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Il gergo dell’origine: la creazione tra filosofia e teologia in Emmanuel Lévinas. Convegno internazionale: Narrations of Origins in World Cultures and the Arts, organizzato dalla European Society of Comparative Literature. Università... more
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      Contemporary French PhilosophyContemporary PhilosophyContemporary Jewish PhilosophyEmmanuel Levinas
From beginning to end, the philosophy of Michel Henry offers an original and profound reflection on life. Henry challenges the conventional understanding of life as a set of natural processes and a general classification of beings.... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionPhenomenology
Estudio sobre la filosofía como dominio específico del saber según Julien Freund.
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      MetaphysicsContemporary French PhilosophyModern PhilosophyJulien Freund
Complete list and full citation of all publications by Richard L. Lanigan up to February 2016.
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      SemioticsPhenomenologyContemporary French PhilosophyCharles S. Peirce
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Hisashi Fujita, "Désir et joie : deux philosophies politiques de la vie. Deleuze ou Bergson II", in Shin Abiko, Hisashi Fujita, Masato Goda (éds.), Tout ouvert : l'évolution créatrice en tous sens, Georg Olms Verlag : Hildesheim - Zürich... more
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      Political PhilosophyContemporary French PhilosophyGilles DeleuzeHenri Bergson
Quentin Meillassoux, "Metafísica y ficción extracientífica, seguido de "La bola de billar" de I. Asimov. Santiago: Roneo, 2020. Traducción y notas de Meillassoux por Jean-Paul Grasset B. Prólogo de Jean-Paul Grasset B. y Mario Teodoro... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyEpistemologyContemporary French Philosophy
Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault are widely accepted to be central figures of post-war French philosophy. Philosophers, cultural theorists, and others have devoted considerable effort to the critical examination of the work of each of... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
Generally categorized as low art, Japanese manga and anime draw insufficient overseas critical attention, regardless of their enormous cultural influence in East Asia. Their popularity not simply proved the success of cultural... more
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      Cultural StudiesJapanese StudiesJapanese AnimeContemporary French Philosophy
Nous n'avons rien que ce qui est là, intérieur, Nous avons tout ce qui est là, intérieur. Comment saisir ce qui est là, intérieur, Puisque le vol aussi est là, intérieur. Rainer Maria Rilke, Pour Oskar Kokoschka LA PHÉNOMÉNOLOGIE DE LA... more
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      PhenomenologyContemporary French PhilosophyMichel HenryPhenomenology of the body
Mini-Curso dividido em três partes: 1. Introdução Em que discutiremos o diagnóstico de Badiou sobre o século vinte e o mundo contemporâneo, bem como as razões pelas quais a filosofia parece ter se tornado impossível hoje, localizando o... more
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      MathematicsOntologyPhilosophy Of MathematicsPolitics
This paper is a speculative experimentation that aims to explore the relationship between desire and thinking. Deviating from the letter, it attempts to understand philosophy as the knowledge of desire, as much as the desire for... more
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We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history , people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before. All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistorySocial Movements
Fujian Education Press, 2016
Translation: QU Xiaorui
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyOntologyPerception
This thesis explores Maurice Blanchot’s notion of the “limit-experience” through a close reading of Thomas the Obscure. I examine Blanchot’s notion of the limit-experience through Thomas’ symptoms of psychosis and melancholia. These... more
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      PsychoanalysisComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureEpistemology
Openbaring betreft de boodschap van een waarheid die groter is dan we misschien aankunnen. Het betekent een inbreuk op de orde die we in het dagelijks leven nastreven en is in dat opzicht een trauma, dat dwingt tot een herziening van ons... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionPhenomenologyLacanContemporary French Philosophy
convocatoria para el n. 7 de la revista La Deleuziana
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      Contemporary French PhilosophyGilles DeleuzeGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariEstética
Blanchot y Foucault son dos pensadores fundamentales para la filosofía francesa contemporánea. Sus ideas permiten abrir el debate sobre la inestabilidad, la discontinuidad y la posibilidad de resistencia al poder. Blanchot muestra que la... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePolitical TheoryContemporary French PhilosophyMaurice Blanchot
RESUMEN La relación interna entre filosofía, literatura y arte permite examinar con propiedad qué significan la pluralidad y complejidad en los usos de la razón. Posibilita la aproximación a esos usos y figuras desde un ángulo... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPsychologyCognitive Psychology
Buscamos apresentar, em linhas gerais e bastante reduzidas o que era a psicoterapia institucional, para Tosquelles e Oury e o primeiro Guattari de Psicanálise e transversalidade. A minha fala visa apresentar a maneira como Tosquelles... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisSocial PsychologyContemporary French Philosophy
On Henri de Lubac and the Resistance to Anti-semitisme
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      ChristianityTheologyHistory of ChristianityContemporary French Philosophy
Chapter 3 in Mark Bosco, SJ, and Brent Little, eds. _Revelation and Convergence: Flannery O'Connor and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition_. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2017. 78-98. Discusses Flannery... more
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      Catholic StudiesContemporary French Philosophy20th Century French Literature20th Century American Literature
Este artigo propõe pensar o método arqueológico de Michel Foucault, exposto em "As Palavras e as Coisas" e em "Arqueologia do Saber", e como este se catalisa a partir da obra de Borges, relacionando-se intimamente com a Literatura. Para... more
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      Contemporary French PhilosophyJorge Luis BorgesMichel Foucault
Hasta mediados de la década de 1990, Canguilhem era considerado un filósofo relevante pero “menor” , destacando por el magisterio que ejerció sobre pensadores más conocidos, como Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu o Louis Althusser y su... more
