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This course is designed to extend the literacy components introduced in Part I. Extended experiences will focus on maintaining a classroom structure that supports a reading-rich context in conjunction with writing-worthy opportunities for... more
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      LiteracyTeaching and LearningEducationTeacher Education
. Creating hybrid spaces for engaging school science among urban middle school girls. American Educational Research Journal , 45(1), 68-103. The authors' posits that while girls drop less and receive higher grades than boys, they still... more
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      Science EducationMiddle School/Level EducationContent Area Literacy
This book gives all teachers in grades 5-12 practical strategies for building the unique literacy skills that students need for success in their respective subject areas. Drawing from interviews with leading educators and professionals in... more
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      Secondary EducationContent Area LiteracyDisciplinary Literacy
Scaffolding provides content-area teachers (CATs) with an effective means to integrate language instruction into content-area instruction for English language learners (ELLs). Data for this study were derived from 33 CAT discussions while... more
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      Professional DevelopmentContent Area LiteracyScaffoldingEnglish Language Learners
This study examined the writing performance of 58 students with a history of specific language impairment, assessing them at ages 8, 11, 12, 14, and 16 to evaluate longitudinal tra- jectories of writing performance and relationships with... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceLiteracy
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      Discourse AnalysisReading ComprehensionTeachers' professional developmentContent Area Literacy
A growing research base has examined the possibilities of makerspaces in education; however, there has been little exploration of how such innovations are folded into formal school structures, like English language arts classrooms. This... more
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      LiteracyEducational Equity and JusticeDesign thinkingSTEM Education
As a result of looking specifically at the work of science teachers within two related studies, we have come to two important realizations that we explore in this article. First, we argue that disciplinary literacy instruction can (and... more
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      LiteracyScience EducationProfessional DevelopmentTeachers' professional development
This study investigated whether two groups of 6-year-old beginning readers taught to read by a phonics and by a “book experience” non-phonics approach would differ in reading comprehension as well as the processes of word recognition.... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLiteracySecond Language AcquisitionTeacher Education
This piece discusses how to use the young adult novel The Hunger Games to plan literacy-based lessons that draw on a variety of core content (English, history, math, and science) and deepen students’ understandings of curricular content... more
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      InterdisciplinarityChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureContent Area LiteracyDisciplinary Literacy
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      LiteracyContent Area LiteracyEnglish Language Learners
Background. While oral language seems crucial to written language development there has been relatively little research on explicit links between the two. Aims. This paper reviews and explores the links between oral language skills and... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental Psychology
The results of deciphering the middle text of the Rosetta Stone point to the fact that there are many details which cannot be found in the text written (inscribed) in ancient Greek alphabet. This conclusion proves the science awareness... more
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      PhilologyLanguagesHistoryAncient History
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    • Content Area Literacy
Literacy across the content areas has often signified a focus on helping future teachers navigate nonfiction texts and promote command of textual features and literary terms, yet these teachers also need to model critical insight that... more
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      Critical TheoryTeacher EducationComics StudiesGraphic Novels
This essay considers adolescent sexting from a media ecology standpoint, suggesting that in addition to the technologizing of sexuality one must also begin to consider the sexualizing of technological systems.
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      SociologyCultural StudiesCriminologyMedia Sociology
It is commonly assumed that children with dyslexia are slower at handwriting than other children. However, evidence of slow handwriting in children with dyslexia is very mixed. Thirty-one children with dyslexia, aged 9 years, were... more
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      Creative WritingDiscourse AnalysisNeurosciencePsychology
A comparison was made of 10-year-old boys and girls who had learnt to read by analytic or synthetic phonics methods as part of their early literacy programmes. The boys taught by the synthetic phonics method had better word reading than... more
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Man könnte das "Schreiben im Fach" -und was ist damit eigentlich konkret gemeint? -so begründen, dass Kinder und Jugendliche auf diesem Wege mehr Schreibgelegenheiten erhalten, um lebensbedeutsame Textkompetenzen zu erwerben. Gemäß dieser... more
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      Content Area Literacyteaching academic writing to ESL or L2 students
A number of studies have shown, counter-intuitively, that skilled adult readers find it difficult to correctly relate phonemes to graphemes in written words. In most adults this is of little consequence. However, teachers are required to... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyLiteracyTeacher EducationPhonological Awareness
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      Teacher EducationAdolescent LiteracyEmbodimentContent Area Literacy
Volume 5, Number 2 IJFLT: A free on-line, peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to communicating research, articles and helpful information regarding language acquisition to support teachers as they endeavor to create fluent,... more
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      Science EducationContent Area LiteracyEnglish Language Learners
In this research, we drew on a model of self-regulated learning (SRL) (Butler & Cartier, 2005; Cartier & Butler, 2004) to investigate student engagement in learning through reading (LTR) as situated in context. Our overarching goals were... more
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      LiteracyMotivation (Psychology)Adolescent LiteracySelf-regulated Learning
We trace the differences in the historical development of content area reading and literature studies. This is an important first step because reading at the secondary level is heavily discipline-based, and the methods and activities... more
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      Content Area LiteracyLiterary studiesReading Instruction in the Content AreaDisciplinary literacy practices
