Contemporary Sufism
Most cited papers in Contemporary Sufism
Cet article se veut être une analyse de la politique de la confrérie soufie Qādiriyya Būdshīshiyya dans le contexte français. Les activités culturelles de cette confrérie installée à Paris, et les activités de certains disciples et... more
For many, Islamic hip-hop is a contradiction. Yet many prominent rappers in Senegal have joined the Fayḍa Tijāniyya Sufi movement and communicate religious messages through their music. Rappers have contributed significantly to the... more
For many, any alliance between ‘Islam’ and ‘hip-hop’ is an unholy one, whether for bringing hip hop into Islam or vice versa. Yet many of Senegal’s prominent rappers today are committed adherents of the Fayḍa Tijāniyya Sufi (mystical... more
Sufi identity and rituals became widespread among local Muslims during the colonial era due to the expansion of the Shadhuliyya and the Qadiriyya orders. But the history of Sufism in Mozambique has been little explored. Portuguese... more
Scholarship on modern Sufism has centred on the analysis of turuq (sing. tariqa – often translated as ‘Sufi orders’), by scrutinising the institutional dimension of a group of devotees who gather around a sheikh, and/or the set of... more
In this essay I discuss artworks by a sample of young people with a Muslim background who participated in the Numur—Islam and I exhibition, which was organised as part of the Young Muslims and Resilience (2016-2018) research project. Art... more
This paper explore the politics of (in)visibility in Islam by discussing the affective presence and agency of relics - in this case a single hair of the Prophet Muham- mad. The relic is obviously not the Prophet, but it is also not-not... more
Bu makalenin konusunu bir Nakşî-Hâlidî şeyhi olan Kaşıkçı Ali Rıza Efendi (1883-1969) oluşturmaktadır. Osmanlı’nın son dönemi Hâdim ve Konya medreselerinde eğitim görmüştür. 1920 sonrasında ise Tasavvuf yoluna intisap etmiştir. Sayıca... more
Cite as: Salvatore, Armando. 2018. “Sufi Articulations of Civility, Globality, and Sovereignty.” Journal of Religious and Political Practice, 4 (2): 156-174. This article provides an analysis of Sufi life and organization, combining... more
Sufism, the mystical/esoteric Islamic path of soul purification, is spreading extensively throughout Western societies. The internet is one of the most important vehicles of this diffusion. This article first describes the use of the... more
An important body of scholarship has explored the salience of Sufism (‘mystical Islam’) in Senegal. Approaches have emphasized its social and political dimensions, while little attention has been devoted to the symbolic yet important role... more
The question of the process of developing national or local forms of Islam is often approached through the lens of the domestication of Islam and by emphasising the role of the state or Muslim officials close to the state in this process.... more
Since the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in 2002, the greater visibility of religion and the emergence of a conservative middle class have reconfigured the boundaries of what is thinkable and sayable in Turkey,... more
Based on archival and fieldwork research, this paper outlines in its first part the history of the formation of various types of Muslim religious leaderships during pre-colonial and colonial periods. Islam in Mozambique, especially in the... more
The system of beliefs and practices related to Bektashism seems to have corresponded to a kind of liberation theology, whereas the structure of Bektashi groups corresponded more or less to the type of religious organization conventionally... more
En réponse aux attentes d’un marché musical mondialisé, des artistes musulmans proposent une représentation particulière du soufisme sur la scène publique. La mise en scène transforme les pratiques confrériques, expose les corps et... more
The paper discusses the results of field research in India and Pakistan with regard to the influence of Sûfî-related practices and concepts in the workings of the Tablîghî Jamâ‘at. These observations are of a preliminary nature, as the... more
How do ‘new’ and ’old’ Islamic actors in contemporary Albania define religious legitimacy, the nation and religious otherness? This chapter uses Olivier Roy’s analytical distinction between accommodationism and neo-fundamentalism as a... more
This article shares the findings of a socio-political discourse analysis of modern Sufism. The study is conducted from the multi-disciplinary perspective of studies in religion, and is based on the assessment of one-on-one qualitative... more
Ü n a warm evening at the end of April 1995, I found myself in a beautiful house in the old quarter of Damascus. I was in the home of one of the younger members of the Naqshbandi order, sitting on the floor of one of the rooms in the... more
TRADITIONAL Persian music, like all art of a spiritual nature, arises from Silence. Its peace and calm manifest the eternal Truth in the framework of sounds belonging to the world of forms and appearances, although that Truth itself... more
[peer-reviewed] EJTS, Thematic issue: “Contemporary Sufism and the Quest of Spirituality: Transgressing Borders, Transgressing Categories”. Ed. Beatrice Hendrich [Papers held at the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, WOCMES 2010,... more
This chapter analyzes Morocco's religious policy and the institution of the Commander of the Faithful.
Chapter 3 of the Book "Contemporary Morocco: State, Politics and Society under Mohammed VI"
Chapter 3 of the Book "Contemporary Morocco: State, Politics and Society under Mohammed VI"
Le vendredi 27 mars 2015, le souverain du Maroc inaugurait l'Institut Mohammed-VI pour la formation des imams, morchidines et morchi-dates. Ce complexe est destiné à former non seulement les imams du royaume chérifien, mais aussi ceux de... more
Sufi shrines hold great importance in Pakistani society. Followers of the shrines consider it sacred place and they perform different rituals there. The role of Sufis has been considered as intermediary who lead towards the path of God... more
This article provides an overview of the history and current situation of the academic study of Sufism (Islamic mysticism) at American universities. It examines Sufism's place within the broader curriculum of Islamic studies as well as... more
Reforming Modernity is a sweeping intellectual history and philosophical reflection built around the work of the Morocco-based philosopher Abdurrahman Taha, one of the most significant philosophers in the Islamic world since the colonial... more
Bismi' Llahir-Rahmanir-Rahim (In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious, the Most Merciful).
Ustaz Ashaari Muhammad (1937-2010) was a sufi leader best remembered for the controversies surrounding his eschatological teachings which led to the Malaysian government’s banning of his organization, Darul Arqam, in 1994. Loved by... more
RAPH 35 - 2013 sous la direction de giuseppe cecere, mireille loubet, samuela pagani Les mystiques juives, chrétiennes et musulmanes dans l'Égypte médiévale (vii e -xvi e siècles) interculturalités et contextes historiques Actes du... more
The common dichotomized classification of Islam in the Caucasus ("traditional" versus "fundamentalist") does not take into account all major processes taking place in the region. The Sufi-Wahhabi discourse simplifies the social... more
Between 1910 and 1926, Hazrat Inayat Khan, a Pir-o-Murshid of the Chishtiyya order in India, introduced Sufism to the United States of America and Europe. He established a Western Sufi order, the International Sufi Movement, with groups... more
With contributions by:
Husayn Ilahi-Ghomshei
Leonard Lewisohn
Roderick Grierson
Kabir Helminski
Franklin Lewis
Shahram Pazouki
Peter Chelkowski
Iraj Anvar
Alan Williams
James W. Morris
Carl W. Ernst
Simon Weightman
Husayn Ilahi-Ghomshei
Leonard Lewisohn
Roderick Grierson
Kabir Helminski
Franklin Lewis
Shahram Pazouki
Peter Chelkowski
Iraj Anvar
Alan Williams
James W. Morris
Carl W. Ernst
Simon Weightman