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      Contemporary French PhilosophyGeorges Canguilhem
Ce nouvel essai de Bernard Stiegler, qui sera suivi d'un second volet consacré au savoir et à son avenir, porte sur ce que l'auteur croit pouvoir déceler sous le nom d' « automatisation » de la société, laquelle présente ici deux aspects... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy of TechnologyConsumerism
To Avoid misunderstanding, I should note at once that my point of view is here not that of the mere logic of ideas and doctrines, but that of the concrete logic of the events of history. From the first point of view, that of the mere... more
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      ChristianityPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophySecular Humanism
This essay reflects on the rhythmic and performatic dimension of the archipelago in order to use it as a heuristic tool to understand the “intelligence” of the Smart City. Recognising the “smart ideology” which has brought to the actual... more
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      PhilosophyPerformance StudiesCollective IntelligenceContemporary French Philosophy
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      Political PhilosophyContemporary French PhilosophyJacques RancièrePhilosophy of History
During the darkest years of the Second World War, the French esthetician Etienne Souriau (long forgotten and recently rediscovered) carried out an original pluralist ontology essay centered around the notion of " mode of existence ".... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyAestheticsContemporary French Philosophy
It is understood that it is important to determine the place of consciousness in our life, and that at the turn of the twentieth century this was a problem common to both Bergson and 'phenomenology,' that of Husserl at least. For both... more
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      PhenomenologyContinental PhilosophyContemporary French PhilosophyHenri Bergson
Michel Foucault est encensé pour avoir amené la philosophie hors de ses sentiers battus, dans les mondes interlopes de la folie, du crime et de la sexualité ; il est célébré pour avoir abordé la diversité des concepts de savoir, de... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPhilosophyMarxism
Recensione di Rudy M. Leonelli (cura), Foucault-Marx. Paralleli e paradossi, Bulzoni Editore, Roma 2010 (146 p.) L'ossimoro del titolo sta ad indicare la difficoltà di tracciare in modo univoco e lineare le caratteristiche del rapporto... more
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      Post-MarxismContemporary French PhilosophyMichel FoucaultKarl Marx
Animatic apparatus; history of animism; history of mechanism; animation; animatic automaton; animatic; automaton; robot; cyborg; vital machine; cinema; anima; plasmaticness; simulacrum; lifedeath; the living dead; the uncanny; simulation;... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryAnimationAnimation Theory
Jean-Paul Sartre is often seen as the quintessential public intellectual, but this was not always the case. Until the mid-1940s he was not so well-known, even in France. Then suddenly, in a very short period of time, Sartre became an... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryIntellectual HistorySociology
Il senso del segreto si compone di approfondimenti tematici su cinque filosofi che hanno indagato la questione del segreto e della segretezza, attraverso un confronto – spesso esplicito, talvolta latente – con l’opera di Marcel Proust. Da... more
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      French LiteratureFrench StudiesSecrecyContemporary French Philosophy
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      Philosophy Of ReligionMax SchelerPhenomenologyContemporary French Philosophy
‘Vrij, want betrokken: Een briefwisseling tussen Jean-Luc Nancy en Aukje van Rooden’ Correspondentie tussen Jean-Luc Nancy en Aukje van Rooden over de thema's vrijheid, autonomie, betrokkenheid en engagement.
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      Jean-Luc NancyEngagementAutonomieVrijheid
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Northern Ireland LiteratureIrish StudiesIrish LiteratureContemporary French Philosophy
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      Contemporary French PhilosophyMichel Foucault
The topic of Internet ethics is vitally important for today. Just over a decade ago, questions surrounding the ethics of Internet usage were virtually non-existent since the World Wide Web was commercialized in the mid to late 1990s.... more
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      Information TechnologyTechnologyJewish StudiesMobile Technology
In his lectures on the 'Birth of Biopolitics' (1979) Michel Foucault seems to be 'seducted' by the Liberalism he studies, to the point that it is difficult to understand the meaning of his 'critique'. In this essay I intend to show... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryGovernmentality
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      Political PhilosophyContemporary French PhilosophySimone WeilContemporary Continental Philosophy
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      Feminist TheoryDeconstructionContinental PhilosophyContemporary French Philosophy
Albert Camus' philosophischer Essay Le mythe de Sisyphe. Essai sur l'absurde (Der Mythos von Sisyphos. Ein Versuch über das Absurde) ist zwischen 1936 und 1941 entstanden; er erschien 1942 -im selben Jahr wie L 'étranger (auf die... more
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      French LiteraturePhilosophyContemporary French PhilosophyAlbert Camus
Ce texte d'une conférence donnée en avril 2019 pour le colloque "Desining Community" propose une théorie critique de la participation en relation avec les enjeux du co-design, en vue d'une "mésopolitique", c'est-à-dire d'une politique des... more
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      DesignPoliticsContemporary French PhilosophyGilbert Simondon
ENGLISH: The recent triumph of Conchita Wurst –a transgender artist who, acting as Austria’s representative, won the 2014 edition of the singing contest Eurovision –allows us to test Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of desire as a... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderDiversitySocial Representations
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      PhilosophyPhenomenologyContemporary French PhilosophyÉmmanuel Lévinas
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      Critical TheoryVisual StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Theory
Jean-François Lyotard's film philosophy stems from his theory of “libidinal economy” expounded in the 1970s. He presents the basic characteristics of the film as libidinal dispositif by analyzing the representative space of theater and... more
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      Philosophy of FilmContemporary French Philosophy