Copenhagen School/Securitization
Recent papers in Copenhagen School/Securitization
How do regional arrangements construct and respond to threat agendas, and to what extent can the existing literature on securitization theory help us understand this process? This article explores these questions by analyzing how the... more
Öz Bu çalışmada Belucilerin ulusçu istemlerini meşrulaştıran toplumsal faktörler değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirmenin yapılmak istenmesinin esas nedeni, Pakistan ve İran topraklarında bölünmüş halde yaşayan bu halkın yükselen ulusçu... more
Despite a growing interest in the role of emotions in world politics the relationship between emotion and securitization remains unclear. The article argues persistent, if sporadic, references to fear and emotion in securitization... more
The Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 was marked by the securitization of the political identity of Russian speakers living in Crimea. Discourse from Russian President Vladimir Putin as well as other important Russian political actors... more
In the reputed work Securitization: A New Framework for Analysis (Buzan, Wæver, & de Wilde, 1998), the Copenhagen School theoreticians indicated that the media sector might not offer the correct answers in surveying the nexus between... more
This dissertation seeks to map, compare, and interrogate the concept of desecuritization, as it has been developed in normative-political and empirical literatures, both within and beyond the Copenhagen School. Departing from the ordering... more
The new century has witnessed unprecedented efforts by both international institutions and mental health movements to promote and prioritise mental health at the same level as other priority health issues, especially HIV/AIDS. The release... more
As the world continues to fail to reduce and control global surface temperatures so the use of solar radiation management (SRM) technology is becoming increasingly likely. This article examines whether capable individual states and other... more
While media and scholarly attention on the ‘clandestinity’ of migrants is commonplace, and while ‘visibility’ and ‘invisibility’ feature prominently in the vocabulary of migration scholars, it seems researchers rarely interrogate borders... more
What happens to foreign politics when actors, things or processes are presented as threats? This book explains state’s international behavior based on a reflexive framework of insecurity politics. It argues that governments act on... more
The COVID-19 pandemic quickly led to the closure of universities and colleges around the world, in hopes that public health officials’ advice of social distancing could help to flatten the infection curve and reduce total fatalities from the... more
The article takes a micro-level look at the construction of security in the PRC by analyzing Deng Xiaoping’s first speech after the Tiananmen incident in 1989. The author proposes that the reproduction or post-hoc construction of security... more
The subject of this essay is to, with as many facts as possible, explain, how, throughout the actions of the countries after post- Cold War period, have created both mixture of the over secured and super watched upon everyone world of the... more
International migration has been progressively perceived as a security issue and so it has been included in the discipline of Security Studies. Focusing on state actors, International Relations and Security Studies scholars have dealt... more
The following comprises a literature review written for a project that was left uncompleted (due to limitations of time and scope). I urge future scholars to adopt the groundwork laid out in this proposal, in order to shed light on the... more
В статье исследуется российская несистемная оппозиция как политический феномен, категоризация которого произошла в 2000-х гг. Несистемная оппозиция рассматривается в контексте принципиального изменения характера деполитизации после... more
Final Bachelor Research Paper focused on the Spanish media discourse following the Paris and Brussels terror attacks. The paper analyzes discourse pieces -EL PAIS newspaper front pages - through the discourse analysis methodology proposed... more
The role of the military as the “protector” of state and society is a standard assertion of international relations. Within securitization theory, the association of an issue with the military is both an identification of threat and an... more
This paper argues that extremist groups use a mechanism of security to gain legitimacy for their actions. I would like to draw attention to the danger represented by such groups, a danger that goes directly to the heart of the state’s... more
This study explores depictions of Islam in Senate rhetoric across the 106 th (1999–2000) and 111 th (2009–2010) Congresses. These two periods are compared to consider overall patterns in congressional discourse on Islam and to explore how... more
Jelen tanulmány a biztonságiasítás koncepcióját alkalmazva kívánja bemutatni a kulturális örökség konfliktuszónákban való védelmének a nemzetközi béke és biztonság szempontjából is releváns kihívássá válását, amelyet egyrészt a... more
In International Relations debates’ we often deal with ‘security’, in both realist and idealist approaches. From Hobbes politics has been concerned about security issues of states and other organizations. Yet, little effort has been made... more
As the COVID-19 pandemic accelerates its propagation across the world, extraordinary measures are being taken by every single government: drastic confinement is ordered, massive liquidities are injected in national economies, the army is... more
Tässä artikkelissa ehdotetaan Ole Wæverin turvallistamisteorian2 ja Sujian Guon totalitaaristen poliittisten järjestelmien mallin3 yhdistämistä totalitaaristen poliittisten reaalijärjestelmien luonteen mahdollisen muutoksen arvioinnin... more
This paper is an early draft version of what subsequently became chapter 1 of my 2010 book Security and the Environment: Securitisation Theory and US Environmental Security Policy). If you wish to cite the paper, please refer to the... more
This edited collection highlights the different meanings that have been attached to the notion of energy security and how it is taken to refer to different objects. Official policy definitions of energy security are broadly similar across... more
Este livro resulta da constatação da existência de um número crescente de trabalhos desenvolvidos por autores de língua portuguesa com base na abordagem teórica da escola de Copenhaga. Pretende reunir contributos que investigam as... more
By using the inspirations based on the Copenhagen School theory of cybersecurity, the author argued that the definition and theory of cybersecurity are much more complex than just computer security. The author used three key referent... more
Security remains to be one of the controversial and most-debated concepts following the end of the Cold-war and the post 9/11 era. Many scholars have continuously provided detailed insights into every angle of security, but the most... more
This article examines the troubled relationship between Tibetan Buddhism and the Chinese state since 1949. In the history of this relationship, a cyclical pattern of Chinese attempts, both violently assimilative and subtly corrosive, to... more
Toby Matthiesen, "Sectarianization as Securitization: Identity Politics and Counter-Revolution in Bahrain", in: Nader Hashemi and Danny Postel (eds.), Sectarianization: Mapping the New Politics of the Middle East (London: Hurst & Co,... more
Security has generally posed a challenge to those who have attempted to reach an ideal, comprehensive and encompassing definition of the concept. Orthodox perspectives have mainly focused on the state as a “harbinger” of security that... more
El presente trabajo evalúa los postulados y la aplicación de la teoría de securitización (TS) de la Escuela de Copenhague (Wæver, Buzan y de Wilde) para indagar sobre aquellos cuestionamientos que posicionan a esta como una teoría... more
In this article, I show how the term lawfare is being deployed as a speech act in order to encode the field of human rights as a national security threat. The objective, I claim, is to hinder the work of human rights organizations that... more
In this research I assess the impact of the recently discovered gas reserves south off Cyprus on the escalation of the Cyprus conflict. I examine the ideational dynamics underpinning the conflict-inducing role of natural resources.... more
This article offers a process-mechanism explanation of securitization. To make the case for a process-mechanism account more concrete, I use interpretivist process tracing to explain the crisis episode of the Sun Sea, a Thai cargo ship... more
The end of the Cold War and the emergency of the Globalization have transformed International Relations and with it the nature of the security, which has supposed a change in security studies. This article looks for to expose the basic... more
األمن كوبنهاجن ملدرسة ا ً طبق خطابي "فعل Act of Speech " فهو اجتماعية لعملية نتيجة بل موضوعية حالة ليس تتمثل معينة أي األمن لقضايا االجتماعي البناء في ن) َ م ن ِ وم تأمينه يمكن... more
In this thesis, I sought to determine what language was used on the issue of immigration in the UK prior to the referendum on EU membership. This was accomplished via the use of a discourse analysis, which used the theoretical lense of... more