Recent papers in Cooperative
The ability to describe business processes as executable models has always been one of the fundamental premises of workflow management. Yet, the tacit nature of human knowledge is often an obstacle to eliciting accurate process models. On... more
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 1 mai 2019. Développement Durable et Territoires est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale 4.0 International. Les pressions... more
This chapter outlines progress in the delimitation of maritime boundaries and some of the problems relating to overlapping claims to maritime jurisdiction. It is contended that the incomplete nature of the maritime political map of the... more
The study sought to determine if teachers who are taught specific communication skills designed to challenge students' cognitive and metacognitive thinking during cooperative learning use more challenging and scaffolding behaviours to... more
Abstract—This paper provides a theoretical framework for analysis of consensus algorithms for multi-agent networked systems with an emphasis on the role of directed information flow, robustness to changes in network topology due to... more
Currently, The use of statistical models to predict business failures have been noticed. However, very few studies have been conducted to predict the loss of a co-operative business. The objective of this study to construct the Logistic... more
Introduction au livre Le nouvel esprit solidaire, préface Luc Boltanski, postface Jean-Louis Laville, Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 2009. Bruno Frère FNRS, ULg, SciencesPo Paris
The cooperative bank plays major role in development of urban & semi urban area of India. The cooperative banks has more than 100 year heritage in India.
This study examines the evidence for the effectiveness of active learning. It defines the common forms of active learning most relevant for engineering faculty and critically examines the core element of each method. It is found that... more
This is an essential reference for all investment clubs - both new and established - to ensure that they are run correctly and efficiently. A successful investment club needs to run smoothly with a great amount of reliability and... more
Apple is a temperate climate fruit tree. The introduction of apple tree to Ethiopia is traced back to 1950s. However, apple production has been low and concentrated in Chencha district forcing the country to importation to meet the... more
The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) has been parsimonious, empirically supported, widely cited, most prominent, most compelling and well established model for predicting intentional behavior. Despite its comprehensive and valid... more
The Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Book Series is for people working in the CSCL fi eld. The scope of the series extends to 'collaborative learning' in its broadest sense; the term is used for situations ranging from two... more
This research was carried out with the intention of examining the relationship between leadership behaviour and organizational commitment in co-operative societies. Various past literatures supported the relationship between leadership... more
While 'traditional' cooperatives operating for a long time in fields such as banking, agriculture, or retail, have received important attention in the cooperative literature, much work still needs to be done to understand why and how... more
Islam considers riba as a destructive element of society economically, socially and morally. The rise of Islamic cooperative is their solution for funding the small businesses development. Islamic cooperative is the institution to improve... more
The paper focuses on Idara-e-Kissan, a vertically integrated cooperative in the dairy sector, which procures fresh milk, processes it and uses the profits earned in urban milk product markets to provide development services to member... more
Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar um estudo de caso da experiência da Cooperativa Potiguar de Apicultura e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável (COOPAPI), localizada no município de Apodi, estado do Rio Grande do Norte. O... more
eARTh FARM is a cooperative.
eARTh FARM is a community.
eARTh FARM is a different way
of growing, living, learning & loving.
eARTh FARM is a community.
eARTh FARM is a different way
of growing, living, learning & loving.
The biggest cooperative in Korea, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF) changed its governance structure for the farmer members. This restructuring was officially publicized as the first innovation of the NACF since its... more
The study assesses the role played by cooperative societies’ loans services on members’ economic condition through household income generation in rural areas where there is no bank or other formal financial providers. Using a... more
Knowledge management plays an important role in the software architecting process. Recently, this role has become more apparent by a paradigm shift that views a software architecture as the set of architectural design decisions it... more
This paper aims to shed light on the validity of previous studies by reconstructing in detail the Lami's historical development from its beginning to the 1990s. The Lami is a cooperative group in Fiji whose main characteristic has... more
This study has been carried out within the framework of the Minor Field Study (MFS) Scholarship Programme and the Travel Scholarship funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The MFS Scholarship Programme... more
This book gives a brief history of education in Romania over the last decade. The text is divided into two parts. Part 1 provides a background report, whereas part 2 presents the results of an Orcianisation for Economic Co-operation and... more
On 12 October 2002, two bombs went off in the tourist resort of Kuta, Bali leaving more than 200 people dead. With many of the victims being holidaymakers enjoying Indonesia's premier tourist destination, this was an international tragedy... more
"Following models in Britain and France, Germany began to develop her own models of community-based business and cooperatives. The cooperative movement grew in strength, anchored in both liberal and socialist traditions. Connected to 1848... more
The study assesses the role played by cooperative societies’ loans services on members’ economic condition through household income generation in rural areas where there is no bank or other formal financial providers. Using a... more
Cooperative learning according to Johnson et al (1998) is the "instructional use of small groups so that students' work together to maximise their own and each other's learning." Within cooperative situations, students seek outcomes that... more
In this Article, I propose a novel law and economics explanation of a deeply puzzling aspect of business organization in market economies. Why are virtually all firms organized as capital-managed and-owned (capitalist) enterprises rather... more
A study was conducted in Adarsha Milk Producer Dairy Cooperative, Mahuli, of Saptari district to find out socio-economic impact of dairy cooperative during May 2008 to Dec.2008. Response from 224 milk producing farmers were randomly... more
De la misma manera en que las hormigas argentinas forman las cooperativas más grandes del mundo, entre los habitantes humanos del país, las cooperativas comunitarias en servicios como electricidad, gas, telecomunicaciones y otros, sirven a
Mentoring is an effective method of helping inexperienced individuals develop and progress in their profession. Extension staff have many opportunities to mentor volunteers and other community partners. The keys to establishing a... more