Controller Design
Recent papers in Controller Design
... Swarm intelligence is a member of artificial intelligence that study intelligence behaviour of groups rather than of individuals, such as social behaviour of insect like ants, bees, wasp, termites and fish. ... Figure 8: Pole-zero... more
The increased use of changeable characteristics in modern manufacturing and robotic systems and applications call for improved system control design that offers some degree of reconfigurability. The need for control reconfiguration of... more
Electronic throttle is a DC motor driven valve that regulates air inflow into the engine's combustion system. The goal of the throttle control system is twofold: to achieve fast and accurate valve plate angle reference tracking, and to... more
In this paper a new intelligent identification method of uncertainty bound utilizes an adaptive neurofuzzy inference system (ANFIS) in a feedback scheme is proposed. The proposed ANFIS feedback structure performs better in determining the... more
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. Fig 1. Steam unit governor in normal operation
Recently, a framework for controller design of sampled-data nonlinear systems via their approximate discrete-time models has been proposed in the literature. In this paper, we develop novel tools that can be used within this framework and... more
Underwater glider is an autonomous underwater vehicle that glides by controlling their buoyancy and attitude using internal actuators. By changing the vehicle's buoyancy intermittently, vertical motion can be achieved. Characteristics of... more
Convex conditions, expressed as linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), for stability analysis and robust design of uncertain discrete-time systems with time-varying delay are presented in this paper. Delaydependent and delay-independent... more
The authors examine some issues in the transfer function modeling of a single flexible link. Using the assumed-modes approach, it is possible to find the transfer function between the torque input and the net tip deflection. It is shown... more
In this paper we propose a general purpose hardware/software environment for hard real time simulation of dynamical systems in the context of control engineering. With this system, realistic analysis and tests can be carried out for... more
Autonomous in-flight aerial refueling is an important capability for the future deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles, because they will likely be ferried in flight to overseas theaters of operation instead of being shipped unassembled... more
A new approach for robust fixed-order H∞ controller design by convex optimization is proposed. Linear timeinvariant single-input single-output systems represented by a finite set of complex values in the frequency domain are considered.... more
This paper presents the design of a sliding mode fuzzy logic-based controller for an active vehicle suspension system. The controller design is based on a Macpherson strut model and combines sliding mode techniques with fuzzy logic... more
The design of logic controllers for event-driven systems continue to rely largely on intuitive methods rather than on formal techniques. This approach results in a control code that requires extensive verification, is hard to maintain and... more
Autonomous mobile robots have been used to carry out different tasks without continuous human guidance. To achieve the tasks, they must be able to navigate and avoid different kinds of obstacles that faced them. Navigation means that the... more
In this study a fuzzy logic controller for mobile robot navigation has been designed. The designed controller deals with the uncertainty and ambiguity of the information the system receives. The technique has been used on an experimental... more
Carbohydrate-restricted diets (CRDs) promote weight loss, reductions in plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) levels, and increases in highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels but may cause undesirable low-density lipoprotein cholesterol... more
In contrast to major depression, only few studies are available so far on the effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in anxiety disorders. In order to summarise available data concerning the putative anxiolytic... more
In this paper, a structure-specified mixed H2/H∞ controller design using particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed for control balancing of Bicyrobo, which is an unstable system associated with many sources of uncertainties due to... more
Functional verification mainly based on coverage driven constraint. The universal memory controller is aiming to advance the performance of the prevailing memory controllers through a complete integration of the all memory in addition of... more
In Part I of this paper, we presented the fundamentals of the theory of IDA-PBC. In this part, we discuss the main new results and the practical applications of this control design approach as well as the current open problems and future... more
Using a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled design we examined the effects of caffeine on working memory (WM) as a function of extraverted personality. Participants (N = 59) received 200 mg of caffeine and placebo in... more
Underwater glider is an autonomous underwater vehicle that glides by controlling their buoyancy and attitude using internal actuators. By changing the vehicle's buoyancy intermittently, vertical motion can be achieved. Characteristics of... more
This note improves the results of Zheng, Wang, and Lee (Automatica 38 (2002) 517) on the design of multivariable PID controllers via LMI approach. The idea of the improvement is to transform the problem of PID controller design to that of... more
This paper addresses robust observer based H∞ control problem for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with timevarying norm bounded uncertainties. Sufficient relaxed conditions for synthesis of a fuzzy observer and a fuzzy controller for T-S... more
Modelling and boundary control for the Burgers equation is studied in this paper. Modelling has been done via processing of numerical observations through proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) with Galerkin projection. This results in a... more
Workable Profibus Project with using Siemens Remote I/O (SIMATIC ET200) (Persian Paper).
In this paper a method is presented for deriving the explicit robust model-based optimal control law for constrained linear dynamic systems. The controller is derived o -line via parametric programming before any actual process... more
This paper presents a model based controller design approach for plants that operate in several distinct operating regimes and make transitions between them. Often it is difficult to identify a single global model that describes plant... more
In this study, a Best First Search (BFS) Based Intelligent PID Tuning Method is proposed for a mobile robot path tracking problem. BFS is an informed search strategy in Artificial Intelligence (AI). It has been used in many areas of... more
This paper proposes the design and experimentation of digital control of soft-switched interleaved boost converter using FPGA for Telecommunication System. The switching devices in the proposed converter are turned on and off with Zero... more
The piezoelectric actuator (PEA) is a well-known device for managing extremely small displacements in the range from 10 pm (1 pm = 10 12 m) to 100 m. When developing a control system for a piezo-actuated positioning mechanism, the... more
In this paper, a new small signal model is theoretically established and validated by both simulation and experiments for a three-phase three-level boost-type AC/DC Vienna converter. The adopted identification methodology consists of... more
Two linear Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-based controllers for the control of a nonlinear system are presented. The optimization and pole placement control design strategies are used. For both strategies, linear ANNs are used to model a... more
This paper presents the design and development of a system controller for our USM Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (USM-AUV). The state space design approach was used because this design approach is most suitable for nonlinear system and... more
The proposed system for vehicle tracking and anti-theft detection locking system using Gsm & Gps deals with the design & development of a theft control system for safety and security in automobiles, which is being used to prevent the... more
Presently there is vast interest in UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) development given its civilian and military applications. One of the main UAV components is the autopilot system. Its development invariably demands several lab simulations... more
We investigated the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and a combined intervention of workplace-and individual-focused techniques among self-employed people on sick leave owing to work-related psychological complaints... more
Many children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) participate in social skills or Theory of Mind (ToM) treatments. However, few studies have shown evidence for their effectiveness. The current study used a randomized controlled design to... more
We develop a finite-element analysis (FEA) model to describe transient and static operation of gas-exchange valves. Such valves, directly controlled by solenoids, are a promising method for enhancing automotive engine efficiency. The FEA... more
In today's fast paced world of increasing and innovative new technology, fuzzy logic is a practical mathematical addition to classic Boolean logic. We can see its applications in many fields of science and engineering. This paper gives a... more