Diese beiden lexikalischen Partikeln wurden bewusst ausgewählt, da gut und schön jeweils Äquivalente als positive Bewertungsadjektive mit einem propositionalen Gehalt und in Wörterbüchern notierten Bedeutungen haben. Dadurch sind die... more
les reForMulatioNs réParatriCes daNs l'iNterPrétatioN de CoNFéreNCe a b s t r a c t. Woroch Justyna, Les reformulations réparatrices dans l'interprétation de conférence [repair reformulations in conference interpreting]. studia romanica... more
les reForMulatioNs réParatriCes daNs l'iNterPrétatioN de CoNFéreNCe a b s t r a c t. Woroch Justyna, Les reformulations réparatrices dans l'interprétation de conférence [repair reformulations in conference interpreting]. studia romanica... more
This is an unofficial catalogue of the first 46 Boxes of c150 boxes of the Harvey Sacks Archive. It was produced over three visits to UCLA in 2017, 2018, 2019 and with the help of Terry Au-Yeung, Wu Xiaoping, and Rachel Chen. The visits... more
Budynek gimnazjum mińskiego mieścił salę teatralną w dobudowanym w roku 1801 skrzydle, zaprojektowanym przez architekta Fiodora Kramera. Posiadające dwa rzędy okien pomieszczenie ulokowane było na pierwszym piętrze. Sala była niewielkao... more
In this paper I analyse agency through conversational alignment within trilingual transnational families living between the Antioch region in southern Turkey, where the eldest members were born, and France or Germany, where they migrated... more
Aizuchi, feedback and insertion are the 3 important elements in a Japanese language conversation. Aizuchi and feedback can be categorized as short utterance. This paper discussed short utterance in a conversation between native speakers... more
“I can find no disagreement with 'the concept of the level playing field'. I work on a day-to-day basis to support this concept. Many people support this concept. Many people don't think about this concept. Many people work against this... more
The outcome and consequences of results from examination tests need to be communicated in a way that can be easily understood by the patient, encouraging them to follow the advice that has been given by the practitioner. For a number of... more
This paper studies a type of question-answer sequences which accomplish what can be considered as a delicate activity due to its projected sequential development. In contrast with other formats of question-answer sequences with different... more
The aim of the present study is to investigate the sociolinguistic functions and frequency of Teacher’s Code Switching (CS) in the content and language integrated (CLIL) Lesson. Furthermore, our purpose is to reveal students’ and... more
Objective: To evaluate the short-term outcomes of three total hysterectomy techniques. Material and method: We performed an observational retrospective study of 2527 patients aged 27 to 86 years who underwent hysterectomy for benign... more
Drawing on drafts and other material from the Harvey Sacks archive this paper examines the development of one of the defining papers of Conversation Analysis, A Simplest Systematics for the Organization of Turn-Taking for Conversation... more
Cet article présente le dossier thématique de la revue. Marcos, I., & Morier, C. (2023). Présentation. Centenaire de René Thom (1923-2023) : hommage sémiotique et morphodynamique. Estudos Semióticos, 19(1), i-xxviii.... more
Körperliche wie seelische Gesundheit ist ein hohes individuelles und gesellschaftliches Gut und Grundrecht. Häufig wird die Gesundheit durch ihr Gegenteil, d. h. in der Verständigung über Krankheit, thematisiert. Der gesellschaftliche... more
Wir danken Heike Ortner herzlich für die hilfreichen Kommentare und sorgfältige Durchsicht zu einer früheren Version dieses Beitrages.
