Cooperative Game Play

10 papers
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Cooperative game play refers to a type of game theory where players work together to achieve a common goal, sharing resources and strategies to maximize collective outcomes. It emphasizes collaboration, negotiation, and mutual benefit, contrasting with competitive game play where individual success is prioritized.
Background/Objectives: At present HPAV lacks an efficient mechanism for the optimization of resources. The objective of this paper is to propose the use of the Nucleolus as a strategy to provide a solution to the problem.... more
Playing video games is a pervasive activity among middle school students. Researchers are now investigating whether such play carries any educational benefits. One aspect of many video games is teamwork. The goal of the present research... more
This paper proposes fair schemes for the transmission loss allocation under a pool-based electricity market. The power generations or loads associated with the market are modeled as individual current injections based on a real-time... more
The present research tests the idea that playing a team-player video game in which players work together as teammates and assist each other in achieving a common goal ameliorates the negative effects of violent video game play on... more
Cost allocation of transmission usage on the power networks is an important issue especially in the modern electricity market mechanism. In this context, all costs that have been embedded in the transmission, embedded cost, should be... more
Cost allocation of transmission usage on the power networks is an important issue especially in the modern electricity market mechanism. In this context, all costs that have been embedded in the transmission, embedded cost, should be... more
The increasing popularity of online videogames has raised questions concerning their potential to influence online and offline social behaviour. Previous research on social behaviour in relation to playing videogames has often focused on... more
Zum Nobelpreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Die wachsende Bedeutung der Spieltheorie Hat Wirtschaft etwas mit Spielen zu tun? Agieren Politiker und Wirtschaftsführer vielleicht wie Pokerspieler oder... more
Playing video games is a pervasive activity among middle school students. Researchers are now investigating whether such play carries any educational benefits. One aspect of many video games is teamwork. The goal of the present research... more
In the present work authors proposed a novel method for transmission loss and cost allocation to users (generators and loads). In the developed methodology transmission losses are allocated to users based on their usage of the... more
Background: In recent years the video game industry has surpassed both the music and video industries in sales. Currently violent video games are among the most popular video games played by consumers, most specifically First-Person... more
This study examines the effect of interactivity on the attribution of responsibility for the character’s actions in a violent video game. Through an experiment, we tested the hypothesis that identification with the main character in Grand... more
Here we addressed whether even violent video games can improve intergroup attitudes if played cooperatively with an outgroup, in keeping with the Contact Hypothesis. In addition, we examined potential mechanisms of this effect. In... more
A cross-societal experiment with 49 Australian and 56 Japanese participants examined if the group heuristic account of ingroup-favoring behavior in a Prisoner's Dilemma game can be extended beyond the minimal group situation to a... more
This paper presents a new procedure for allocating transmission losses to generators and loads in the context of pools operated under a single marginal price derived from a merit-order approach. The procedure is based on the network -bus... more
Objective: Video games increasingly have become multiplayer, and thus online video game players have the unique opportunity to cooperate with players from all over the world, including those who belong to different social groups.... more
Notre recherche s’intéresse à la médiation de la thématique controversée du déclin des abeilles sauvages. Nous l’étudions ici à travers un jeu coopératif, au cours duquel s’engagent des échanges entre participants et médiateurs sur la... more
Notre étude s’intéresse aux relations que peut nouer l’école avec des acteurs de l’éducation au développement durable, en prenant comme exemple le projet Urbanbees qui réunit des acteurs de différentes institutions scientifiques et... more
Notre étude porte sur les contributions de partenaires rattachés à différentes institutions – de recherche, associatives, culturelles - dans des actions de médiation du projet Urbanbees. L’analyse de la production de l’exposition avait... more
Notre étude s’intéresse à la production d’une exposition itinérante réalisée dans le cadre du projet Urbanbees. Destinée à un large public, celle-ci porte sur la thématique controversée du déclin des abeilles. Nous étudions la... more
Cette recherche étudie la mise en exposition de la thématique du déclin des abeilles sauvages au sein du volet médiation du projet de recherche UrbanBees. Ce projet étudie l’hypothèse d’un accueil des abeilles sauvages dans l’espace... more
Numerous studies have shown that playing violent video games alone increases subsequent aggression. However, social game play is becoming more popular than solo game play, and research suggests cooperative game play is beneficial for... more
This paper presents an efficient algorithm to solve the radial distribution power flow problem in complex mode. The relationship between the complex branch powers and complex bus powers is derived as a non singular square matrix known as... more
Media psychology involves the scientific examination of the cognitive processes and behavior involved in the selection, use, interpretation, and effects of communication across a variety of media (e.g., via the Internet, television,... more
To facilitate both generation and retailing to have an open access to the transmission grid for trading electricity, a real time procedure is proposed. The line flows for an operation are assumed to be available from PMU and WAM validated... more
""Research suggests that video games are becoming a social activity. Previous research has neglected the complicated social context in which people now play video games. However, a growing body of literature suggests that playing... more
Research on video games has yielded consistent findings that violent video games increase aggression and decrease prosocial behavior. However, these studies typically examined single-player games. Of interest is the effect of cooperative... more