Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Recent papers in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is a rapidly growing area of both research and practice in all parts of the world, especially in Europe and Asia. As a young discipline, CLIL has a good potential of distinguishing itself... more
The objective of the ICT for Language Learning conference is to promote the sharing of good practice and transnational cooperation in the field of the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Language Learning... more
Nell’articolo, l’autore, alla sua prima esperienza di docente CLIL/DNL, descrive i caratteri, le fasi e lo svolgimento delle attività e fornisce esempi di lezioni in presenza e on line del modulo “Cybercrime and security measures”... more
Percorsi di CLIL inclusivo I percorsi proposti in questo e-book sono stati progettati all'interno del Laboratorio di Didattica Speciale: Codici della comunicazione e dell'educazione linguistica presso il corso T.F.A. (Tirocinio Formativo... more
The framework of this project will be to address various questions that CBI instructors may commonly have about content-based learning methodologies and educational technology. My specific research questions are What resources and... more
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) – zintegrowane kształcenie przedmiotowo-językowe – to nowoczesne podejście do nauczania zarówno przedmiotów, jak i języków. Głównym założeniem jest tutaj używanie języka obcego w celu... more
Der folgende Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Rolle von Fachsprache (technicality) und des Gebrauchs von multilingualen und -modalen Diskurspraktiken (translanguaging) im immersiven Biologieunterricht. Dabei werden vier Episoden aus dem... more
DRAFT PAPER (UNPUBLISHED) A comparison between the CLIL teacher training in the Spanish education system and other European countries 2 ABSTRACT Teacher training is an essential factor to contribute to the CLIL programme success. The... more
BICS describes social , conversational language used for oral communication. Also described as social language , this type of communication offers many cues to the listener and is context-embedded language. Fluency in BICS involves the... more
Presentamos en este artículo una experiencia de aula en la que se trabaja la metodología CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) en educación infantil utilizando las nuevas tecnologías como recurso educativo. El objetivo... more
With the advent of the distinctive characterization of academic language in the past thirty years, there has been a tremendous move in the ESL/EFL world towards formulating instructional techniques compatible with the very nature of these... more
A list of guiding questions in relation to planning and implementing meaningful CLIL classes in primary
Questa tesi è un lavoro sperimentale condotto sulla metodologia CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), orientato allo studio del mantenimento del sapere a lungo termine e all’analisi del ruolo della motivazione nel processo di... more
Traditional university Chinese programs aim to produce students who can function at what the ACTFL Language Proficiency Guidelines considers the 'advanced' level. However, unless students spend significant time studying abroad, most... more
In consideration of the need for pupils to start using English as a second language (L2) beyond the 2-3 hour a week compulsory “English lesson” in Italian primary schools, the new Italian National Curriculum Guidelines encourage... more
Theory and methodology applied when translating collocations from a systemic-functional perspective in typically content-driven language learning contexts
Video-presentation available at:
Video-presentation available at:
This is the winter edition of the FACTWorld Journal 2016, number 16. The focus of the journal is teaching science to very young learners. The Journal is edited by Keith Kelly and Stefka Kitanova Contributors: Keith Kelly Mark Bowerman... more
El presente artículo aborda la resolución de los dilemas profesionales surgidos durante un estudio de investigación-acción relativo a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la educación física mediante el enfoque educativo AICLE/CLIL, es decir,... more
Rigorózní práce se zabývá tématem přístupu CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) ve výuce. CLIL označuje obsahově a jazykově integrované vyučování, v nejširším smyslu se jedná o výuku nejazykového předmětu s využitím cizího... more
Are you looking for a new way to teach?
This study is part of an integrated teaching program in physics and English that attempted to develop and implement a teaching sequence on selected physics concepts using content and English language integrated learning (CELIL)... more
ABSTRACT This paper aims to introduce pre-CLIL through the CLSL (content & languages [L1/L2] shared learning) model, which operates as a bridge for a full CLIL immersion. It analyses the characteristics of this new learning model that... more
This is the framing document for the presentation “English as Therapy” delivered September 27 to the 2015 NeuroELT Brain Days International Conference, Kyoto, Japan. This presentation introduces CNE (Cognitive Neuroeducation), a new... more
This paper discusses the effectiveness of poster presentations as a teaching methodology in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) courses. In the course being described, students are tasked to do research, design and make poster... more
There are many variables that must be considered when designing a curriculum, especially one that caters to language and content. A curriculum of this type helps prepare learners for real world issues. At present, many curricular programs... more
CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) (Marsh, 1994) is an innovative methodology focusing on the learning of language whilst simultaneously teaching content from a subject area such as humanistic or scientific area (Coyle et... more
Despite not being a textbook designed specifically for English language learners, Scott Foresman Science is wonderful and amazing for young learners and thanks to thoughtful design, definably very usable for an English language teaching... more
This article discusses the significance of CLIL education from the students’ perspective. Two former CLIL students, who received extensive English CLIL education in primary school in 1990s, were interviewed during the summer 2016. The... more
Uso integrato di CLIL e ICT nei progetti comunitari: la piattaforma eTwinning come risorsa didattica per le scuole europee.
THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT IS A BRIEF EXCERPT FORM A BOOK CHAPTER. THE FULL PUBLICATION CAN BE FOUND AT: (Please do not hesitate to contact the author for further details) During... more
Foreign language education has had a long life in Portuguese schools. Indeed, by the end of the nineteen century, Latin, French, English, German and Greek were already part of the curriculum. More recently, the range of foreign languages... more
How to make an empirical CLIL didactic unit, considering your country's requirements on the teaching of English as an FL, aiming at influencing student motivation.
The aim of this research was to explore Irish teachers' perceptions of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Language) in the wake of pilot programs being introduced across several schools. Mixed methods were employed; qualitative data... more
CONTENT AND LANGUAGE integrated learning (CLIL) is taking English language teaching by storm, but why? Is CLIL the new methodological revolution, comparable to the impact that the communicative approach had on ELT years ago? Or is CLIL... more
Emergent bilingual students are often navigating new cultural landscapes and social norms with inappropriate or little to no support. Educators can play an important role in facilitating the formation of new social support networks for... more