Contemporary European History

1,114 papers
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Contemporary European History is the study of European events, societies, and transformations from the late 20th century to the present. It encompasses political, social, economic, and cultural developments, focusing on the impact of globalization, the European Union, post-Cold War dynamics, and the challenges of modernity in shaping contemporary European identities and relations.
This article examines the tension between the democratic right of public participation on specific environmental issues, guaranteed by European Law, and the degree to which it is being challenged in the UK as a consequence of recent... more
Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD) is the first ever treaty which works with signatory state for development of disabled people all over the world.
The emergence of a Soviet cultural diplomacy in the 1920s was hardly predictable. Bolsheviks’ propaganda for ‘world revolution’ reduced the image of Soviet Russia to one of Leninist-proletarian victory, while the rejection of diplomatic... more
The canon is generally understood as a body of the most important personalities and key works in a particular field, and for various reasons it evokes an impression of objectivity and impartiality. But is it really objective, or does it... more
Ich habe für das wunderbare Magazin Cato einen Artikel über das "wirklich wirkliche Budapest" als Ort der ideologischen Zerrüttung geschrieben.
Resumen: El presente artículo analiza la actitud adoptada por el PCI hacia los acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar en Portugal entre el abril de 1974 y el final del "Verano Caliente" de 1975. La Revolución de los Claveles, tras suscitar... more
Más de un millón y medio de portugueses vivían en el extranjero cuando triunfó la revolución de los claveles. Tras la caída de la dictadura, los nuevos gobiernos impulsaron la publicación de la revista 25 de Abril, una publicación... more
This article examines how cultural restitution was presented and debated in public discourses in the three main post-fascist countries of Western Europe, i.e. Austria, Italy and (West) Germany, from the end of the Second World War to the... more
Alain Corbin, Les cloches de la terre. Paysage sonore et culture sensible dans les campagnes au XIXe siècle (Paris: Flammarion, 1994), 359 pp., €8.69 (pb), ISBN 2080814532.Glenn Watkins, Proof through the Night. Music and the Great War... more
This article focuses on the early years of the cold war in Italy in the form of an analysis of the Catholic press from 1947 to the eve of the Second Vatican Council in 1962. In so doing it attempts to answer key questions for Italian... more
This edited volume studies the logic of community formation and the common view of the past to show how various social bonds of communities functioned during the modern national era of East-Central Europe from the late eighteenth century... more
research questions. The chapters on the specific South African fascist movements (Chapters Three through Five) are placed by order of prevalence to which they were in contact with Nazi Germany. Therefore, at a macro scale, the structure... more
There is little doubt that national referenda on European Union (EU) treaties have had a decisive impact not only on the process of European integration, but on the development of EU studies as well. The outcome of the Maastricht treaty... more
Under the EU treaties, provisions for collective (or institutional) forms of political leadership prevail over those made for leadership performed by individuals. Thus, an important leadership input from the EU’s institutions, namely the... more
All the measures taken by the different Hungarian governments in the period between 1920 and 1924 to cope with the financial consequences of the Great War did not record the expected success. At the beginning of 1923, it was quite clear... more
This article shows how corporatism in the Nordic countries helped shape the ‘ecological turn’ as governments and conservationist associations co-organised the Council of Europe's ‘European Conservation Year 1970’. The national... more
This paper is a frankly subjective effort to return to questions posed about the nature of communist rule and the sudden collapse of communism in the light of the intervening two decades. It asks, first, why feelings of elation about the... more
This introductory article argues that there is a need to introduce a renewed approach to the field of European Studies which takes into account various perspectives from the ‘periphery’ to unfold complexities and challenges of teaching... more
Syllabus for a seminar within the EUI Widening Programme
Decolonization was a critical step in restructuring immigration policies in France because, at the beginning of the 1960s, French colonial subjects suddenly became foreigners. At the same time, former bureaucrats from the colonial... more
The Ugly Side of Nation-Building O n the morning of Nov. 7, 1923, Georgios Adoniadis, a highly respected barrister and aspiring politician, was walking to the local courthouse from his house in the center of Ioannina, the capital of the... more
