Control system
Recent papers in Control system
In this work an optimized version of the field-mill sensor structure for atmospheric electric field measurements was presented. Both the mechanical structure and the electronic front-end, acquisition and control system are optimized in... more
To achieve desired accuracy, precision and surface roughness during laser-material removal process, monitoring and control of the process parameters related to laser, optics, workpiece material and its motion are required. Focus position,... more
Electric lighting is one of the major energy consuming items in many non-domestic buildings. Using appropriate energy-efficient light fittings with dimming controls and proper daylighting schemes can help reduce the electrical demand and... more
Inspection of loaded printed circuit boards (PCBs) using 3D laser striping range data is described. The work presented here is intended to assess the feasibility of using 3D depth data for robust identification of PCB defects. A... more
For many years the Fermilab physics program has been dominated by the superconducting Tevatron accelerator producing beams for many fixed target and the proton-antiproton colliding beam experiments CDF and D0. More recently, major... more
High penetration of renewable energy sources such as wind generation in microgrids (MGs) causes fluctuations of power flow and significantly affects the power system operation. This can lead to severe problems, such as system frequency... more
The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is a middleware specification for the development of interoperable, distributed object systems. Object technology is of extreme importance in complex control system development besides... more
In this paper we propose digital control methods for steering real analytic controllable systems between arbitrary state configurations. The main idea is to achieve a multirate sampled procedure to perform motions in all the directions of... more
We developed a series of balloon experiments parachuting a 1:1 scale mock-up of the Huygens probe from an altitude just over 30 km to simulate at planetary scale the ÿnal part of the descent of the probe through Titan's lower atmosphere.... more
The intention of the NETLANDER mission is to establish for the first time a Network of stations on the surface of Mars. Four identical surface modules are equipped with science payloads dedicated to study the atmosphere and geosphere of... more
Abstract This paper presents an adaptive control scheme for suppressing jitter in laser beams. The variable-order adaptive controller is based on an adaptive lattice filter that implicitly identifies the disturbance statistics from... more
This study attempts to investigate the interplay of uncertainty, structure and trust on the diffusion of a subset of management information systems, namely management accounting and control systems. The article suggests that under... more
Construction project control aims to effectively obtain real-time information and enhance dynamic control by utilizing information sharing and connecting involved participants of the projects to reduce construction conflicts and project... more
Electronic throttle is a DC motor driven valve that regulates air inflow into the engine's combustion system. The goal of the throttle control system is twofold: to achieve fast and accurate valve plate angle reference tracking, and to... more
Pulse-modulated converter systems play an important role in modern power electronics. Systems of this type also deserve considerable theoretical interest because of the complex interplay they exhibit between ordinary (smooth) bifurcations... more
This paper aims to develop and validate an ANSYS finite element model to predict both the cured shape and snap-through of unsymmetric bistable laminates actuated by piezoelectric macro fibre composites attached to the laminate. To fully... more
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. Fig 1. Steam unit governor in normal operation
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to serve as an introduction to neural networks and to sug-gest that neural network architecture can be used for design and application of intelligent control systems [ 11. The neural network... more
This paper analyses control computation latency and jitter, which have been largely ignored in the control community for real-time (RT) control. The focus is on RT control systems with multiple control tasks running on a uniprocessor.... more
Model-based design (MBD) involves designing a model of a control system, simulating and debugging it with dedicated tools, and finally generating automatically code corresponding to this model. In the domain of embedded systems, it offers... more
This paper describes the concepts that must be considered in order to achieve a flexible manufacturing system that allows the introduction of new products and new resources without an extensive reprogranming of the control system. In... more
The purpose of the paper is to illustrate the remote control of hardware in the laboratory for educational purposes, using commercial off-the-shelf equipment and available freeware. The goal is to eliminate extensive programming using... more
This paper proposes several speech technology improvements for increasing robustness, reliability and ergonomics in speech interfaces for controlling aerial vehicles. These improvements consist of including a statistical language model... more
This work is aimed at looking into the flatness control of the crane detailing adopted mechanisms and approaches in order to be able to control this system and to solve problems encountered during its functioning. The control objective is... more
Twelve individuals took part in an experiment which investigated the feasibility of using physiological sensors to apply a pacing mitigation strategy to help prevent cognitive-overload-induced performance declines. The participants... more
This paper presents the implementation of a fully digital smart charging system for traction lead-acid batteries for Electric Vehicles (EV). The charger uses a fast charge strategy, through the combination of constant high current charge... more
As of November 1999, you may electronically access NUREG-series publications and other NRC records at NRC's Public Electronic Reading Room at Publicly released records include, to name a few,... more
The SOLEIL control system, namely TANGO, developed in collaboration with ESRF, is now mature and stable. TANGO has been also chosen now by several other laboratories. High-level control applications implemented in the control-room for the... more
Formations of multi-agent systems, such as satellites and aircraft, require that individual agents satisfy their kinematic equations while constantly maintaining inter-agent constraints. In this paper, we develop a systematic framework... more
Effective solutions for asset management become increasingly important in modern automation and control systems. They are especially required in the area of process control. The control systems used here usually consist of PLCbased... more
This paper presents a control strategy for the coordination of multiple mobile robots. A combination of the virtual structure and path following approaches is used to derive the formation architecture. A formation controller is proposed... more
This paper presents the development of two multibody dynamics models to predict the whirl-flutter stability of a stiff-inplane tiltrotor wind-tunnel model and correlates the predictions with experimental data. Comprehensive,... more
Robustness is pivot for robots operating in all-terrain environments. This demand comes mainly due to the highly heterogeneous and unstructured nature of the terrain. Two particular topics are sensitive to this problem: locomotion control... more
Agile and flexible manufacturing systems make it mandatory that control programs have features such as agility, flexibility and reusability to meet fast changing, customer demands. To cope with this, a task-oriented model of the control... more
A block course of 12 days is described. It is considered to be appropriate for both physiologically naive and sophisticated students entering either a traditional or a problem-based curriculum. It is adaptable for medical schools in both... more
Significant progress has been made in the application of low plasticity burnishing (LPB) technology to military engine components, leading to orders of magnitude improvement in damage tolerance. Improved damage tolerance can facilitate... more
Battery energy storage systems, comprising lead-acid batteries, power conversion systems, and control systems, are in commercial operation around the world. They are used by three main groups: power generating utilities; power... more
Phase II of the ISAC radioactive beam facility adds a superconducting Linac and a second experimental hall to the existing accelerator [1]. This addition will increase the size of the EPICS based control system by approximately 50%. The... more
XACML is commonly used as a policy exchange mechanism, decision engines are available, and verification tools are under development. However, no support for legacy access control systems exists yet. To explore the feasibility to support... more
Electricity interruption gives rise to a complete disorder in the society and is therefore unappreciated and highly criticized. Consequently, it becomes a great concern for national and/or private energy companies to conduct their power... more
This paper illustrates a new approach to the problem of making a logical network resource configuration, adapt to customer utilisation. This is to be achieved through the use of distributed multi-agent based control techniques. The agents... more
The aim of this experimental study was to reduce electric energy consumption in marble cutting operation. We designed a prototype circular saw block cutting machine for marble cutting experiments. Fully computer-controlled this... more