Contemporary Sufism
Recent papers in Contemporary Sufism
‘[A] valid concept of “Islam” must denote and connote all possible “Islams,” whether abstract or “real,” mental or social’ (104)... Ahmed seeks to avoid two major pitfalls: (1) making Islam into a static essence or a category within an... more
What do we mean by integration? Not only do I want to pose this question from the point of view of Sufi metaphysics, but also of other forms of metaphysics as well. Oneness in its absoluteness belongs to the Abso lute alone. It is only... more
The common dichotomized classification of Islam in the Caucasus (“traditional” versus “fundamentalist”) does not take into account all major processes taking place in the region. The Sufi-Wahhabi discourse simplifies the social... more
Review of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick
Introduction by Carol Sill Man and This Mysterious Universe - A Synthesis of Modern Life: A visionary overview of the effort and mission of humanity. The book Man and this Mysterious Universe was originally described as a synthesis of... more
How do ‘new’ and ’old’ Islamic actors in contemporary Albania define religious legitimacy, the nation and religious otherness? This chapter uses Olivier Roy’s analytical distinction between accommodationism and neo-fundamentalism as a... more
Este estudio busca acercarse a la comprensión de la radicación de la Orden Naqshbandi en el contexto regional argentino, a través de la observación de procesos de conversión y reordenamiento del propio universo simbólico. Mediante un... more
An important body of scholarship has explored the salience of Sufism (‘mystical Islam’) in Senegal. Approaches have emphasized its social and political dimensions, while little attention has been devoted to the symbolic yet important role... more
Focusing on the place held by three immensely popular Sufi saints-Rumi, Yunus Emre, and Haji Bektash-in the Turkish imagination, and tracing their transformations through the centuries, Soileau provides a fascinating insight into the... more
Truth melteth like snow in the hands of him whose soul melteth not like snow in the hands of Truth."-Sheikh Ahmed 'Al-Alawī One is constantly reminded that the world is becoming smaller and smaller, yet can the same be said or assumed of... more
This chapter addresses the issue of religious authority in Berlin Sufi communities in the context of native European converts to Islam and second-generation Muslims who are born to Sufi followers (murids). It will discuss the following... more
poetry and Sufi dancing or whirling, to expressions of Africanicity and the forging of transnational bonds to remote locations in Senegal, Sri Lanka, and Turkey, Varieties of American Sufism immerses the reader in diverse expressions of... more
صدر لي قبل أعوامٍ خمسة كتابٌ بعنوان: «أفكار خارج القفص»، وهو من نفس فصيلة الكتابة الشذريَّة التي ينتمي إليها هذا الكتابُ. وإنما دفعني إلى تبني هذا اللون من الكتابة الرغبةُ في إطلاع القارئ على بعض مراحِلِ التطور التي يمرُّ بها المفكرُ، لا... more
Based on my impressions of the Sufi ritual of zikr in Berlin, my conversations with Sufi followers, and my limited participation in the ritual itself, I write on the notion of intimate religion, which distinct from material religion or... more
Carl W. Ernst'ün Sufism: An Introduction to the Mystical Tradition of Islam kitabının çevirisi. Kitapla ilgili eleştirilerim var. Çevirmen notu olarak dipnotlarda belirtemedim. İnşallah bilahare yazara tenkitlerimi kaleme almak istiyorum...
Present paper discusses contemporary scholarly approaches to the problems of typology and periodization of the Sufi movements in the West that could be regarded as an essential part of Western Esotericism. It argues that, despite some... more
Pakistani nationhood has undergone several distinct phases, from its inception among the members of the All India Muslim League, the ideology behind the creation of a new politicoeconomic State post-Partition, Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah's... more
Le Fath al-Rabbani de Tisfawi, composé en Égypte dans la première moitié du XXe siècle, est l'un des manuels arabes les plus utilisés de la Tariqa Tijaniyya.
« Dans une démarche rigoureusement scientifique, rompant d’avec la fadeur du descriptivisme et prenant le soin de s’éloigner de l’apologétique souvent orientée vers une affirmation de conformisme à la lettre d’une « orthodoxie » écartant... more
Muhy al-Dīn Ibn Arabī's theoretical mysticism has been the subject of lively discussion among Iranian Sufis since they first encountered it in the seventh century. 'Abdul Razzāq Kāshānī was the pioneer and forerunner of the debate,... more
This article performs a close reading of the Philip K. Dick novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? While developing the argument for an ‘ironic’ usage of the concept of the Anthropocene. This ironised conception is one that intends... more
Il sufismo è la dimensione esoterica dell'islam: nasce e si sviluppa all'interno della religione islamica, in linea con gli insegnamenti del Corano e della Sunna del Profeta. Le pratiche sufi hanno come obiettivo di coltivare la... more
This paper investigates how the code of conducts and devotion to the leaders develop in the Sufi orders, and how these shape the notion of " popular piety " , by paying a particular attention to the T| arīqah Qādiriyyah Wa Naqshbandiyyah... more
saat ini di Indonesia, khususnya di kota-kota besar, dapat dijumpai 3 model praktek sufisme seperti: Tarekat sufi, Tasawuf modern (non tarekat) dan Urban sufism (klub-klub sufi).
Ayraç Dergisi, İstanbul, Temmuz 2013.
Qu’est-ce qu’un cheikh ? Cette question, des centaines de maîtres du Soufisme y ont répondu à leur manière, chacun selon son approche et son contexte propres. Aujourd’hui, alors que la plupart des organisations initiatiques... more
Bismi' Llahir-Rahmanir-Rahim (In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious, the Most Merciful).
Worried over its extinction, in the year 2005 UNESCO declared Baul songs an "intangible heritage of humanity" in the category of "Traditional Performing Arts." Two ‘Bangla Baul Song Books’ are published by UNESCO. In these books one can... more
A presentation of an engraved message by Sumerian, Gnostic, Knights Templars and Sufi knowledge heritage