Corporate Ethics

236 papers
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Corporate ethics refers to the principles and standards that guide behavior and decision-making within a business context. It encompasses the moral obligations of companies to stakeholders, including employees, customers, and the community, and addresses issues such as corporate governance, social responsibility, and compliance with laws and regulations.
Non-collateralised, good-intentioned, African Promoters of Infrastructural Investment Programs are challenged by a gamut of obstacles, not least, the Cost of Feasibilities Studies, Cost of Land Acquisition and requisite Technical... more
The question of who exactly is responsible for an organization's actions cannot be too carefully considered, as a clear understanding of this point is crucial from ethical, moral, managerial, and public perspectives. This article... more
This article investigates the discrepancy between companies' sustainability communication and their actual practices, introducing the expression "Green Slogans and Gray Behaviors." Coined by the authors, this expression goes beyond... more
Strategic leadership is critical in turbulent environments, enabling organizations to navigate uncertainty while maintaining stability and long-term objectives. This study explored how adaptive, transformational, and ethical leadership... more
The awareness is growing that companies have an important role to play towards achieving environmental sustainability, hence the importance of incorporating that concept within modern company law. The latest review of the Nigerian... more
This paper aims to illustrate how entrepreneurial NFP organisational managers are faced with both financial and social dilemmas in today's society (Burnett, 2009; Frances, 2008). The focus is on notfor-profit organisations from a social... more
This study suggest there are certain similarities between accounting scandal and expected global crises such as: lack of reliable and accurate accounting information, markets` negligence of basic rules and price bobbles. All these factors... more
Consider three examples of problematic corporate decision making: first, in 2002, employees were "less likely to have employer-provided insurance than thirty years ago," and the price of health care for those who do receive it is ever... more
It attempts at putting in place some sense of 'sound moral values' within a company's employee population as regards how they could conduct business responsibly. The recent corporate scandals globally (which have been taken to... more
The role of the for-benefit corporate model could be central to Canada’s social innovation ecosystem. This paper investigates how legislated for-benefit models could pave the way for social enterprises to transform how Canadians address... more
This research aims to explore the factors influencing the sustainable enhancement of Islamic banking value, focusing on Islamic bank performance as a mediator and environmental disclosure as a moderator. It seeks to provide insights into... more
In the contemporary digital era, academics are actively engaged in the rigorous exploration and debate of the new concept of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR). CDR, distinct from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) due to its focus... more
In this study, we examine how the presence of multiple stakeholder identities influences the way in which individuals evaluate corporate reputations. Adopting a social identity approach to stakeholders, we investigate the mechanisms of... more
This research paper explores the corporate ethical issues surrounding the Murdoch's Phone Hacking Scandal, which involved the British tabloid newspaper, News of the World, and its parent company, News Corporation (now known as 21st... more
Public apologies are so prevalent in our social lives that they have become a subject of scholarly investigation all over the globe. The present study, which involves coding, frequency counting, and qualitative analysis, examines the... more
Many firms are increasing their focus on their Supply Chain as a strategic factor. This focus has primarily emphasized cost reducing and risk minimizing, although some proactive companies began to manage their supply chain in a... more
The theory of Stewardship is not the new concept but it came in the light in 2010 when UK established its UK Stewardship code, which became the model code for many countries who made the code in their country on the line of UK code. The... more
Co-Creation has attracted serious research attention in the recent past. Purpose of this paper is to review co-creation research, classify research articles according to the two approaches, content and process and on the basis of... more
This article is an introduction to the selection of papers on "Business Ethics in Spain" included in this monographic issue of the Journal of Business Ethics. Specifically, this article is a survey of the development of the social,... more
Many firms are increasing their focus on their Supply Chain as a strategic factor. This focus has primarily emphasized cost reducing and risk minimizing, although some proactive companies began to manage their supply chain in a... more
In this research we investigate the impact of television advertisement on children with special reference to confectionary product in Palayamkottai. A questionnaire was used in order to collect data on impact of television advertisement... more
Indigenous cultural heritage plays an essential role in the building of the identity of indigenous peoples and thus its protection has profound significance for their dignity and the realization of their human rights. Although the... more
This study develops a hybrid, bottom-up approach to field research, namely Rapid Situation Analysis, and implements it in Ghana. It draws on elements from two existing participatory methodological approaches: Rapid Rural Appraisal and... more
Ethical Leadership" in modern multicultural corporations is first the consideration of different personal and cultural value systems in decision-making processes. Second, it is the assignment of responsibility either to individual or... more
In view of the scope and scale of the latest scandals, e.g. Enron's maximum breaking bankruptcy, the re-discovery of ethics in business has received an impressive boost. By now even car salesmen have written ethics, ''a Code of Conduct'',... more
This case study reflects on a traumatic incident at an Invicta Watch event in 2015, exploring the psychological implications of mass hysteria and Stockholm Syndrome within a corporate setting. It also examines the influence of societal... more
This paper presents some key findings of a quantitative study which assessed a group of Chinese educational leaders’ value orientations. A survey instrument “The Institutional Values Inventory” was used to investigate their perspectives... more
The Arithmeticality and Mathematicality of Casualties - both Human and Infrastructural - are Critical to Determining Accountability, Responsibility & Culpability of Combatants and Complicity of their backers Reported Israeli... more
Operationalising the notion of ethics, along with its applications in the field of entrepreneurship, has made possible the investigation of the influence exerted by the socio-cultural, economic, and legal environment on entrepreneurs'... more
It is no secret that things often work differently in China than what we are used to in the Western world. This paper aims to discuss how traditional Chinese beliefs, values and cultural norms impact Chinese Management styles. The paper... more
The concept of corporate responsibility (CR) has moved a long way over the past six decades, since Bowen's book titled Social Responsibilities of the Businessman marked a modern era of business and society research. In this article, we... more
for useful comments on earlier drafts. The usual disclaimer applies. Living by the water with a view of the opposite shore ceaselessly reminded me of my place in the world. Then one day a bridge connecting the two shores of the Bosporus... more
Public apologies are so prevalent in our social lives that they have become a subject of scholarly investigation all over the globe. The present study, which involves coding, frequency counting, and qualitative analysis, examines the... more
The institutionalization of ethics means getting ethics formally and explicitly into daily business life. The aim of this paper article is to establish a comprehensive approach of the
A crise financeira que iniciou em 2008 fez surgir uma vaga de protestos contra a falta de transparência, de accountability e de responsabilidade tanto de instituições privadas como públicas. Naturalmente, destes protestos resultou o... more
This an article derived from the dissertation "Multinational Corporation and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study of MTN Nigeria in Selected Local Government Areas of Niger State 2003-2019." The article summarized a part of the... more
Zusammenfassung. Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über Forschungsfelder und methodische Aspekte der arbeits- und organisationspsychologischen Forschungsbeiträge, die in den Jahren 2004 und 2005 in 14 deutschsprachigen... more
A crise financeira que iniciou em 2008 fez surgir uma vaga de protestos contra a falta de transparência, de accountability e de responsabilidade tanto de instituições privadas como públicas. Naturalmente, destes protestos resultou o... more
This paper suggests that some climate denialism is bullshit. Those who spread it do not display a proper concern for the truth. This paper also shows that this bullshit is harmful in some significant ways. It undermines the epistemic... more
Purpose-To integrate agency and stakeholder theories with the Jacobs Value Distinction (JVD) thus presenting a micro and macro reconsideration of the JVD for a finer grained perception of the values underpinning corporate and global... more