Coptic Monasteries
Recent papers in Coptic Monasteries
Detecting organic additives in ancient mortars is significant to be carried out as far as mineralogical, chemical, and physical investigations. That characterisation allows understanding the technology of those mortars and is important to... more
Book subtitle: <I>Atti del simposio "Testi e temi nella tradizione del monachesimo cristiano" per il 50° anniversario dell'Istituto Monastico di Sant'Anselmo, Roma, 28 maggio – 1° giugno 2002</I>.
From the valley of Adige, the massif of Monte Baldo is first rising with steep walls, and only above them the characteristic eastern terrace of Monte Baldo stretches. In those walls, on the altitude of 773 m, already from the year 1000... more
In the eighties of the fourth century AD, a young bilingual Roman citizen (of Dubrugia on the coast of the Black Sea) traveled to the East in search of spiritual teachers. Disappointed with the monasticism that he found in Palestine... more
Monepiscopacy definition: a form of church government in which a single governing bishop or leader is appointed in a local church, region, or over an entire denomination. This development was a departure from the earliest church model for... more
Scrinium 10 (2014) 207- 215
Aspekte des Alltagslebens im Pauloskloster (Deir el-Bachît) von Theben-West | Ina Eichner Abb. 1 Qurnat Marʻῑ, koptische Inschrift in einem pharaonischen Grab. -(Foto I. Eichner). Abb. 2 Deir el-Bachît, Lage des Klosters auf dem Hügel von... more
"The Institutes" of Cassian is considered one of the early Latin monastic literary texts, which played a vital role in presenting the eastern, and more specifically the Egyptian monasticism to the Latin west. This study aimed to explore... more
In 1988 I interviewed Pope Shenouda about the role of women in the Coptic Orthodox Church today, and also about «deaconesses» and «consecrated women» (in Arabic «mukarrasât»). In this paper we shall concentrate on the question of... more
While the author cannot speak for churches of Christ, common among them are unique ways of understanding holy scripture, believed to have been written by apostles and prophets of the Lord before the destruction of Jerusalem (70 A.D.) and... more
Book subtitle: <I>Essays from the 2004 International Symposium of the Saint Mark Foundation and the Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society in Honor of Martin Krause</I>.
This innovative study uses one well-documented moment of violence as a starting point for a wide-ranging examination of the ideas and interactions of pagan philosophers, Christian ascetics, and bishops from the fourth to the early seventh... more
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Most Christians are aware of only one pilgrimage center, the Holy Land in Israel that includes Christian holy places where Jesus Christ lived, was crucified and raised from death, and ascended into heaven. Few are aware of the Christian... more
auf die Fundorte der Ostraka geworfen, die auch für die relative Chronologie des Klosters von Bedeutung sind.
"The multitude of those known only to God" may be saved in a way known only to God. The mercy and compassion of God and desire that all should be saved does not contradict the basic principle that there is no other name under heaven on... more
A Spanish translation of Emmel 2008b = Emmel 2021.
تأليف مدحت حلمي، ولوقا عبده، بمشاركة القمص يوسف الحومي
تقديم د. فوزي اسطفانوس، تدقيق وتحرير وجدي رزق غالي
مراجعة إبراهيم ساويرس
تقديم د. فوزي اسطفانوس، تدقيق وتحرير وجدي رزق غالي
مراجعة إبراهيم ساويرس
A reevaluation of the ostraca and graffiti from the First Monastery of Apa Phoibammon "in the Rock" - known in scholarship as the original home of bishop Abraham (who abandoned the site in favor of a new monastery at Deir el-Bahari) but... more This bibliography of academic literature on late antique and early medieval monasticism will be updated about twice a year. Please contact me ([email protected]) if... more
Archeologia dei monasteri copti, studio dell'iconografia cristiana nell'Alto Medio Evo.
First edition of a tenth-eleventh century parchment sheet found during excavations in the Monastery of Naqlun (Dayr al-Malâk, Fayoum). The sheet contains informal copies of two hymns in Fayoumi-Sahidic. The longest of these is an acrostic... more
El artículo analiza la Vida de Apolinaria / Doroteo (BHG 148) en el contexto de las vidas de santas travestidas de la Antigüedd tardía y los principales tópicos literarios que en ella aparecen. Además, se establece una estrecha conexión... more
The aim of this book is to present the material record of Nubian monasticism in a systematic manner and to conduct a comparative analysis of this phenomenon. This book also addresses several fundamental issues, for instance the presence... more
ABSTRACT: The Valley of the Kings contains many royal and private burials from the New Kingdom, with continuing discoveries of new tombs, caches, huts, walling systems, and other features. This necropolis is inextricably linked to a... more
© PalArch Foundation 4 ARCHAEOBOTANY (P) indicate 'poster'
In Egypt, the three patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob can be frequently found in liturgical texts from an early date onwards. However, images of this theme are scarce in Coptic art. The two examples preserved are evaluated in this... more
Syriac manuscripts feature several systems of numerals, and earlier studies have identified three based on the Syriac alphabet. Marginal notes found in the manuscript London, British Library, Add. 14587 preserve a fourth and previously... more
Egyptian monasticism began and spread as a movement of popular piety, but successive generations of theologians attempted to give it inner theological coherence and consistency. Although we may find some clues in the early monastic... more
Jennifer Cromwell Walter Ewing Crum, by Walter Stoneman (1932) [© National Portrait Gallery, London] "As a Coptic scholar Crum is sui generis." These words, by one of Crum's contemporaries and teachers, the great German Coptologist Georg... more
"In May 2008, the Coptic Orthodox Centre in Stevenage, UK organized a conference on Coptic Culture: Past, Present, and Future. The conference aimed to highlight the contributions and achievements of one of the most obscure periods of... more
This article is based on the analysis of two manuscripts in the Arabic language produced by the West Syrian scribe Yūsuf ibn Sbāt of Amida/Diyarbakır, in 1352 in Cairo and in 1358 in Famagusta, respectively. The former is one of the... more
a power point/key presentation of the early history of monasticism in Egypt. Available also in ppt/key form and in Italian.
Edition of a fragmentary Coptic tombstone that derives from recent excavations of the Institute of Fine Arts/New York University and Princeton in the North Necropolis of Abydos. It belongs to a group of four other stelae of the so-called... more
Pages 329–86 in The Nag Hammadi Codices and Late Antique Egypt. Edited by Hugo Lundhaug and Lance Jenott. Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum 110. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018.
along with everything that was in it" (xltpox2 nnvx tleta.c-rlott erMuly gRoVrlqZT ultltxt NIM er(roon lrgn1Q),'o from which we learn that Shenoute, probably in company, but perhaps alone (we need not take Shenoute's use of the... more
" To date the research on the church architecture in Nubia has consistently failed to differentiate, territorially and historically, between two different Nubian kingdoms " (Godlewski 2006b) and one could add the third, Alodian, kingdom... more