Recent papers in Context
Mixed methods research (MMR) is currently on the rise in the social sciences. This paper provides a theoretical discussion and a practical illustration of MMR in the social psychological study of language attitudes. First, I review... more
An expression of art or craft diminishes with changing philosophy over time, but an architectural expression tends to remain. The built form eventually becomes one of the very few representations of previous civilizations that have stood... more
Meaning-making is at the center of all human communicative events. Communication is an exchange of meanings encoded in written or spoken words, non-verbal cues, signs, symbols, and so on. Creating, exchanging, and interpreting meaning is... more
Resumen El estudio busca rescatar, a través de las redes semánticas naturales, las voces de los alumnos respecto a la crisis sanitaria causada por el SARSCOV-2. Por ello, gira en torno a su visión subjetiva sobre la crisis a partir de... more
Resumen El estudio busca rescatar, a través de las redes semánticas naturales, las voces de los alumnos respecto a la crisis sanitaria causada por el SARSCOV-2. Por ello, gira en torno a su visión subjetiva sobre la crisis a partir de... more
Halliday’s description of register as ‘a variety of language, corresponding to a variety of situation’, with situation interpreted ‘by means of a conceptual framework using the terms “field”, “tenor” and “mode”’ (Halliday, 1985/89: 29,... more
Although felt as a vague though often powerful sense of the world’s presence as we engage in a rhetorical situation, ambience is the highly complex and integrated totality of the world’s environmental, behavioral, symbolic, and temporal... more
With the increasing availability and use of mobile phones with camera functionality, it becomes feasible to use these devices to query image databases for information. However, the resulting photo/image query commonly depicts several... more
An Assessment of EFL Learners' Ability to Identify and Interpret Rhetorical Questions: A Pragmatic Perspective Study Khalid Sabie Khamees Department of English, College of Arts Al-Iraqiya University, Iraq Abstract The... more
言語表現は単独で理解できるものではなく、話し手、聞き手の背景的知識、現場の事物、などの共有的知識に依存し、かつ、非常に多くの推論を経て理解されるものである。言語理解は送り手がコード化し、送信したメッセージを同じコードを利用して受け取り手が解読するという暗号解読行為のようなものではない。言語理解はあらゆる知識を利用して受け取り手が構成するものである。... more
— It is no surprise that the notion of situation is key to situation awareness. The development of the discipline can thus benefit from careful analysis of the notion. In this paper, we approach this by proposing an ontology of situations... more
This article presents a review of the scholarship on the social media and crisis communication in China. Through a content analysis of research articles published in 11 journals listed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and in... more
Data is rapidly changing how companies operate, offering them new business opportunities as they generate increasingly sophisticated insights from the analysis of an ever-increasing pool of information. Businesses have clearly moved... more
Patients with diabetes use an increasing number of self-management tools in their daily life. However, health institutions rarely use the data generated by these services mainly due to (1) the lack of data reliability, and (2) medical... more
A number of studies have been carried out on divorce from sociological, psychological and religious standpoints. Studies on divorce from linguistic perspective in Nigeria are hard to come by. Therefore, this paper conceives divorce as a... more
Discussion of the contribution of context in the interpretation of photographs
Resumo (pt-br) Este trabalho identificou formas otimizadas de atender demandas de gestores de negócios. Para isso, utilizou como ponto de partida o conceito de valor da informação, analisando sua natureza, peculiaridades e processo de... more
Macbeth - Flash Study Guide - Context -- James I, Witchcraft, Religion, Patriarchy, Treason; Themes -- Good vs Evil, Order vs Disorder, pathetic fallacy; Key Quotes
Berlin plans an International Architecture Exhibition about the topic: "The urban centre as a place to live". The centre of the city was going to be preserved as a suitable place to live, renovated and revived. This was the fourth... more
If your library has access to Springer Link a full version of this book can be downloaded via: . This book focuses on the discursive processes that allow activists to make sense... more
The literature on cohesive devices is marked with evident dearth in studies that consider the context-text ties. The current paper attempts to fill this gap, and, therefore, combat an idealised 'villain' in research, which is confining... more
Resumen: El objetivo de este artículo es presentar la trayectoria en contabilidad social y ambiental de la academia contable anglosajona. Para ello llevamos a cabo un análisis de contenido, basado en una revisión sistemática de la... more
Revista Perspectivas de Políticas Públicas Año 4 no. 8 Enero- Julio 2015. El contexto es un elemento clave en el diseño de políticas públicas; sin embargo, los esfuerzos por estudiarlo o incluso teorizarlo no han sido satis-factorios, en... more
Este artículo es uno de los productos de la investigación que sobre el tema " Secretos y mitos familiares " realizaron las autoras con el auspicio de la Universidad parejas procedentes de la consulta particular de las investigadoras y del... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
This chapter considers the roles, challenges and limits of context in a philological commentary. Taking a short letter of Pliny the Younger as its example, it proceeds in three stages. First, a comparative reading of commentaries from the... more
(2009), “Grounding Semantic Contextualism on Epistemological Contextualism”, with C. Bianchi, in Hanna P. (ed), An Anthology of Philosophical Studies, vol. 3, Atiner, Athens, pp. 253-263.
A review and analysis of the role of women and marriage in ancient Judaism, with a focus on what this means in the context of the life of Jesus.
The paper will focus on intentional and contextual aspects which characterize discursive intervention and, therefore, should not make them vanish when addressing an aspect of discourse such as fallacies. I will try to clarify, by... more
Problem Statement:From the beginning of the history of architecture, unconsciously or consciously, the issue of context has affected the architectural design. With the emergence of modern architecture, some theories were discussed about... more
This publication presents a fieldwork on renewable energies and energy-efficiency in design and buildings in Morocco. It showcases some key best practices that reflect smart solutions and resolutions related to energy-efficiency, and how... more
An event that was reported on September 27, 2010 involved a teacher committing child abuse through the means of corporal punishment—an act considered illegal—and was prosecuted in the process (see appendix). Through the lens of... more
This thesis provides a framework for information retrieval based on a set of models which together illustrate how users of search engines come to express their needs in a particular way. With such insights, we may be able to improve... more