Recent papers in Corrections
In most Australian correctional jurisdictions, prisoners are not allowed access to the internet precluding them from participating in higher education online. Making the Connection is an Australian government funded project which is... more
This paper outlines a model which infuses trauma-informed principles into the existing Risk-Needs-Responsivity model of risk assessment commonly used in correctional settings. The connection between certain types of trauma and criminality... more
This article, “How an Inmate-Led Class Is Helping Staff Learn Spanish,” is published in the May/June 2021 issue of the American Jails magazine. The publication is the official organ of the American Jail Association (AJA). Visit... more
This article discusses the eight transfer factors considered in determining the trial of a juvenile in either a juvenile or a criminal court.
The criminal justice system in America does not work, and, from the perspective of current criminological thought, no ideas exist for how to truly fix it. The fault lies not with criminology as a discourse, but with us as individuals. We... more
Many of the issues discussed in conjunction with prison reform reflect the futility of making incarceration better. Incarceration doesn't work very well for deterrence and rehabilitation. In many respects, prison is a failed social... more
Parole is the portion of state correctional systems in which convicted individuals are supervised after they have been released from prison. Parole serves two purposes: (1) to assist former prisoners in their transition from prison into... more
This publication is a collection of essential tools for practical ministry in jails and prisons. It includes scores of Christian ministries and other faith-based organizations that offer free Bibles, books, literature, and other important... more
Researchers illuminate the mental health plight of correctional workers by demonstrating a high prevalence of mental health disorders among the group. Yet, structural barriers persist in preventing correctional staff from accessing... more
ABSTRACT. In December of 2011 Parliament of Lithuania (Seimas) adopted the Law on Probation, which comes into force in July of 2012. In such a way new legislation established not only new definition in Lithuanian correctional law... more
This quasi-experimental historical outcome study is based on the Domestic Violence Repeat Offender Program (DVROP) housed within the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The treatment group includes data for... more
This article undertakes a "history of the present" as a means of intervening in current debate around the closure of the Rikers Island jail complex and its replacement with smaller "state of the art" jails. We argue that the telling of... more
The report builds upon the Urban Institute’s 2004 report, “Prisoner Reentry in Georgia” that analyzed recent trends in incarceration and prisoner releases in the state, examined the characteristics and geographic distribution of returning... more
Private prisons are here to stay irrespective of empirical findings for or against their existence in the corrections industry. It is necessary, therefore, to step back and consider them on a broader level to assess how they can benefit... more
As U.S. correctional systems continue to rollout evidence-based programs, the utility of " complimentary " programs that do not address recidivism reduction remains in question. Many U.S. prisons have a variety of prison-based animal... more
This privately-printed publication is an updated catalog that offers an invaluable list of free resources for correctional chaplains or anyone engaged in prison ministry.
Suicide risk and protective factors function for prisoners within the context of incarceration. The Culture and Protective Suicide Scale for Incarcerated Persons (CAPSSIP) is a tool designed to assess protective factors and cultural... more
Abstract Using scholarly research, the plight of children of incarcerated individuals, namely incarcerated mothers, is focused upon. Questions addressing stigmatization issues, psychological implications, sociological factors, and... more
Questo non è il solito libro sul carcere. Non rientra nella abbondante memorialistica penitenziaria; non è un'inchiesta giornalistica sul degrado del carcere in Italia; non è un saggio accademico sul quanto e il come sia cambiata... more
A b s t r A c t In many countries throughout the world, the justice sector is characterised by high levels of staff turnover, often associated with the particular stresses embedded in the criminal justice working environment. This... more
Wright, Kevin A. 2013. "The Private Prison" In Francis T. Cullen, Cheryl Lero Jonson, and Mary K. Stohr (Eds.) "The American Prison: Imagining a Different Future" (pp. 173-192). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
This study offers a roadmap to employing and expanding the Persuasion Knowledge Model (Friestad & Wright, 1994) as a useful theoretical framework for studying persuasive misinformation and corrections. Within the context of correcting... more
SÍNTESE. 'Mudar a Justiça' significa alterar a essência da abordagem do sistema, adotar agendas mais ambiciosas, ousadas, delineadas explicitamente para promover mudanças – primeiramente, no foco do sistema, nas formas tradicionais de... more
This article provides a brief introduction to the field of Convict Criminology (CC). It tackles six main topics that would interest audiences unfamiliar with CC. These include: What is Convict Criminology? Who counts as a Convict... more
Correctional Service of Canada and the provincial prison systems have a duty to provide incarcerated individuals with health services that are comparable to those in the community, but they have failed to do so during the COVID-19... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
A deep-dive into the European History of corrections and the adopted methodologies throughout the 20th Century
In an important 1984 paper, “The Moral Education Theory of Punishment,” Jean Hampton justifies the practice of inflicting painful criminal punishments if and only if punishment is morally educative. Hampton’s suggestion forms the point of... more
El documento sistematiza la normativa penitenciaria en Chile y explora los principales mecanismos judiciales y administrativos de reclamación en conflictos penitenciarios. La línea argumentativa apunta a que las dificultades normativas... more
Baz Dreisinger talks with Naomi Murphy & David Jones about her book Incarceration Nations and alternatives to incarceration. She also discusses establishing a prison to college pipeline and her campaign for penal reform
The research seeks to determine if participation in art therapy programs while incarcerated will lower the offender’s chance of recidivism – the act of being re-arrested and re-admitted to the corrections system after prior release.... more
A response to Bushway and Apel paper "A Signaling Perspective on Employment-Based Reentry Programming Training Completion as a Desistance Signal" from the ASC journal Criminology and Public Policy's Feb 2012 Special Congressional Issue.
How well do you know yourself? You can learn to make healthy choices intentionally rather than to unconsciously repeat unhealthy patterns. This course is highly recommended for mental strengthening.
THIS IS YOUR CUE: TIME TO TAKE ACTION Call upon the community or general public, parents and youths, mental health professionals, physicians and nurses, educators, Facebook and other internet social media, religious groups, athletes,... more
you agree or disagree with this statement. How does current prison culture impact legitimacy of the correctional organization? Provide suggestions on how legitimacy within prisons can be improved.