Traditional histories of the Italian ‘Economic Miracle’ have concentrated on two phenomena: the factory and migration. The family has occupied a position of secondary importance, being treated as of lesser interest than ‘other’ arenas of... more
The transnational security dimension ascribed to many phenomena such as terrorism, drug trafficking, pandemics, or people smuggling has led to increased pressures to increase cooperation across national borders to ‘fight’ or ‘manage’ many... more
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar la genealogía del insurreccionalismo anarcosindicalista desde la Revolución rusa y el origen del llamado anarcobolchevismo. Propongo una comprensión más precisa del insurreccionalismo que... more
ITA: Chi ha inventato l’alpinismo? Davvero è cominciato tutto con la salita di Francesco Petrarca al Mont Ventoux? Oppure sono stati gli illuministi del Settecento? O, ancora, i viaggiatori ed esploratori inglesi dell’Ottocento? E se... more
In February 1990 a major conference dedicated to the recent history of the East of Europe was organised at Rutgers University in Camden, New Jersey. The revised papers, edited by Joseph Held, compriseThe Columbia History of Eastern Europe... more
The overthrow of Nikita Khrushchev from the posts of first secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and the leader of the Soviet state in October 1964 was an unprecedented event in the history of the Soviet Union. The old leader was... more
Situating itself at the intersection of colonial history, global history and business history, this article highlights the overlooked history of German colonial companies post-First World War. It argues for an 'imperial afterlife' through... more
As COVID-19 began to spread across the globe in early 2020, few could have envisaged that it would so profoundly affect our personal and professional lives. In-class teaching soon had to be either replaced with online teaching or could... more
The reason why a fuller understanding of the significance of the Hitler dictatorship did not emerge in prewar democracies remains a question of enduring historical interest. This article examines the way in which Unilever, one of the... more
The rise of the new social history ('sosialhistorie' in Norwegian) in Norway from around 1970 was more of an evolution than a revolution. The social aspect of Norwegian history writing had been important for decades, a trait which also... more
In the first half of the twentieth century, broadly defined, Europe experienced an unparalleled number of civil wars resulting in millions of deaths. Civil war, as much as inter-state war, was a defining feature of the period for many... more
In 1955-6, three thousand German-speaking men were 'repatriated' from Czechoslovak forced labour camps, where they mined uranium, to West Germany, where they demanded benefits for health damage from radiation exposure. These men connected... more
This article investigates the phenomenon of 'unholy alliances': grand coalitions and ideologicallyincoherent coalitions in the EU. In the last decade, these types of government majorities have proliferated, even in countries that have not... more
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As recent scholarship has shown, most of East Central Europe remained at war for several years after the official armistice in November 1918, complicating the transition from empires into nation-states. This article addresses another... more
The Unfinished History of European Integration is a companion to the history of the European Union. From the aftermath of the First World War to the EU of 27 member states and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it guides the reader past the... more
South Africa's involvement in the Second World War was strongly opposed by elements within the white South African community, especially the Afrikaners. The majority of Afrikaners were historically anti-British, although some supported... more
This article analyses the relationship between charted (drawn) maps and mental maps of the contested border-region between Italy and Yugoslavia following the First World War. Drawing upon graphic and verbal depictions of tourist routes,... more
The mass banditry that emerged in Turkey's Kurdish regions between 1950 and 1970 was labelled a "national problem" in state discourse. Banditry and bandits were thus an integral part of the Turkish nation-state building process and the... more
The notions of immigration and social integration have increasingly become central themes in public discourse, particularly in the European Union. Besides opportunities, this phenomenon also poses challenges to the host nations of... more
What is ethnography in times of war? How does war shape the conditions and possibilities of ethnographic research? How do the exigencies of daily life in a war zone ultimately prescribe and restrict what kinds of research can be done? In... more
Contemporary healthcare institutions have come to realized that making prudent decisions is very critical in their resolve to reducing costs in the health care supply chain management. These prudent decisions will inure to the benefit of... more