Cooperative control of multirobot systems (MRSs) has earned significant research interest over the past two decades due to its potential applications in multidisciplinary engineering problems. In contrast to a single specialized robot,... more
This paper addresses the distributed formation-containment (DFC) problem for multiple Euler-Lagrange systems with model uncertainties via output feedback in both constant and time-varying formation cases. First, a novel definition of the... more
Cooperative control of multirobot systems (MRSs) has earned significant research interest over the past two decades due to its potential applications in multidisciplinary engineering problems. In contrast to a single specialized robot,... more
The convex hull of a ball with an exterior point is called a spike (or cap). A union of finitely many spikes of a ball is called a spiky ball. If a spiky ball is convex, then we call it a cap body. In this note we upper bound the... more
This note presents some new information on how the minimum distance of the generalized toric code corresponding to a fixed set of integer lattice points S ⊂ R 2 varies with the base field. The main results show that in some cases, over... more
A walk W between two non-adjacent vertices in a graph G is called tolled if the first vertex of W is among vertices from W adjacent only to the second vertex of W , and the last vertex of W is among vertices from W adjacent only to the... more
The inverse problem under consideration is to reconstruct the characteristic of scatterer from the scattering E field. Dynamic differential evolution (DDE) and selfadaptive dynamic differential evolution (SADDE) are stochastic-type... more
We develop efficient algorithms for problems in computational geometry-convex hull, smallest enclosing box, ECDF, two-set dominance, maximal points, all-nearest neighbor, and closest-pair-on the OTIS-Mesh optoelectronic computer. We also... more
We consider the P3-convexity on simple undirected graphs, in which a set of vertices S is convex if no vertex outside S has two or more neighbors in S. The convex hull H(S) of a set S is the smallest convex set containing S as a subset. A... more
Special issue PRIMA 2013 We consider the P₃-convexity on simple undirected graphs, in which a set of vertices S is convex if no vertex outside S has two or more neighbors in S. The convex hull H(S) of a set S is the smallest convex set... more
In the present paper we study minimal hull sets and the relationship between minimal and minimum hull sets in finite graph convexities. Our motivation are similar studies for other graph notions, as for example, independent sets,
The generalization of classical results about convex sets in R n to abstract convexity spaces, defined by sets of paths in graphs, leads to many challenging structural and algorithmic problems. Here we study the Radon number for the P 3... more
The evaluation of geometric defects is necessary in order to maintain the integrity of structures over time. These assessments are designed to detect damages of structures and ideally help inspectors to estimate the remaining life of... more
Structured optimization problems are ubiquitous in fields like data science and engineering. The goal in structured optimization is using a prescribed set of points, called atoms, to build up a solution that minimizes or maximizes a given... more
In this paper, we address the problem of covering points with orthogonally convex polygons. In particular, given a point set of size n on the plane, we aim at finding if there exists an orthogonally convex polygon such that each edge of... more
We show how the CSF program design approach can be used to synthesize the classical linear programming algorithm as well as Seidel’s external algorithm.
