The effect of thermal asymmetry on laminar forced convection heat transfer in a plane porous channel with Darcy dissipation has been investigated numerically. The parallel plates making the channel boundaries were kept at constant, but... more
The effect of thermal asymmetry on laminar forced convection heat transfer in a plane porous channel with Darcy dissipation has been investigated numerically. The parallel plates making the channel boundaries were kept at constant, but... more
The influence of large-scale flow on heat transport in turbulent thermal convection is experimentally investigated. Large-scale flow couples the upper and lower thermal boundary layers. This coupling produces a slow coherent oscillation... more
An iterative method for measuring two-dimensional refractive index fields induced by convective heat transfer phenomena is presented. Starting from the so-called correction parabola, this reconstruction technique takes into account the... more
In recent years highly glazed spaces and atrium buildings are seen as a sign of advanced technology. An atrium is the social center of a building where people gather for social activities and also is a significant element of passive... more
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to... more
The present study explores the heat transfer enhancement induced by arrays of cubic fins. The fin element is either a cube or a diamond in shape. The array configurations studied include both inline and staggered arrays of seven rows and... more
The purpose of this study is to evaluate an impact of convective mode of heat transfer on the thermal behaviour of a disc brake system during repetitive braking process with the constant velocity using fully three-dimensional finite... more
The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. All product... more
Understanding mixed convection in engineering applications such as heat exchangers, electronics cooling devices, and solar energy collectors have urged researchers to investigate this phenomenon deeper. This study investigates the fluid... more
A mathematical model is developed to investigate seabed heat transfer processes under long-crested ocean waves. The unsteady convection-diffusion equation for water temperature includes terms depending on the velocity field in the laminar... more
Je remercie tout d'abord vivement les membres de mon jury, qui ont apporté leur culture scientifique et leur oeil critique à la lecture de mon travail. La direction de ma thèse de doctorat a été assurée par le Professeur Souad Harmand, à... more
The American Physical Society PIV measurements of a jet impinging on an opened rotor-stator system at low gap spacing THIEN NGUYEN, JULIEN PELL É, SOUAD HAR-MAND, Univ Lille Nord de France, F-59000 Lille, France -The current work... more
Fully developed mixed convection of a nanofluid (water/Al 2 O 3 ) has been studied numerically. Two-phase mixture model has been used to investigate the effects of nanoparticles mean diameter on the flow parameters. The calculated results... more
A design of a low charge refrigerating system based on microchannels technology for the condenser, a compact evaporator and a reduced diameter liquid line is presented. The design of the liquid line of a refrigerating system is specially... more
Contents 1. Introduction 251 2. Metal printing methods and post-processing 253 2.1 Printing methods 253 2.2 Powdered metals and properties 255 2.3 Design considerations and process parameters 256 2.4 Part accuracy and surface morphology... more
High freestream turbulence levels have been shown to greatly augment the heat transfer along a gas turbine airfoil, particularly for the first stage nozzle guide vane. For this study, augmentations in convective heat transfer have been... more
A theoretical model based on the integral formalism approach for laminar external natural convection in the vicinity of a vertical wall is used to be extended to nanofluids. Two kinds of thermal boundary conditions including uniform wall... more
Measurement of the turbulent heat fluxes in mixed convection using combined stereoscopic PIV and PIT
The results of simultaneous measurements of velocity and temperature fields in a turbulent mixed convection airflow are analyzed and discussed. To access local temperature and velocity fields in airflows, we present a combination of... more
Temperature and humidity measurements are conducted in mixed convective humid-air duct flow with condensation. The latent and total heat transfer during the experiment are determined through the thermal balance for inlet temperatures from... more
The effects of skin temperature (T S) on the rate of heat loss by cutaneous evaporation (E S) in Holstein cows chronically exposed to sun, considering hair coat colour were studied. Sixteen purebred cows were measured for E S and T S at... more
Diffusion bonding cycle times can be a large factor in the production cost of metal microchannel devices. The challenge is to significantly minimize bonding cycle times through rapid heating and cooling within the bonding process. A novel... more
We obtain the linear instability and nonlinear stability thresholds for a problem of thermal convection in a rotating bidispersive porous medium with a single temperature. We show that the linear instability threshold is the same as the... more
In this study, we deal with the problem of a steady two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of a dusty fluid over a stretching hollow cylinder. Unlike the commonly employed thermal conditions of constant temperature or constant... more
