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As soon as the first videogame was invented, its creators had to imagine a way to interact with their virtually composed world, a way to make it playable for all and not just for avid programmers. Even though, the game could be... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesGame TheoryAnthropology
This thesis consists of an ethnomusicological approach to the development of Controllers as musical instruments, and conceptualizes Controllerism as a musical practice. I make a case for a revision in organology that includes Controllers,... more
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      Music TechnologyGlobalizationEthnomusicologyAuthenticity
Ethanol also called ethyl alcohol, pure alcohol, is a volatile, flammable, colourless liquid with the structural formular CH3CH2OH. It is often refered to as alcohol or spirits. Synthetic ethanol which is produced by hydration of ethylene... more
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      Process Control and DynamicsPLC AutomationControllers
— In the present days many immoral activities are taking place in ration shop, which are meant to distribute the commodities to the people who are in below the poverty line, as the distribution process is manually operated and due to... more
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      Computer ScienceSensorActuatorsMicrocontroller
Resumen: En el presente artículo se muestra lo que es un compensador, su importancia en los sistemas de control y como afectan el comportamiento de la respuesta de la planta, así también se abordan los tipos de compensadores más... more
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      ControllersRoot LocusPoles
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
Parallel development of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) mechanical hardware and electronic control system can be effectively carried out if the control system can be independently developed from the mechanical hardware. Real time... more
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      Computer VisionComputational ModelingControl SystemsFuzzy Control
This paper presents a novel maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm for load protection based on output sensing control. All MPPTs are based on input sensing and there is a drawback in applications which load protection is... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringAlgorithmsPower ElectronicsStegnography and Encryption and Eye Tracking and Algorithms
This paper describes comparative study of various controllers on Rotary Inverted Pendulum (RIP). PID, LQR, FUZZY LOGIC and H∞ controllers are tried on RIP in MatLab Simulink. The same four controllers have been tested on test bed of RIP... more
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      Fuzzy LogicUsing PSS and FACTS controllers for increasing of power system stability: A REVIEWSpeed Control of Dc Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Controller CodePid Controller Using Fuzzy Logic
Given the inefficiency of the control systems present in many hotels in Cuba and the need to automate and intelligently manage the electrical energy of the Imperial Hotel in Santiago de Cuba, the design and implementation of an imotic... more
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      Control SystemsSensorsAutomaticControllers
In this paper three electronic controllers are designed and implemented. A model for a two axes gimbal is revised. Their performance, in front of the external perturbation, is presented for a PD controller, a fuzzy logic controller and a... more
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    • Controllers
An effective scheme of induction motor control without using stator sensor is proposed in this paper. The effective scheme consist of speed calculation algorithm and voltage/frequency control. The speed calculation algorithm is achieved... more
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      Power ElectronicsFPGAControl SystemsMicrocontrollers
This handbook is designed to familiarise legal practitioners who are not specialised in the field of data protection with this area of law. It provides an overview of the EU’s and the CoE’s applicable legal frameworks.
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      Human RightsAccountabilityCross-border cooperationSecurity
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      ArchitectureComputer EngineeringVernacularSSD
This thesis consists of an ethnomusicological approach to the development of Controllers as musical instruments, and conceptualizes Controllerism as a musical practice. I make a case for a revision in organology that includes Controllers,... more
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      SociologyMusic TechnologyGlobalizationEthnomusicology
Recently, with the impact of AJAX a new way of web development techniques have been emerged. Hence, with the help of this model, single-page web application was introduced which can be updated/replaced independently. Today we have a new... more
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      Human Computer InteractionAjaxHTMLControllers
Purpose. We examine the extent to which a controller’s involvement in project functions (viz. definition and scope, organization, constraints management, and risk management) cascades down to project performance.... more
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      Project ManagementManagement AccountingControllers
The interactions between primary life molecules, people and social organisations build complex architectures that often result in desired behaviours. The theoretical calculations, assisted by computer simulations and an evaluation of... more
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    • Controllers
Today's world emphasizes a lot on speed, performance and ease of use. Taking these demands into consideration it has become mandatory to change all existing systems and transform them into ones that Controllers, Forwarding
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworksComputer NetworkControllers
The minimum rule base Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) with application to spherical motor is presented in this research. The popularity of PID Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller can be attributed to... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringRobotics
The aim of this study is to perform an analysis of the different ANN methods employed to detect the saturation level in the magnetic core of a welding transformer. The magnetization level detector is a substantial component of a... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHysteresisWeldingTransformers
All the sensors such as temperature, humidity, and pressure used in industry provide analog outputs as inputs for their control units. Wireless transmission of the data has advantages on wired transmission such as USB port, parallel port... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceWireless Communications
Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) show variability in their output power as a result of changing their main engines (wind speed). This introduces a new grid uncertainty factor and poses many challenges to electricity system designers... more
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      Power QualityReactive PowerControllersPower Filters
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      Computer SciencePlayer ExperienceGamesControllers
Now a day's renewable energy sources became an interesting area of research of which fuel cells are emerged as an alternative source for producing electricity to meet the energy crisis. This led to a research on power conditioning systems... more
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      Fuel Cellsrenewable Energy sourcesControllersRenewable Sources of Energy