Correctional Architecture
Recent papers in Correctional Architecture
W niniejszym tekście zaakcentowany jest głównie wątek przestrzeni fizycznej, w jakiej odbywana jest kara. Oznacza to, że analizie nie jest poddany system więziennictwa jako taki, a jedynie wizualny wymiar z nim związany. Architektura jest... more
Currently, the architecture of prisons for women does not generally correspond to the needs and characteristics of the female prison population. This situation becomes more apparent in the light of the Bangkok Rules. Nevertheless, there... more
Hasta bien entrado el siglo XX los proyectos para edificios penitenciarios se mantuvieron dentro de los lineamientos originados en los partidos arquitectónicos clásicos. Estos planteas, si bien habían evolucionado desde sus orígenes,... more
La influencia de la psicología ambiental en el diseño de cárceles y prisiones. Estrés, aglomeración, privacidad, territorialidad, espacio personal, la Unidad Funcional, la Supervisión Directa, la nueva función de la celda
Antecedentes sobre la creación de complejos penitenciarios, definición, características. Descripción del Complejo Federal de Ezeiza, Argentina.
The high incarceration rate of people from Indigenous cultures is a worldwide phenomenon. Disproportionately high numbers of Indigenous people are confined in prisons as a legacy of forced colonisation. There is a capacity for the design... more
Presentación ppt sobre las condiciones e influencias ambientales y psicológicas que inciden en el diseño de cárceles y prisiones. Proxémica, hacinamiento, dimensiones mínimas de las celdas, partidos arquitectónicos, capacidad de los... more
The high incarceration rate of people from Indigenous cultures is a worldwide phenomenon. Disproportionately high numbers of Indigenous people are confined in prisons as a legacy of forced colonisation. There is a capacity for the design... more
People with mental health issues are vastly overrepresented in the Australian prison system. This paper discusses the master planning and design of Ravenhall Correctional Centre in Victoria, Australia to increase outcomes for male... more
Historia del primer edificio penitenciario argentino, construido en Mendoza en 1865, cuyo proyecto tuvo claras influencias de la Cárcel Penitenciaria de Santiago de Chile, que a su vez estuvo inspirada en la célebre Penitenciaria de... more
The article tells the story of the Galfa tower in Milan, an icon building of the Italian postwar development. The tower is now ruined behind the original curtain wall, and it is seeking for a new identity. The adaptive re-use of the Galfa... more
Juvenile detention centres (JDC) are undoubtedly difficult environments for both detainees who live and staff who work in these facilities. Being such a difficult environment, the question arises as to whether or not the physical... more
This paper investigates an approach to the use of fractals in architectural design. Two major aspects are discussed. First, the effect of the direction of the line segments on the generated fractal, as well as, the proportions between the... more
En 1825 se realizó en Buenos Aires el primer proyecto sudamericano para un establecimiento penitenciario, que también fue el primer concurso de arquitectura pública efectuado en territorio argentino. En él se vieron expuestas las ideas... more
Descripción de las arquitecturas penitenciarias argentinas a fines del siglo XX. Tipologías, condiciones ambientales y características de las obras que significaron un cambio en el paradigma carcelario argentino.
Prison environments are typically inflexible to the cultural needs of particular groups and, Tn the light of what we know about cultural differences which the normal prison organization does not allow for this causes additional pain to... more
The design of environments for Australian Aboriginal offenders has always been problematic. The needs and concerns of Aboriginal prisons have been little understood and prison environments have often not served the needs of prisoners... more
The recently commissioned independent living units at Mobilong Prison on the outskirts of Murray Bridge in South Australia represent new innovations in Aus-tralian prison architecture. For the first time, medium-security inmates will be... more
It is often said that bushfires are a fact of life in Australia. While Australian communities will always be affected by the impacts of bushfires, there is an element of huniaii involvement that makes at least some bushfires avoidable. In... more
This article examines the provision of television in the South Australian prison system and its importance to the identity, health, wellbeing and ontological security of Aboriginal prisoners. Existing research has explored the use of... more
In his (recently published) 1972-73 course at the Collège de France, Foucault dealt with the emergence of correctional imprisonment in 19th century Europe, tracing its roots back to the religious milieu of Puritanism. However, as shown by... more
Multi-agent systems underpin the vision for ambient intelligence. However, developing multi-agent systems is a complex and challenging process. For example, pervasive computing has been found susceptible to instability, due to unwanted... more
Individuals outside the Western domiciliary tradition may have insurmountable difficulties in prison environments. Although the varying and differing accommodation needs of Australian Aboriginal prisoners have been recognised since the... more
Heatwaves are a major public health concern causing more fatalities than any other natural hazard. In Australian prisons, extreme temperatures have been recorded and heat related deaths have occurred. While some countries have identified... more
Theme: Visualizing Justice: Critical Perspectives on Visibility, Law, and Order Date: May 7-9, 2015 Location: Centre for Interdisciplinary Justice Studies (CIJS), University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Call for... more
This thesis presents the first empirical study into the accommodation needs of Australian Aboriginal prisoners in prison custody. The over-representation of Aboriginal people in the Australian prison system is increasing and the... more
Multi-agent systems underpin the vision for ambient intelligence. However, developing multi-agent systems is a complex and challenging process. For example, pervasive computing has been found susceptible to instability, due to unwanted... more
Heatwaves are a major public health concern causing more fatalities than any other natural hazard. In Australian prisons, extreme temperatures have been recorded and heat related deaths have occurred. While some countries have... more
The high incarceration rate of people from Indigenous cultures is a worldwide phenomenon. Disproportionately high numbers of Indigenous people are confined in prisons as a legacy of forced colonisation. There is a capacity for the design... more
Walking through the recently opened West Kimberley Regional Prison created by TAG Architects in association with Iredale Pedersen Hook Architects (IPH), one is struck by the sensitivity and thoughtfulness applied to every facet of the... more
Constant shrinkage in the device dimensions has resulted in very dense memory cells. The probability of occurrence of multiple bit errors is much higher in very dense memory cells. Conventional Error Correcting Codes (ECC) cannot correct... more