Recent papers in Coroners
The Salt-Overly-Sensitive (SOS) pathway controls the net uptake of sodium by roots and the xylematic transfer to shoots in vascular plants. SOS3/CBL4 is a core component of the SOS pathway that senses calcium signaling of salinity stress... more
In the wake of tragic events involving emergency service response, society has increasingly moved to the process of post-mortem inquiries with the goal of identifying errors and avoiding future deaths. While the goals of public... more
Police tell stories to make sense of their experiences but also, as this paper argues, they tell stories to establish legal doctrines and support justifications for their decisions. Departing from police ethnography and narrative... more
Dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Ph.D ., to the Centre for the Study of Social History, University of Warwick.
to conduct a three-year study on this topic. The overall question posed by DFCS was: What are the primary reasons why children of color are disproportionately represented in Santa Clara County's Child Welfare System? In order to address... more
The Salt-Overly-Sensitive (SOS) pathway controls the net uptake of sodium by roots and the xylematic transfer to shoots in vascular plants. SOS3/CBL4 is a core component of the SOS pathway that senses calcium signaling of salinity stress... more
I attended the first Legal aspects of surgical practice course held at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. This one day course, covering red flag situations, was convened by Paul Marks, consultant neurosurgeon and deputy coroner for... more
AimsTo examine in detail a series of coproxamol overdose deaths in order to provide information that will assist in the development of strategies to prevent such fatalities.MethodInquest records in 24 coroners’ jurisdictions in England on... more
This article examines some of the possible harmful effects of regulatory investigations, in particular that of trauma, on persons being investigated and those around them, the legal, ethical or regulatory duties or responsibilities of... more
Suicide is a major concern for mental health nurses because of its clear correlation with mental illness. In New Zealand, coroners investigate all deaths that appear to be a result of suicide, and provide reports to mental health services... more
The contentions in this paper arose tangentially from a study of London coroners I began in the summer of 1998. I had intended to examine the verdicts from nineteenth-century coroners' courts in order to assess the differences in verdicts... more
- by Chris Crowe
The ETHICS column explores issues around practising ethically in primary health care and aims to encourage thoughtfulness about ethical dilemmas that we may face. THIS ISSUE: This issue focuses on media reporting of suicide and aspects... more
We aimed to demonstrate how a large collection of publicly accessible Australian Coroner’s Court case files (n=4459) (2009-2019) can be automatically classified for determination of death by suicide, presence of mental health disorder and... more
However, they can take place after the resolution of criminal charges and, although coroners' findings cannot be expressed in terms of persons' criminality, inquests can also result in referrals to prosecuting authorities. In addition,... more
Deaths of participants in sport from the effects of concussive injuries and from chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) raise confronting social issues and challenges for tort law. An uncertainty that often needs to be addressed in such... more
She has accurately reported many of the opinions and recommendations voiced at this conference. However, the statement "doctors should encourage patients to discuss drug products with pharmacists, though only with those who are known and... more
A series of Freemason Judges' Errors Of Law decisions persecute the family for demanding Justice CHAPTER 1: Introduction-Freemason army of Judges persecute the family, for seeking justice into Sunaina's highly suspicious and sudden death,... more
Using medicines purchased online without therapeutic advice can lead to outcomes such as treatment failure, antimicrobial drug resistance, adverse drug reactions and deaths. We have reviewed the factors associated with 17 deaths, which UK... more
Since the 1980s, a number of fair trial rights and civil liberties have been eroded in Australia, particularly in respect to summary justice and police powers. This article traces the 'bottom-up' origins of some of those rights and... more
et al. A crosssectional survey using electronic distribution of a questionnaire to subscribers of educational material written by clinicians, for clinicians, to evaluate whether practice change resulted from reading the Clinical... more
We write as experienced paediatric practitioners who have been involved in medico-legal proceedings where cases related to childhood cancer practice have featured frequently. We will use the service evaluation of Professor David A... more
Fatal work incidents result in an array of government responses, and in countries such as the United Kingdom and Australia, this may include the holding of coronial inquests. A common theme from the scant literature is that family members... more
This study aimed to describe the perceived barriers faced by emergency clinicians in utilising mental health legislation in Australian hospital emergency departments. A semi-structured interview methodology was used to assess what... more
The Trees was founded and it contradicts its main founding principles. The aim of the article is to demonstrate how the writer of the twentytruth through the violence of lynching. As the novel is both a detective fiction and a horror... more
Within coronial investigations, pathologists are called upon to given evidence as to cause of death. This evidence is given great weight by the coroners; after all, scientific 'truth' is widely deemed to be far more reliable than legal... more
In common law countries like England, Australia, US, and Canada, certain deaths come to be investigated through the coronial system. These include sudden, unnatural or suspicious deaths as well as those which appear to be the result of... more
Pickering makes several interesting and incisive points. We wish to comment on his suggestions regarding our analogy between organ procurement and post-mortem examinations, and regarding the putative duty to donate one's organs. First, a... more
Pickering makes several interesting and incisive points. We wish to comment on his suggestions regarding our analogy between organ procurement and post-mortem examinations, and regarding the putative duty to donate one's organs. First, a... more
The medicolegal death investigation in Victoria, Australia is a traditional coroner system based on the model in England and Wales in the early 20th Century. In 1985, the first of a series of legislative amendments were made that proved... more
The National Coronial Information System (NCIS) is the world's first national Internet-based database of coronial information. It was established in Australia following the recognition by coroners that their mandate for public health and... more
Background. 'Under-reporting' of deaths to the coroner has significant implications for the identification and investigation of preventable deaths. In extreme cases, it may even be a symptom of the system failures that allowed cases such... more
Background: Medico-legal death investigations are a recognised data source for public health endeavours and its accessibility has increased following the development of electronic data systems. Despite time and cost savings, the strengths... more
To describe the nature and extent of external-cause deaths of residents of nursing homes in Victoria, Australia. DESIGN: A retrospective cohort study of all decedents using routinely collected data contained within the National Coronial... more
Aim: This study provides a descriptive epidemiological analysis stratified by age of deaths reported to Australian Coroners of residential aged care facility residents aged under 65 years. Method: A national population-based retrospective... more
The medicolegal death investigation in Victoria, Australia is a traditional coroner system based on the model in England and Wales in the early 20th Century. In 1985, the first of a series of legislative amendments were made that proved... more
Suicide may be conceptualized as an escape from intolerable predicaments, in particular, mental illness and environmental stressors. The operationalized predicaments of suicide (OPS) is a 4 category framework designed to assist in the... more
Introduction: In order to reduce transmission of COVID-19, in March 2020 the UK national and devolved governments imposed restrictions including spatial distancing, stay-at-home orders, and travel restrictions. The aim of this study is to... more
This paper was sumitted to the SLS in 2022. This paper begins by identifying the State’s legal obligations to prevent future deaths under human rights law. It then examines the law surrounding recommendations issued following inquests... more
Accurately identifying death and its causes is integral to the compilation of mortality data and ultimately to the operation of the criminal justice and public health systems. A clear understanding of who is in charge of such processes is... more
to conduct a three-year study on this topic. The overall question posed by DFCS was: What are the primary reasons why children of color are disproportionately represented in Santa Clara County's Child Welfare System? In order to address... more