Recent papers in Conviviality
Published as a result of a contributions to a number of international seminars and workshop, this paper gives an overview of conviviality as a critique in response to current issues, a horizon for the future and conclusions for policy and... more
This chapter argues that incorporating children’s radical subjectivities and perspectives is necessary to re-imagine and enact justice and the good life in ways heretofore unseen. I first demonstrate how race/child/learning/human are... more
Tout à la fois historien et critique social, polyglotte et professeur itinérant, Ivan Illich (1926-2002) connut un grand succès dans les années 1970, à travers sa critique de la société industrielle et de l’idéologie du développement.... more
This Working Paper discusses entangled migrations as territorially and temporally entangled onto-epistemological phenomena. As a theoretical-analytical framework, it addresses the material, epistemological and ethical premises of... more
a ux XvIII e et XIX e siècles, période qui nous intéressera tout particulièrement, elle fait l'objet d'une description abondante et d'une réflexion souvent polémique. Deux grilles de lecture de cette forme de la sociabilité se superposent... more
The paper focuses on the study of Late Antique stibadia and dining room found in Egypt with particular attention to the site of Amheida, ancient Trimithis, in the western part of Dakhla oasis. The analysis of the various types of... more
Social institutions such as the water-powered grain mills of Ottoman Cyprus are elaborately interconnected with a wide range of human and non-human players, from millers and villagers to water, gradient, stone and climate. When... more
Convivencia is a specific historical term that has come to represent the idea of tolerant aand peaceful co-existence. Conflicts and Convivencia scrutinises the relations between cultural diversity and social conflicts and considers why... more
Purpose: How can people be involved within their geographic location in the new ideas and activities in emerging the circular fashion industry? This paper is written by a systems designer (author1) who worked alongside two textile design... more
Brexit shocked — or should have — anyone complacently thinking that the UK was a paragon of multi-racial, cosmopolitan, or globalised harmony. It announced a starkly quantified state-of-the-nation, which revealed unresolved divisions on... more
Since the early 1990s, the study of food and cities has become a much more central concern in a range of academic disciplines. Increasingly, there is research interest in the gastronomic possibilities of urban space (Zukin 1995, 1998)... more
This paper analyses the use of the concept of conviviality as a heuristic key for working on a diaconal congregation and church especially in a European context
Guest Editors, Jeremy Hunsinger and Gustavo Esteva, join co-editors Dana L. Stuchul and Madhu Suri Prakash to present this special issue titled, Conviviality for the Day After “Normal.” The end of an era of “normal”—given a confluence of... more
Virality has lent itself to popular culture over the course of the 21st century with the continuous rise of digital and visual culture (Rushkoff, 1996). This dissertation mainly aims to investigate the concept of virality in relation to... more
In widely publicized experimental research, a team of psychologists found that white children believed that Black children felt less pain than white children. 1 The study extended the findings of previous research wherein both Black and... more
As food is an intrinsic part of everyday life, I argue the food system is one fundamental starting point from which to design balanced social, ecological and economic systems and change human behaviours towards a much-needed holistic... more
Commensality, the act of eating together, is an important human ritual that benefits beyond the biological need for food and it is well established amongst food studies scholars. At the same time, novel forms of social eating are emerging... more
This article examines the theories of education and technology held by two of the most important philosophers of education during the last few decades, Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich. These two related thinkers each charted a unique... more
The notions of conviviality, everyday multiculturalism, ordinary cosmopolitanism focus on how people live together in contexts of cultural diversity. However, discussion has been to a large degree limited to the context of the... more
Schooling is a form of misopedy and a fundamental structure in conditioning societal acceptance of domination in other registers. The subordination of children begins with the misguided notion that they are incapable of autonomy,... more
In the 21st century, an accelerated pace of global movements of people, goods, capital, technology and ideas has led to ambivalence regarding cultural identity for individuals, as well as collectives like neighbourhoods and cities. While... more
El objetivo general de esta tesis ha sido analizar las relaciones entre la diversidad cultural y los conflictos sociales y considerar por qué se dice que algunos conflictos sociales son intrínsecamente culturales. He propuesto abordar... more
In many ways, the expansion of commercial for-profit, P2P social dining platforms has mirrored those within mobility and accommodation sectors. However its dynamics and impacts have received less consideration to date, with a notable... more
An ethnographically revised linguistic landscape study can be used as a sensitive methodological tool for detecting the complexities of urban space in superdiverse areas. The data used in this book are from an inner-city neighborhood in... more
"Humanity needs a global reset because the unjust, pre-pandemic world is not worth going back to. Return to normal would also mean a return to old social structures inspired by self-sufficiency, nationalism, protectionism, isolation,... more
In "A ‘Splendid Idiosyncrasy’: Prehistory at Cambridge 1915-50" Pamela Jane Smith charts the development of prehistoric archaeology from an amateur ‘haphazard’ pastime to a fully ledged academic discipline. Smith argues persuasively that... more
In The Rise of the Greek Aristocratic Banquet, Wecowski offers a comprehensive account of the origins of the symposion and its close relationship with the rise of the Greek city-state or polis. Broadly defined as a culture-oriented... more
Según Klaus Krippendorff, diseñar artefactos es "dar sentido a las cosas para otros”. Con eso en mente examino varias concepciones: Ubuntu (sudafricano), Mitakuye oyasin (lakhota norteamericano), Sumak Kawsay (andino), diseño social (José... more
This chapter examines the social and collective dimensions of urban gardening. Through a review of recent literature and cases around the world, it examines urban community gardens in terms of their multiple modalities, specifically as a... more
NOSTALGIC LOVE AND SADNESS SONGS AMONG THE AYOREO OF NORTHERN PARAGUAYAN CHACO (an ethnography of broken ties) In this thesis I analyse the nostalgic love songs and the sadness songs of the Ayoreo of northern Paraguayan Chaco,... more
A study about kyosei (conviviality) discourses in Japan today.
This paper concentrates on a new understanding of multicultural societies which emerge from routine interaction between the recent arrivals and established individuals. These new emerging patterns of interaction are a result of what... more
Recent research projects have looked for social innovations, i.e., people creating solutions outside the mainstream patterns of production and consumption. An analysis of these innovations indicates the emergence of a particular kind of... more
No solo necesitamos la producción de cierto tipo de verdades, sino que esas verdades nos necesitan a nosotros. Y se desvanecen en cuanto nos alejamos. No somos sus propietarios, sino sus responsables
Plantea Klaus Krippendorff que diseñar artefactos (productos, servicios, sistemas) es “dar sentido a las cosas para otros”, a partir de allí exploro concepciones plurales de sociedad: Ubuntu (sudafricano), Mitakuye oyasin (lakhota... more