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International migration has been progressively perceived as a security issue and so it has been included in the discipline of Security Studies. Focusing on state actors, International Relations and Security Studies scholars have dealt... more
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      Critical TheoryCritical ThinkingSecurity StudiesCritical Security Studies
— The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of human rights and economic development in the developing countries. A quantitative method used in order to analyze data gathered by the researcher. The researcher used... more
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      Development EconomicsHuman Rights LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
Why do partitioned successor states engage one another in armed conflict? We explore the drivers of war between successor states by comparing two border crises that followed the partitions of Ethiopia (1993) and Sudan . We argue that the... more
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      Partition literatureEthiopiaEritreaHorn of Africa
What are the similarities and differences between crowdsourcing and sharing economy? What factors influence their use in developing countries? In light of recent developments in the use of IT-mediated technologies, such as crowdsourcing... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsInformation TechnologyEconomics
This paper traces the trajectory of the various Islamist movements in Mali since the outbreak of the crisis in 2012. The paper challenges the monocausal explanations of terrorism that present religion, and in particular Islam, as its main... more
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      Contemporary security issues for developing countriesContemporary Security IssuesSahel
Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are wireless networks consisted of mobile free nodes that can move anywhere at any time without the need to any fixed infrastructure or any centralized administration. In this category of networks existing... more
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      Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksQoS parameters (Mobile Ad Hoc Networks)Mobility Modeling (Mobile Ad Hoc Networks)Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs)
A cellular network is an asymmetric radio network which is made up of fixed transceivers or nodes,maintain the signal while the mobile transceiver which is using the network is in the vicinity of the node.An ad-hoc network is a local area... more
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      LGBT Issues (Education)LGBT IssuesMainstreaming of gender and environmental issues in rural development programsWomen and Gender Issues in Islam