Contemporary Women's Writing
Recent papers in Contemporary Women's Writing
In Weihui’s banned novel, _Shanghai Babe_ (1999), the social effects of globalization can be seen in changing ethical discourses concerning what it is to be a responsible citizen, friend or lover. Beginning with a discussion of... more
À la croisée de la littérature, de l’analyse du discours, de la psychanalyse, de la psychologie et des théories sur le trauma, Écrire les Blessures de l’enfance. Inscription du trauma dans la littérature contemporaine au féminin explore... more
The article focuses on significant moments of Meera Syal's career as both an actress and a writer and argues that her performance of a gendered and ethnic identity is a key element of her work. It emerges as a response to an overall lack... more
This articles explores representations of motherhood in two contemporary Italian female authors in the context of the demystification of motherhood in Italian culture.
Women Writing War focuses on the life-writing of the moudjahidate, the women veterans of the Algerian war of independence (1954–1962). The author offers close readings of memoir, testimonial, poetry and drama by Jacqueline Guerroudj,... more
This paper contexualises and reads Doris Lessing’s The Fifth Child (1988) as a criticism towards the Family Acts conducted by Thatcher’s government in 1980s Britain. The article principally draws attention to the main and minor... more
This paper intends to use the theme of escape to map post-millenial women’s short story-writing by drawing parallels with the modernist women short story writers. Escape as a theme can mirror the complexities of these two turns of the... more
Alluring slogans like "Feminism is Dead" are not really relevant in the context of developing societies like India where this 'ism' has not really even been born. Unlike the West where excesses and eccentricities of some women_ libbers... more
Some literary works are particularly open to and 'invite' (Belsey 2005, p. 163) lesbian and queer interpretations. Jeanette Winterson's work has proved particularly fertile for these interpretations, even as it has initiated a reappraisal... more
In an epoch_making National Seminar in India (Haryana) ,vital issues like Culture and Women,Re_creation of Culture,Female Bonding,Gay and Lesbian Relationships,Poetics of Women Writing,Dalit women writing,Women and Creativity were... more
Rape is about power. Women writing about their experiences of rape often find that the disempowering effects of rape continues into the aftermath when they face a hostile environment that frequently denies and silences their experience.... more
In the article, based on some modern Hindi novels and short stories, different aspects of proper names of heroes are discussed. A name helps to understand or interpret a hero's character or social background, demonstrates "cultural... more
This book explores a variety of topics: male and female socialization, sexual violence against girls and women, child abuse, family dysfunction, exploitation in academia, goddess spirituality, animal spirituality,... more
An interview with Jean 'Binta' Breeze by Emily Zobel Marshall Breeze’s poetry not only straddles the music industry and the literary establishment but also combines reflections on both inner-city life and the natural world. Breeze... more
We live in a time obsessed by visual images: we remember, imagine and (re)construct places, objects, people, experiences and ourselves through images. Photographs, in particular, respond to our desire to stop the world, to frame and... more
“Cancer Comix: Narrating Cancer Through Sequential Art” Martha Stoddard Holmes, Ph.D. Comics may seem like a surprising place in which to theorize breast cancer, but visualized embodiment has always been a distinctive element of the... more
In recent decades, literary critics have become increasingly interested in the ways that contemporary historical novels are used to write “history from below.” In On Lies, Secrets, and Silence (1978), Adrienne Rich describes a process she... more
Attwood first addressed the mobilising role of bad fairy tale females in the playful short fiction "Bad Gals" (Attwood, 1992). In The Robber Bride (1993) she gives the general idea a concrete shape in the character of Zenia, who carries a... more
La collana "Testi e studi di letteratura italiana" ospita opere che interessano il periodo storico compreso fra la metà del Settecento e i giorni nostri. Si articola in due serie, una di "testi" e una di "studi", contraddistinte dalla... more
Many women writers employ intertextuality to question gender identity and to produce female characters who are free of the narratives that have proven to be violent, oppressive and not viable for the contemporary female experience. In... more
This chapter examines the ways in which self-published or “indie” writers have used Ebooks to reach their own audience, make a profit, and establish their brands. Using several well established independent authors as case studies, the... more
Juliane Witzke untersucht am Beispiel von Judith Hermanns Œuvre (1998–2014) die paratextuellen Inszenierungsstrategien der Gegenwart. Ihre Monographie schließt nicht nur eine Forschungslücke im Hinblick auf die wissenschaftliche... more
Arguing that critical approaches to urban literature have often undermined the role of rivers, the present analysis will look at the emotional power that the river Liffey brings about in Nuala Ní Chonchúir's debut novel You (2010).... more
How can a novel be written in the language of figs? Sema Kaygusuz’s Yüzünde Bir Yer, recently translated into English as Every Fire You Tend by Nicholas Glastonbury, offers an enchanting insight to this question. Every Fire You Tend is a... more
Independent, August 30, 2018
From Ismat Chughtai’s Lihaaf (The Quilt) to Bama’s Karukku and Anita Nair’s Ladies Coupe, the predicament of women has more or less remained the same. ‘Begum Jaan’, ‘Bama’ and ‘Akhila’ are the prototypes of women who negotiate their... more
In this story, art imitates life as memories are revisited like scenes in a play, in which a traumatised family are the main characters.
Wiradjuri woman Anita Heiss is arguably one of the first Indigenous Australian authors of popular fiction. Since 2007, she has published across a diversity of genres including chick lit, contemporary women’s fiction, romance, memoir and... more
This article reads Ali Smith’s 2014 novel How to Be Both alongside Deborah Levy’s Hot Milk (2016) and Sally Rooney’s Conversations with Friends (2017). Using Lauren Berlant’s conception of neoliberal “crisis subjectivity” and Sara Ahmed’s... more
Selon Marie Nimier, adopter la première personne pour inventer est un acte risqué : comme romancière, on peut alors se voir confondue avec son personnage qui narre. Et cette assimilation de la narratrice et de la personne peut être dure à... more
Cities have become representative of progress of human civilization. Since the emergence of the concept of space as a critical construct and spatial studies as a discipline, from 1960s onwards, it has established as an increasingly... more
Contribution to a panel on Christine Brooke-Rose's legacy, part of the Brooke-Rose Society Inaugural Symposium (full details here: The event took place at Sommerville... more
like choosing the parameters of speech1, Diane Ward, ‗Mediate ' (1992).
Κριτική για το ψυχαναλυτικό φεμινιστικό μυθιστόρημα της Μαριαλένας Σπυροπούλου "Τάισέ με" (Αθήνα: Μεταίχμιο, 2020).
(έντυπη και ηλεκτρονική έκδοση)
(έντυπη και ηλεκτρονική έκδοση)