided to focus on metal phosphonate... more
Considering corrosion rate during the remaining life assessment of aging pipelines is fundamental to calculate the interval between two consecutive inspections. A total of 798 internal and external corrosion defects have been detected,... more
The effect of inhibitor concentration and temperature on the corrosion process of copper–nickel alloy in presence of naphthylamine (NA) and phenylenediamine (PDA) in 5% HCl has been investigated by weight loss technique. Maximum value of... more
In this research, the effect of thiosulfate ion on pitting corrosion behavior of 316 stainless steel was studied. Part I of this work deals with the influence of thiosulfate on the critical pitting temperature of 316 SS in 0.1 M chloride... more
tThe inhibition of steel–copper couple galvanic corrosion in petroleum waste water solutionby Curcuma longa was studied at different temperature and different cathode to anode ratiosusing weight loss technique. Inhibition efficiency was... more
The electrochemistry of a 13% Cr stainless steel (API5CT L80-13Cr) in 3% NaCl containing acetate and either acetic acid or carbon dioxide at 333 K is explored using RDE voltammetry. The reduction of proton, carbonic acid and acetic acid... more
The corrosion inhibition of copper–nickel alloy by benzotriazole (BTA) in 1.5 M HCl has been investigated by weight loss and polarization techniques at different temperatures. Maximum value of inhibitor efficiency was 99.8% at 35°C and... more
Syntheses and structures of alkaline earth metal ions and EDTMP, ethylenediamine-tetrakis(methylenephosphonate), are reported. The isostructural Ca 2+ and Sr 2+ analogs have 1D topologies, with EDTMP acting as both chelating and bridging... more
Present work studied the high temperature corrosion inhibition rate of steel in different concentration ratios of MgO, to corrosive fuel ash in temperature range 600 – 900 o C and time range 10 – 40 h. Weight loss technique was used to... more
The corrosion behavior of A106 carbon steel in 30 wt.% piperazine (PZ, a cycling amine) solutions was investigated by potentiodynamic polarization, EIS, LPR, SEM/EDS, and XRD. For comparison, the corrosion was also conducted in the... more
Fossil fuels are not renewable energy in addition they create massive pollution in the environment. This pollution affects air, water and the food. Because of global fossil fuel shortage and environmental pollution, solar energy... more
Corrosion combined with fouling growth can interfere with the operation of submerged equipment, impose increased loading stresses and accelerate deterioration of marine structures, and adversely affect the performance of ships by... more
Brine purification process of GHCL did not meet the specification of electrolyzer in the context of excess hydroxide ion (OH-). The electrolyzer, anolyte tank and dechlorination tower tank faced serious corrosion. This paper describes an... more
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the electrochemical kinetics parameters of galvanic corrosion inhibition of the copper alloy- steel alloy couple, exposed to cooling tower water. Polyvinyl alcohol was utilized to evaluate the... more
An Inconel 601 crucible containing a ternary eutectic mixture of lithium carbonate (Li 2 CO 3), potassium carbonate (K 2 CO 3) and sodium carbonate (Na 2 CO 3) was placed into a 450˚C preheated furnace to check their compatibility as... more
In this work we have developed a decision support system that can determine corrosion and project the time for corrosion growth maintenance using probabilistic modelling approach. Historical data of the atmospheric industrial environment... more