African contemporary choreographers increasingly delink from Eurocentric performance conventions and work toward establishing local conditions of production and consumption by performing in public spaces. Although the labor undertaken to... more
n mid-January 2016, a photo of the rising Senegalese pop star Wally Ballago Seck, adorned in red skinny jeans, a black peacoat with a thick fur trim, and a pink handbag, circulated the Internet (see Timera 2016). The seemingly innocent... more
This article takes a closer look at the processes of reappropriation of the aesthetic field within which the phenomenon known as 'contemporary African dance' was shaped in the second half of the 20th century, mainly for the use of Western... more
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la question : en quoi l’apprentissage de la danse contemporaine héritière des sources africaines contribue-t-il à la déconstruction de l’occidentalocentrisme au sein de la communauté franco-québécoise blanche à... more
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la question : en quoi l’apprentissage de la danse contemporaine héritière des sources africaines contribue-t-il à la déconstruction de l’occidentalocentrisme au sein de la communauté franco-québécoise blanche à... more
This article presents a polycentric Africanist reading of Dada Masilo's Giselle, which debuted in South Africa in 2017. Although ballet was used as a tool of colonization in South Africa, establishing cultural and aesthetic norms from a... more
Knowledge is often likened to weather conditions that pay no heed to national boundaries. This opinion has ledmany African scholars into using the same instruments to gauge issues in African and non-African studies expecting to getsimilar... more
Through the analysis of the choreographic, arts installation dance piece "Zombification" by the Haitian born, based in Mali, choreographer, curator, actress, dance teacher Kettly Noël, we claim that her work desmantles what we are... more
Review of the book: Contemporary African Dance Theatre: Phenomenology, whiteness and the gaze by Sabine Sörgel
ABSTRACT African dance performances have been popularized globally as a result of its initiators’ need for global identity. This has encouraged African dancers and choreographers to create work that address social, cultural and political... more