Recent papers in Contrast
A versatile method for positive-type patterning of polyimide (PI) based on a two-layer photosensitive poly(benzoxazole) (PSPBO) and poly(amic acid) (PAA) film has been developed to provide a promising material in the field of... more
Figurations de la nature ambivalente dans l'oeuvre d'Albert Camus Images-principes du décor de l'existence Je suis né pauvre, sous un ciel heureux, dans une nature avec laquelle on se sent un accord, non une hostilité. Je n'ai donc pas... more
Veiling glare and ambient light reflection can significantly degrade the quality of an image on a display device. Veiling glare is primarily associated with the diffuse spread of image signal caused by multiple light scattering in the... more
Objective: To compare the efficacy of hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography (HyCoSy) using a saline solution with that of radiographic hysterosalpingography (HSG) in the assessment of tubal patency. Method: We compared the findings obtained... more
We analyze the polarization changes introduced by a rotated Dove prism on the linearly polarized light, using the Jones calculus and the exact ray trace analysis. The state of polarization changes from the linear to a mildly elliptical... more
The supposed benefits of global sourcing in supply chain management remain subject to debate. Here this study investigates the potential benefits of global sourcing using a large dataset obtained from a leading European automotive... more
Damien Ehrhardt. L'identité et la différence en musique : Quelques réflexions sur les " catégories formelles ". L'unité dans la diversité ou la vision humboldtienne du cosmos.
The present research extends previous functional accounts of counterfactual thinking by incorporating the notion of reflective and evaluative processing. Participants generated counterfactuals about their anagram performance, after which... more
The study explores the grammatical means employed for the expression of information structure in standard colloquial Burmese on the basis of a corpus of written and spoken texts. It analyses the morphosyntactic and prosodic devices... more
To determine whether pupil size is correlated with visual acuity and contrast sensitivity at all distances in eyes with an apodized diffractive intraocular lens (IOL).Private Clinic, Oviedo, Spain.Six months after surgery, the best... more
An evaluation of hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) for EUV lithography is presented. The effects of bake temperature and developer concentration on the ultimate resolution, sensitivity and contrast are investigated. It is demonstrated that... more
Image enhancement using Contrast Stretching
Bu çalışmanın amacı, tarihi yapıları yeniden işlevlendirme doğrultusunda uygulanan ve farklı yöntemler üzerinden ortaya çıkan mimari kontrastın estetik ve işlevsel açıdan incelenmesidir. Kent hafızasında nirengi noktası oluşturan kimi... more
Drawing upon the theoretical framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics, this paper compares the word order patterns of English and French adverbial connectors of contrast in a comparable bilingual corpus of quality newspaper... more
The aim of this study is to provide a generally valid and detailed explanation (definition) of the conceptual structure of concession, delimiting its nucleus notional meaning and trying to identify its affinities as well differences in... more
In this dissertation, adopting Rizzi’s (1997) Split-CP hypothesis, I provide a unified account for various elliptical structures in Persian on the basis of the interaction between information structure and ellipsis licensing feature... more
RESUMO Metacontingência, definida como um conjunto de contingências comportamentais entrelaçadas que produzem um produto agregado mantido por uma consequência, é uma unidade de análise no nível cultural, análoga à tríplice contingência.... more
The positive contrast gastrointestinal study is a common non-invasive diagnostic technique that does not require anesthesia and enables good visualization of the digestive tract. Radiographic anatomy and reference intervals for... more
Deep learning and other similar machine learning techniques have a huge advantage over other AI methods: they do function when applied to real-world data, ideally from scratch, without human intervention. However, they have several... more
Japanese has a postpositional particle wa which has been categorized as the expression of Ôliteral contrastÕ (e.g. John ate a pizza, but Mary didnÕt). This paper reexamines the functions of contrastive wa based on the collection of... more
Hyperbole is traditionally understood as exaggeration. I argue instead that the point of hyperbole is emphasis. By overstating that things are greater (lesser) than expected, hoped, or desired, we shift the salience of the target... more
How does Mexican cinema challenge national status quo, the canon of whiteness, and hegemonic masculinity? This paper identifies the motif of contrast in two films by Alfonso Cuarón and demonstrates that dual narratives are the necessary... more
Lean is a continuous journey to grow and excel the company. Any company want to develop and cope with the world pace must adopt lean. However, in most of the organizations the management culture or people's mentality is not so good to... more
In learning the meaning of a new term, children need to Wx its reference, learn its conventional meaning, and discover the meanings with which it contrasts. To do this, children must attend to adult speakers-the experts-and to their... more
In my teens, in the mid 90s, I set off on a quest to discover what gave Science Fiction its power. I had intuited that underneath all that hi-tech glitz, or dystopian grimness, there was something like a spiritual urge; the desire for... more
Creating contrast between different elements in the narrative is one of the Ugaritic poet’s main poetic devices. This literary tool is employed to encourage the audience to elicit and produce narrative meaning. In ʾAqhat it is a prominent... more
Drawing upon the theoretical framework of systemic functional linguistics, this study investigates seven highly frequent adverbial connectors of contrast (i.e. however, instead, nevertheless, though, on the other (hand), still and in... more
PURPOSE: To compare visual performance after phacoemulsification with implantation of an aspheric intraocular lens (IOL).
PURPOSE: To determine whether implantation of an intraocular lens (IOL) with a modified anterior aspheric surface results in reduced spherical aberration and improved contrast sensitivity after cataract surgery.
A new polarized backlight system for liquid-crystal displays (LCDs) is presented in which one linear polarization is preferentially coupled out by anisotropic scattering. The lightguide consists of a polymeric polarization-dependent... more
The Kazak honorific system has been described to consist of a number of second person forms and terms of address. In addition to these core honorific expressions, however, my recent study of spoken Kazak in the Chinese Altai reveals that... more
PURPOSE: To compare wavefront aberration, depth of focus, contrast sensitivity, and in vivo modulation transfer function (MTF) after fellow-eye implantation of aspheric and spherical intraocular lenses (IOLs).
Objective: To evaluate the pain and cause of pain experienced by women undergoing hysterosalpingography (HSG) and contrast hysterosalpingo sonography (HyCoSy) with air in a saline solution for the assessment of uterine and tubal patency.... more