This article addresses the serious and growing need to improve science instruction and science achievement for all students. We will describe the results of a 3-year study that transformed science instruction and student achievement at... more
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      Science EducationVocabularyVocabulary Learning StrategiesVocabulary Learning
This article describes a recent practitioner-research study of secondary preservice teachers' development of literacy instruction in a content area literacy course at a large university in the Southwest United States. The study utilized a... more
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      LiteracyTeacher EducationContent Area LiteracyDisciplinary Literacy
Using a national sample of students’ writing from the National Study of Writing Instruction, this study examines the current state of writing in the mathematics classroom and the extent to which enactments align with the intentions... more
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      Mathematics EducationWritingContent Area LiteracyTeaching Literacy in Content Areas
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      Content Area LiteracyDisciplinary Literacy
1 Abstract: Literacy across the content areas has often signified a focus on helping future teachers navigate nonfiction texts and promote command of textual features and literary terms, yet these teachers also need to model critical... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyTeacher EducationComics Studies
Abstract This research examines phonics instruction on multi-touch display technology for collaborative learning. The paper provides a brief discussion of technology, collaborative learning and literacy instruction and then focuses on the... more
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      LiteracyInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyDistance Education
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      Digital LiteracyAdolescent LiteracyDigital Media And New LiteraciesContent Area Literacy
This article prompts ideas to support content-area teachers in their use of three types of web based learning environments - informational reading systems, interactive learning systems, and instructional reading systems - to engage... more
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      Digital MediaAdolescent LiteracyNew LiteraciesContent Area Literacy
The current study compares the responses and statements of English as a second language (ESL) and content area teachers in discussions about the instruction of English language learners (ELLs). A study on how these two sets of teachers... more
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      PsychologyTESOLContent Area LiteracyEnglish language teaching
This conceptual review addresses the bifurcation of content area and disciplinary literacy by examining each as regimes of truth. We look specifically at the ways in which both approaches comprise, in Foucault's terms, " regimes of truth... more
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      Michel FoucaultContent Area LiteracyDisciplinary Literacy
Situatedwithin the historical and current stateof writing and adolescent literacy research, we conducted a systematic literature review in which we screened 2,871 articles to determine the prevalent themes in current research on writing... more
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      WritingContent Area LiteracySystematic Literature ReviewDisciplinary Literacy
Does the type of reading instruction experienced during the initial years at school have any continuing effect on the ways in which adults read words? The question has arisen in current discussions about computational models of mature... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental Psychology
The research aims to determine which alternative literacy types should be included in the Social Studies curriculum used in Turkey since 2018 The data sources of the research, in which the document analysis method from the qualitative... more
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      LiteracySocial Studies EducationVisual LiteracyMedia Literacy Education
Despite the growing body of literature emphasizing the specialized literacy practices within the disciplines, the literature concerning how to prepare preservice teachers for disciplinary literacy instruction is less clear. In this... more
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      ExpertiseAdolescent LiteracyCommunities of practiceContent Area Literacy
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      ZoologyScience EducationAdolescent LiteracyBiology Education
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      Second Language AcquisitionNew LiteraciesContent Area Literacy
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      Social Studies EducationContent Area LiteracySheltered InstructionContent Area Literacy In History and ELA
We acknowledge the issue of demarcating literacies by presenting academic literacy instruction in a section that is separate from our presentation of adolescents’ informal learning around popular media texts in a digital world. We bridge... more
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      LiteracyInformal LearningAdolescent LiteracyMiddle School/Level Education
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      Discourse AnalysisCognitive PsychologyLiteracyPhonology
The dramatic and media arts afford opportunities for students to respond to children’s literature in new and innovative ways, encouraging spaces of co-authorship and multimodality. Drawing upon the fields of New Literacy Studies,... more
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      Drama In EducationMedia LiteracyMultimodalityContent Area Literacy
This paper reports the results of a study of the relationship of robotics activity to the use of science literacy skills and the development of systems understanding in middle school students. Twenty-six 11-12-year-olds (22 males and 4... more
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      RoboticsEducational TechnologyAdolescent LiteracyProblem solving (Cognitive Psychology)
This study examined the writing performance of 58 students with a history of specific language impairment, assessing them at ages 8, 11, 12, 14, and 16 to evaluate longitudinal trajectories of writing performance and relationships with... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceAcademic Writing
Basic reading skills need to be acquired early in a target language to allow students to make full use of the educational opportunities given to them in all their subjects. Children with low literacy skills entering the primary level at... more
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      LiteracyVocabularyWritingReading Comprehension
This practitioner article describes the recent implementation of critical media literacy (CML) activities in secondary teacher education at a large university in the Southwestern United States. Preservice teachers in a content area... more
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      Teacher EducationCritical PedagogyContent Area LiteracyCritical Media Literacy Education
As teachers tasked with educating our citizenry, we must be cognizant of our student's reading levels and cultural backgrounds and implement practices that scaffold and address the needs of every learner. To accomplish this it is... more
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      HistoryLiteracyInformation LiteracyTeacher Education