Cornelius Van Til
Recent papers in Cornelius Van Til
This research on compression rolling of timber boards concentrates on the following aspects: 1. Analysing the compression rolling process. 2. Developing the instrumentation and the computerized data acquisition to acquire the parameters... more
A common theme in Christian school literature is the search for and/or description of the distinctiveness of the Christian school and the Christian school movement. There is general recognition that the Christian school exists as an... more
In A Spirituality of Character Formation, Ribera presented four affirmations to frame the discussion about character education: 1) Character formation is the responsibility of the home, the church, and the state, 2) Character formation... more
Lewis (1952) says that Christian behavior is concerned with three things: first, fair play and harmony between individuals, or relations between man and man; second, tidying up or harmonizing things inside each individual, or things... more
Cornelius Van Til was part of the Dutch reformed or Calvinist day school movement in both the Netherlands and America. He attended a two-room schoolhouse in an immigrant Dutch community in Hammond, Indiana. During his days as professor at... more
The efforts in the Christian school to effectively integrate faith and learning lead one to consider foundational theories of knowledge. Defining knowledge raises questions about the knower and the known, the relationship between... more
This paper proposes a biblical and theological rationale for art education in Christian schools. I first examine art and art education as components of the original, Edenic cultural mandate, and then under the renewed cultural commission... more
A review of the Christian school literature finds a common theme, that is, the search for and description of the distinctives of the Christian school. There is an understanding that the Christian school exists as an alternative to public... more
Este trabalho procura considerar a questão do ponto de contato entre cristão e não-cristão na apologética. Busca descrever este aspecto na proposta apologética de Cornelius Van Til e Francis Schaeffer, estabelecendo a relação... more
Published in For the Healing of the Nations: Essays on Creation, Redemption, and Neo-Calvinism, edited by W. Bradford Littlejohn and Peter Escalante. The Davenant Trust, 2014.
In this short treatise I will be considering the relationship between Van Til’s Presuppositionalism and Natural Theology, and will attempt to demonstrate that the philosophical foundations of this system force him into a Relativism of... more
This article is a comprehensive, annotated outline of Cornelius Van Til's theory of human knowledge of creation.
The integration of faith and learning is essential to religious schools. Though there are practical differences in how faith is integrated, fundamental differences exist in how schools conceive and articulate such integration. Beginning... more
The broad scope of apologetical models that exist today can take the novice by surprise if he is not careful. The differences between apologetical methodologies can be overwhelming, even for that seminary student who is eager to learn all... more
In this article I will be proposing that there is a fatal flaw in the presuppositionalist position, specifically the position held by Cornelius Van Til. I will begin by giving a brief overview of defining elements of Van Til's version of... more
Karl Rahner, SJ (1904–1984) was one of the most influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century. Theologians often encounter him first through his trinitarian “rule,” which states that the “economic” Trinity is the “immanent”... more
There are presently more believers from a Muslim background (BMBs) than any point in history. This unprecedented movement presents a missiological challenge: how to disciple BMBs through the unique barriers they face. This study evaluated... more
‘Van Til’s apologetic is thoroughly determined by his theological commitments. Indeed, he believed that the most important and distinctive aspect of his apologetics was its consistency with Reformed theology.’ Everyone proceeds on the... more
At the heart of Van Til's critique of Barth's theology is the Westminster professor's understanding of the latter's Christology as re-cast along actualistic lines. If Van Til is correct that at the heart of Barth's theology is an... more
The presuppositional approach of Cornelius Van Til draws on the epistemological ideas found in Herman Bavinck and Abraham Kuyper to bring Reformed epistemology and its application to apologetics into line with its Calvinist foundations.... more
In this thesis I use Van Til's concept of truth and apply it to meet the challenge of postmodernism
In addition to the Protestant theologians who have explicitly contributed to a new evangelical natural law theory, and the Christian scholars in non-theological fields who have written eloquently on this topic, there are two other... more
This paper presents an overview of some of Cornelius Van Til's presuppositional apologetics and its relationship to the doctrine of the Trinity.
I. INTRODUCTION We may say that as the second person of the Trinity Christ had heard of the Greek virtues before the Greeks had heard of them. In other words, it was because in the pactum salutis that Christ took it upon himself to save... more
This study presents a theological account of moral experience and of the nature and possibility of evil in conversation with Herman Bavinck, Johan Herman Bavinck, Geerhardus Vos, and Cornelius Van Til. In light of their work, the fall is... more
Neste ensaio nós examinaremos o livre arbítrio como é definido pelos arminianos, e veremos que o estudo das seitas revela que essa doutrina é muitas vezes central nas suas teologias. Mas se isso for verdade, então, para montar uma... more
This article compares the views of Franciscus Junius and Cornelius Van Til regarding pre-and post-fall natural knowledge of God. It is argued that while differences are clear, Junius and Van Til both claimed that pre-fall natural theology... more
In this paper I introduce the transcendental argument for Christian theism in the context of Reformed theologian and philosopher Cornelius Van Til’s thought. I then present the critique proffered by Barry Stroud against ambitious... more
It is the purpose of this paper to look closely at one aspect of the Trinity, that is, perichoresis. First, we will give a brief overview of the doctrine as seen in Scripture. Second, we will look at the articulation of it in the context... more
By first arguing that the apologist's primary role is evangelistic, the thesis of this paper is that the presuppositional method offers the most evangelistically powerful approach to apologetics, and therefore the most biblical.
This article is offered as a preliminary 'pre-theoretical' groundwork for systematic Christian thinking. It seeks to describe the 'scholastic dilemma', that is the irresolvable question about whether God's relation to the world is... more
There are at least three main varieties of Dutch Reformed Philosophy in North America that are distinct directions within neo-Calvinism.
In this paper, the influence of modern thought on Evangelical Protestant theology is analysed. It is argued that a critical engagement with the theology of Cornelius Van Til represents an ideal starting point for this analysis. Van Til's... more
This is a book review of John FESKO's Reforming Apologetics: Retrieving the classic reformed approach to defending the faith
A distinctive of private religious schooling is the opportunity to integrate faith and learning in the school curriculum, or perhaps (according to one theological/philosophical construct) it is to recognize how faith is already an... more