Copper metallurgy
Recent papers in Copper metallurgy
The topic of “innovation transfer” has gained major significance in the past decades. The present study explores conditions, mechanisms and patterns of the distribution of such processes, which are compiled by means of three examples,... more
Two hundred and fifty-five anthropomorphic stelae or stelae fragments from the Middle and Final Neolithic can be counted in south-eastern France, around the Gulf of Lion, from the southern and western borders of the Massif Central to... more
International Symposium of Archaeometry - Los Angeles - Mai 2014 This communication concerns the third millennium BC copper metallurgy from the Pyrénées to the Western Alps. It focuses specifically on the Late Neolithic and Bell Beaker... more
In order to understand the links between copper exploitation and the origins of the Kongo and Teke kingdoms, the areas around Mindouli and Mbé in the Republic of Congo have been surveyed. Several sites with remains of copper... more
Just like the majority of the micro-zones in the Carpathian Basin, the Lower Mureş Valley and the Crişul Alb Valley follow the pattern of onset and development of the first metal objects. The first artifacts made of copper have been... more
RESUMEN: La metalurgia de cobre en el calcolítico peninsular es uno de los aspectos más interesantes de esta época, porque a diferencia de otros lugares se desarrolló como una técnica al servicio de la utilidad y no como método directo... more
BCE events during 5500-5000. Spread of the food–producing economy from east-central to central Europe; Moravia, Bohemia, southern Poland, Germany, and Holland (the Linear Pottery culture). Beginning of copper metallurgy in Yugoslavia,... more
A treballs anteriors hem documentat processos metal·lúrgics prehistòrics, alguns de cronologia incerta i d'altres associats a la primera fase cultural registrada a Mallorca. Aquesta fase cultural es caracteritza per la presència de... more
Illustration 4ème de couverture : Gravures rupestres du val de Fontanalba, Alpes-Maritimes (cliché Michel Olive, DRAC SRA de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur).
In 2015, we published a book (Cano Sanchiz 2015) on the English exploitation of the Cerro Muriano Mine (Córdoba, Spain) during the first two decades of the 20th century, which completed seven years of industrial archaeological research on... more
The paper will present the main results of 2003-2006 excavation refering to copper production. The various indicators of metallurgical activities will be presented and the production process will be explained according to the... more
Thirty-nine Neolithic and Early Bronze Age copper objects (primarily axe blades and daggers) from Central, southern and eastern Switzerland or eastern France were analysed typochronologically, chemically and with regard to their lead... more
Old European Neolithic summary, including Dniester-Bug. The advance of agriculture was from the lower and middle Danube basin (present Yugoslavia, Hungary, and Romania), the Marica plain (present central Bulgaria) and the Dniester-Bug... more
In this work, the origin and development of the copper metallurgy within the Chalcolithic of Portuguese Estremadura is discussed. In the portuguese territory, the southern origin of copper metallurgy is supported by absolute chronology.... more
he site of Le Planet (Fayet) occupies the side of a small, heavily wooded valley in South Aveyron (France). It was identified in 2015 thanks to the discovery of a statue-menhir (Tauriac group). A probing carried out 25 m from the stele,... more
2. Topografie des Unter suchungsgebietes-14 3. Der urnenfelderzeitliche Bronzedepotfund vom Brandgraben im Kainischtal (Cnr. 15)-18 Fundortbeschreibung und Fundgeschichte-19 Fundobjekte aus Bronze-28 Gusstechnisches/Rohmaterial-44... more
Content EUROPE ON THE THRESHOLD OF THE FOURTH MILLENNIUM S. Kadrow (Kraków, Poland) The Dawn of the Eneolithic in Northern Outskirts of the Late Danubian World on the Turn of 5th and 4th Millennia BC17 S. N. Korenevskiy (Moscow,... more
Bell Beakers metallurgy in Central Western France
A variable proportion of finds from the Neolithic and Chalcolithic of 'Old Europe' has come from places outside settlements, cemeteries, production sites, ritual sites, or caves. Such finds tend to be described as 'chance/... more
Neolithic Expansion. The advance of agriculture was from the lower and middle Danube basin (present Yugoslavia, Hungary, and Romania), the Marica plain (present central Bulgaria) and the Dniester-Bug area located northwest of the Black... more
We present the results of the archaeological excavations at the fortified Chalcolithic settlement of Outeiro Redondo, Sesimbra in 2013 and 2014. These two campaigns continued the excavations performed there between 2005 and 2008. The... more
The research focuses on assessing the metal content, mainly copper, lead, iron and also silver in metallurgical slag samples from the area where historical metallurgical industry functioned. In the smelter located in Mogiła, near Krakow... more
In this paper we propose a sociological concept of innovation capable of transcending the limitations faced by the approaches of common theories of action. The concept was formulated by Ulrich Oevermann and is based upon Max Weber’s... more
"Se presentan nuevos análisis sobre la composición de metales de distintas cronologías pre-islámicas de yacimientos de Marruecos. La técnica empleada es la espectrometría por fluorescencia de rayos X (ED-XRF). Destaca el... more
A variable proportion of finds from the Neolithic and Chalcolithic of ‘Old Europe’ has come from places outside settlements, cemeteries, production sites, ritual sites, or caves. Such finds tend to be described as... more
The research focuses on assessing the metal content, mainly copper, lead, iron and also silver in metallurgical slag samples from the area where historical metallurgical industry functioned. In the smelter located in Mogiła, near Krakow... more