Impinging synthetic jets have been identified as a promising technique for cooling miniature surfaces like electronic packages. This study investigates the relation between the convective heat transfer characteristics and the impinging... more
Ensuring well integrity for the life of a well is a crucial challenge faced in the industry. Heat transfer between formation and fluids in the tubing or annulus fluids can result in undesired annular pressure buildup (APB), leading to... more
The present paper focuses on the heat transfer of an equilateral triangular duct by employing the CuO/water nanofluid in a laminar flow and under constant heat flux condition. The triangular ducts were used due to their ease of creation... more
Nanofluids refer to a new kind of heat transfer fluids with suspended nanoparticles and can be employed to increase heat transfer rate in various applications. In this investigation laminar convective heat transfer of three series of... more
In this paper the convective heat transfer of Al 2 O 3 /water, CuO/water and Cu/water nanofluids through a square cross-section duct in laminar flow with constant temperature boundary conditions is numerically investigated. Because of the... more
In present study, the effect of magnetic field on heat transfer enhancement and friction factor of Fe 3 O 4 / water nanofluid is experimentally investigated. For this purpose, well-dispersed nanofluids with concentrations of 0.1 and 0.2 %... more
In present study, the effect of magnetic field on heat transfer enhancement and friction factor of Fe 3 O 4 / water nanofluid is experimentally investigated. For this purpose, well-dispersed nanofluids with concentrations of 0.1 and 0.2 %... more
According to the response surface methodology (RSM), a statistical analysis of laminar forced convective heat transfer behavior of the multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)-deionized water nanofluid was carried out using a horizontal... more
Nanofluids refer to a new kind of heat transfer fluids with suspended nanoparticles and can be employed to increase heat transfer rate in various applications. In this investigation laminar convective heat transfer of three series of... more
In this paper, the finite volume method is used to investigate the laminar forced convection of water-copper nanofluid between two porous horizontal concentric cylinders. The effects of Reynolds number, the volume fraction of... more
The present paper is an experimental study of Al 2 O 3 /water nanofluid convective heat transfer through square cross-sectional duct under constant heat flux in laminar flow. The increase of heat transfer coefficient is one of the most... more
The present paper focuses on the heat transfer of an equilateral triangular duct by employing the CuO/water nanofluid in a laminar flow and under constant heat flux condition. The triangular ducts were used due to their ease of creation... more
In this study, experiments were performed by six different volume fractions of Al 2 O 3 nanoparticles in distilled water. Then, actual nanofluid Nusslet number compared by Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) predicted number in... more
In this article, laminar flow-forced convective heat transfer of Al 2 O 3 /water nanofluid in a triangular duct under constant wall temperature condition is investigated numerically. In this investigation, the effects of parameters, such... more
Sometimes the need for non-circular ducts arises in many heat transfer applications because of lower pressure drop of non-circular cross section such as square duct compared to circular tube, particularly in compact heat. But square cross... more
Nanofluids include suspension of metallic or nonmetallic nanopowders in base liquid and can be employed to increase heat transfer rate in various applications. In the present paper laminar flow forced convective heat transfer of CuO/water... more
The dendritic form is one of the most common forms of crystals growing from supercooled melts and supersaturated solutions. In recent decades, an analytical theory has been developed that describes a stable dendrite growth mode under the... more
In this paper, we develop a theory of stable dendritic growth in undercooled melts in the presence of conductive and convective heat and mass transfer boundary conditions at the solid/liquid interface of a dendrite. To simplify the matter... more
This review examines selected mechanistic and empirical models reported in the literature to predict convective heat and mass transfer coefficients in gas-fluidized beds. The role of hydrodynamics in heat and mass transfer is briefly... more
This review examines selected mechanistic and empirical models reported in the literature to predict convective heat and mass transfer coefficients in gas-fluidized beds. The role of hydrodynamics in heat and mass transfer is briefly... more
Convective heat transfer enhancement can be achieved by generating secondary flow structures that are added to the main flow to intensify the fluid exchange between hot and cold regions. One method involves the use of vortex generators to... more
Infrared thermography investigation of local heat transfer in a plate fin and two-tube rows assembly
An experimental study is performed using an infrared thermography system. The experimental method uses the temperature transient variation of a thin plate (tested fin) in order to obtain detailed quantitative heat transfer coefficients.... more
In the current context more and more efficient heat transfer system are required. The solution based on turbulent flow through tube with twisted tape inserts systems has proven successful in terms of high heat transfer rate. All past... more