To promote social consciousness and a sense of responsibility, educational proposals organised around the principles of technology-enhanced project-based language learning (Dooly & Sadler,2016) should engage students in a process of... more
Family members are significantly affected by the consequences of hearing impairment and can potentially play an important role in a client's hearing rehabilitation. This paper uses two types of interaction analysis (Roter Interaction... more
TEZ8589Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2011.Kaynakça (s. 91-94) var.xi, 95 s. : res., tablo ; 29 cm.This study aimed to investigate how learners and teachers construct identities in the language classroom, what identities... more
La proliferación, en los últimos años, de los modelos de lenguaje impulsados por las investigaciones en inteligencia artificial ha hecho que lingüistas de todas las disciplinas se interesen por estudiar las estrategias de estos modelos... more
Es scheint, als fehle in der Diskussion über die Homöopathie der Bezug zu den Grundlagen. Es wird stillschweigend vorausgesetzt, dass die Form der Medizin, die auf dem cartesianischen Wissenschaftsmodell beruht, die einzige sei. Sie ist... more
Today's society has different expectations from communication between doctor and patient than it had in the past centuries. People want to be informed about their illness and participate in the decision making process about possible... more
Clinicians engage in interactions with migrant patients that often experience low health literacy levels and linguistic barriers. Institutions are tasked to provide adequate interpreting services and ensure effective communication... more
Korekta i opracowanie indeksu: Szczepan Całek Publikacja finansowana przez Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego ze środków MNiSW przyznanych na finansowanie badań naukowych. Kwerenda zagraniczna w Grenoble sfinansowana w... more
This study examined the sociolinguistic analysis of some Akan proverbs. With this, the analysis predicated on the social contexts that bring about the use of the proverbs and their sociolinguistic implications. The data sourced from the... more
Ihre Forschungen ist nunmehr ganz festgestellt, daß Millionentheile die größten Wirkungen äußern. Empfangen Sie hier den Millionsten Theil einer lyoner Salami, den mir Herr Ernst für Sie übergab. Er wird bei Ihnen, falls die Homöopathie... more
Ihre Forschungen ist nunmehr ganz festgestellt, daß Millionentheile die größten Wirkungen äußern. Empfangen Sie hier den Millionsten Theil einer lyoner Salami, den mir Herr Ernst für Sie übergab. Er wird bei Ihnen, falls die Homöopathie... more
This work is an attempt to analyze how men and women communicate gender identity by using stereotypical traits in a chat line environment, through quantitative and qualitative data. In Study 1 (Coding & Counting Approach, Herring, 2004),... more
Ovo istraživanje bilo je usmereno na ispitivanje promena u procesu donošenja odluka koje pod uticajem vršnjačke interakcije donose desetogodišnjaci. Pokušali smo da utvrdimo da li deca u grupi donose odčuke drugačije nego kada iste odluke... more
Когнитивное интервью помогает вернуть исходный смысл пилотажу в социологическом исследовании. Когнитивные процессы в интервью стартуют с интерпретации вопроса и составляющих его терминов, включают этап формирования мнения и выработки... more
Unser Kapitel nimmt das Sprechen über Angst bzw. Angstbehaftetes in Arzt-Patient-Gesprächen mit Kindern und Jugendlichen in den Blick. Unser Interesse gilt dabei den interaktiven Verfahren, mittels derer Angst thematisiert und gemeinsam... more
This study focuses on the values and culture in the e-folklore. The objectives of the study were to identify and discuss the values in the song lyric ‘The Stork and the Mouse Deer’. The song was taken from phone application in the... more
We study the usefulness of hateful metaphors as features for the identification of the type and target of hate speech in Dutch Facebook comments. For this purpose, all hateful metaphors in the Dutch LiLaH corpus were annotated and... more
Dans Multitudes Multitudes 2015/3 (n° 60) 2015/3 (n° 60), pages 87 à 93 Éditions Association Multitudes Association Multitudes
Natural language inference (NLI) in the legal domain is the task of predicting entailment between the premise, i.e. law, and the hypothesis, which is a statement regarding a legal issue. Current state-of-the-art approaches to NLI with... more
Bedeutung von professioneller Kommunikation in der Medizin "Medizinische Kommunikation" durchdringt alle Bereiche des medizinischen Handelns in vielfältigen Formen. Mündliche Kommunikation verbindet die Mitglieder unterschiedlicher... more
The main goal of this contribution is to present a methodological framework to study Networked Flow, a bio-psycho-social theory of collective creativity applying it on creative processes occurring via a computer network. First, we draw on... more
Question answering requires close attention to the common ground to determine what the questioner wants to know. Because attentiveness to others is more likely to be a self-defining goal when the self is thought of as interdependent with... more
The author uses spoken discourse taken from a live television political news debate to reveal the techniques and strategies used by three interlocutors as they attempt to achieve their goals and agendas. Frameworks from the fields of... more
conversational analysis
SUMMARY� This� work� is� part� of� a� research� that� aims� to� analyze� vocatives� that� function� as� insults� in� Plautine� comedies� and� to� determine� the� contexts,� motivations,� effects� and� purposes� that� these� elements�... more
Este trabajo es parte de una investigación que tiene como objetivo el análisis de los vocativos que funcionan como insultos en las comedias de Plauto y que busca determinar los contextos, las motivaciones, los efectos y las funciones que... more
Dans le cadre du projet LUDESPACE, nous proposons une methodologie pour une analyse des interactions (sociales, spatiales, corporelles et langagieres) entre les joueurs, et entre les joueurs et la console, dans le temps et l'espace... more
Self-service analytics empowers end users to prepare the information they need in a timely manner. It is not a new concept of business analytics and has long been supported by self-service tools. End users access these tools to create... more