WC present lower bounds on the number of rounds required to solve a decision problem in the parallel algebraic decision tree model. More specifically, we show that any parallel algorithm in the fixed degree algebraic decision tree model... more
In this paper we focus on the problem of designing very fast parallel algorithms for the convex hull and the vector maxima problems in three dimensions that are output-size sensitive. Our algorithms achieve Oðlog log 2 n log hÞ parallel... more
In this paper we present a truly practical and provably optimal O(n logh) time outputsensitive algorithm for the planar convex hull problem. The basic algorithm is similar to the algorithm presented in Chan, Snoeyink and Yap 2] where the... more
In this paper we focus on the problem of designing very fast parallel algorithms for the planar convex hull problem that achieve the optimal O(n log H) work-bound for input size n and output size H. Our algorithms are designed for the... more
In order to express a polyhedron as the (Minkowski) sum of a polytope and a polyhedral cone, Motzkin (1936) made a transition from the polyhedron to a polyhedral cone. Based on his excellent idea, we represent a set by a characteristic... more
In order to express a polyhedron as the (Minkowski) sum of a polytope and a polyhedral cone, Motzkin (1936) made a transition from the polyhedron to a polyhedral cone. Based on his excellent idea, we represent a set by a characteristic... more
Let S be a set of n > 2 points in the plane whose convex hull has perimeter t. Given a number P ≥ t, we study the following problem: Of all curves of perimeter P that enclose S, which is the curve that encloses the maximum area? In... more
Given a planar straight-line graph G = (V, E) in R 2 , a circumscribing polygon of G is a simple polygon P whose vertex set is V , and every edge in E is either an edge or an internal diagonal of P . A circumscribing polygon is a... more
This paper generalizes the linear sector in the classical absolute stability theory to a sector bounded by concave/convex functions. This generalization allows more flexible or more specific description of the nonlinearity and will thus... more
In Indonesia, plastic garbage bottles are the most common sort of waste. Given that waste is expected to grow annually, managing plastic waste is a major challenge. The results of the study were achieved by comparing the reference, which... more
The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified coronavirus disease (COVID-19), as a global pandemic due to its quick global spread to more than 183 countries. Many countries have used movement control orders (MCO) and high alert... more
Benchmarking plays a relevant role in performance analysis, and statistical methods can be fruitfully exploited for its aims. While clustering, regression, and frontier analysis may serve some benchmarking purposes, we propose to consider... more
The Traveling Deliveryman Problem is a generalization of the Minimum Cost Hamiltonian Path Problem where the starting vertex of the path, i.e. a depot vertex, is fixed in advance and the cost associated with a Hamiltonian path equals the... more
In this note we characterize polynomial numerical hulls of matrices A 2 Mn such that A 2 is Hermitian. Also, we consider normal matrices A 2 Mn whose k th power are semidenite. For such matrices we show that V k (A) = (A).
We consider planar geometric models given by an explicit boundary of 0 en) algebraic curve segments of maximum degree d. We present an 0 en"dO(l) time algorithm to compute its convex hull and an 0 (nlog logn + K) . dO(l) time algorithms... more
A geometric spanning tree of a point set S is a tree whose vertex set is S and whose edge set is a set of non-crossing straight line segments with endpoints in S. Given a set of red points and a set of blue points in the plane, the... more
This paper studies the point location problem in Delaunay triangulations without preprocessing and additional storage. The proposed procedure finds the query point simply by "walking through" the triangulation, after selecting a "good... more
Ten points in the plane numbered {1 ′ , 2 ′ , … , 10 ′ } are arbitrarily combined in pairs denoted {1,. . ,5}. Pairs of the points denoted {1,. . ,5} serve as the vertices of the graph. The vertices are "friends", when all of the points... more
Main results of this paper were obtained together with Alexander Nagaev, with whom the first author had collaborated for more than 35 years, until Alexander's tragic death in 2005. Since then, we have gathered strength and finalised this... more
It is well known that for a standard Brownian motion (BM) {B(t), t ≥ 0} with values in R d , its convex hull V (t) = conv{ B(s), s ≤ t} with probability 1 for each t > 0 contains 0 as an interior point (see ). We also know that the... more
made the conjecture that, for n ≥ 3, any set of 2 n-2 + 1 points in the plane, in general position, contains n points in convex position. A computer-based proof of this conjecture for n = 6 appeared in of Szekeres and Peters. The aim of... more
Cahier n°2003-002 Soit G=(V,E) un graphe non-orienté et 2-arêtes connexe. Chaque arête et sommet de G est muni d'un poids. Le problème du sous-graphe 2-arêtes connexe de poids minimum dans G (2ECSP), est de trouver un sous-graphe 2-arêtes... more
We present a general method for constructing effective field theories for non-relativistic superfluids, generalizing the previous approaches of Greiter, Witten, and Wilczek, and Son and Wingate to the case of several superfluids in... more
We present a general method for constructing effective field theories for non-relativistic superfluids, generalizing the previous approaches of Greiter, Witten, and Wilczek, and Son and Wingate to the case of several superfluids in... more
A polytope plays a central role in different areas of mathematics. It is used quite heavily in applied fields of mathematics, such as medical imaging and robotics, geometric modeling. A polytope has many users in modern science such as... more
We consider regret minimization in repeated games with non-convex loss functions. Minimizing the standard notion of regret is computationally intractable. Thus, we define a natural notion of regret which permits efficient optimization and... more