Consumption Studies
Recent papers in Consumption Studies
In a rational expectation utility optimization model, the consumption profile is smoothed over time and, under some simplifying assumptions, it equals a constant fraction of total lifetime income. For this result to hold, the consumer... more
With an emphasis on everyday life, this respected text offers a lively and perceptive account of the key theories and ideas which dominate the field of consumption and consumer culture. Engaging case studies describe forms of consumption... more
In a world where nearly one billion people are undernourished and hungry (FAO, 2010), and where unique natural habitats are being destroyed to make space for growing crops, up to half of the food we make globally is wasted. Stuart's... more
ABSTRACT In the article, we make an attempt at discussing what it means that our reality is commodified, what the consequences of this are, how we commodify our bodies and what role in this process is played by cyborgization, as well as... more
In 1899, MIT chemist Ellen H. Richards (1842-1911) instigated a series of annual "Lake Placid Conferences" (1899-1908) that became known as the foundation of the home economics movement. Richards's first interest was in improving the... more
Qu'est-ce que consommer ? Comment aborder, en sociologue, un phénomène si familier ? Le présent ouvrage apporte des réponses à partir d'un ensemble de recherches, toutes empiriquement fondées. Les différentes thématiques abordées-enjeux... more
Sposoby produkcji jedzenia oraz jego związek z tożsamością mieszkańców Europy stały się u progu XXI wieku przedmiotem licznych dyskusji. Ich skutki dostrzec można w powstających rozwiązaniach prawnych – najlepszy przykład stanowi tu... more
Una de las líneas de investigación en historia económica que está cobrando mayor protagonismo en los últimos años es la dedicada al mercado de segunda mano, a la reventa y reciclaje de objetos utilizados anteriormente por otras per-sonas.... more
Objetivos: contribuir a la investigación sobre la vinculación entre la política sanitaria de profilaxis venérea y el proceso de producción, importación y circulación de medicamentos para el tratamiento de los “males secretos”... more
“Here I’ll be happy!” said a Portuguese advertising slogan from the mid-2000s. In modern higher income societies, the prevailing cultural norm of consumerism leads people to equate the consumption of goods and services with happiness and... more
Se Gli impiegati fosse un film, inizierebbe con una veduta aerea di Berlino, sul finire degli anni venti del XX secolo. È mattina presto, l'autunno già iniziato lascia tracce nella luce debole e nel foliage urbano. La città già sveglia... more
In the middle of the twentieth century, China's transnational connections flowed through the interaction of two ideologies that throughout the postwar era were at times in direct competition: consumerism and communism. In industrializing... more
The Household Meals Project (HMP ) looks at the division of food-related chores (shopping, putting supplies away, food preparation, cleaning up, garbage, and recycling) in 150 middle-class households in suburban and urban New York. The... more
Commodities and their consumption structure and reflect cultural collectivity. On the basis of interviews in Mexico and the United States, this study examines how tequila consumers track social change, interpret the terms of their... more
Over the past decade, consumers in Australia and elsewhere have increasingly been confronted with a fast growing number of health food products. This profusion of health foods is accompanied by a proliferation in popular culture of... more
Die politischen, ökonomischen, kulturellen und emotionalen Hintergründe des »Gulaschkommunismus« am Beispiel der Mode. Die Ungarische Volksrepublik als Land des »Gulaschkommunismus« – dieses Bild prägt auch heute noch die Erinnerungen... more
Autora: Gisela G. S. Castro. Colaboradoras: Beatriz Braga Bezerra, Gracy Cristina Astolpho Duarte, Juliana Acquarone da Rocha, Luciana da Silva Correa, Kareen Regina Terenzzo e Tania Zahar Miné. Sinopse: Como se sabe, os meios de... more
Resumo: O culto a celebridades é uma prática social que está presente em nosso dia-a-dia e se entrelaça com um sistema midiático que é ocupado por diferentes lógicas, entre elas a da indústria cultural. Este artigo busca tecer algumas... more
The present study examined the relationship between music preferences, values and musical identities in a sample of 606 Greek college students in the three institutes for higher education in Thessaloniki (Greece). Students indicated the... more
Il tema del testo riguarda le neuroscienze applicate alla comunicazione e al marketing. Il testo intende approfondire le conoscenze relative alle dinamiche della comunicazione attraverso una rilettura dei principali costrutti esplicativi... more
Continuità e fratture nel rapporto fra PCI e diversi modelli di consumo Il periodo che va dal secondo dopoguerra al "miracolo economico italiano" è da considerarsi come il momento in cui in Italia si affermò una cultura di massa e dei... more
Der Aufsatz untersucht den Beitrag massenmedial verbreiteter Lesestoffe zur Herausbildung einer Konsumgesellschaft in Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf der Frage, wie derartige Medien dazu beitrugen, dass sich... more
The rapid growth in consumption of bottled water across the globe has drawn attention of policy makers and academicians alike. However, its consumption practices have been examined primarily in the context of industrialized countries.... more
This Spanish/French documentary explores the industrial practice of planned obsolescence. Weaving together a narrative of historical cartel machinations, shifts in engineering ethics, and a surge of criticisms of consumption this film... more
In mercati sempre più concorrenziali, il marketing non può limitarsi alla promozione di qualità e convenienza. Seguendo l’esempio dei più significativi casi di successo, un obiettivo primario delle aziende è oggi quello di conoscere la... more
The paper reviews recent practice theoretical approaches to emotion and affect and assesses their potential contribution to the sociology of consumption. How emotion is implicated in the “motivational structure of consumption” (Campbell,... more
Glück lässt sich lernen. Das will uns die boomende Glücksindustrie weismachen. Und so explodiert seit den neunziger Jahren die Zahl der Glücksseminare, Glücksratgeber und Happiness-Indizes. Heute liegt es an uns selbst, negative Gefühle... more
"Rarely does religious history figure so prominently in a study of commodity culture as it does in Marcy Norton’s Sacred Gifts, Profane Pleasures. The very title of the book points to the central paradox at the heart of this book: tobacco... more
Le bonheur se construirait, s’enseignerait et s’apprendrait : telle est l’idée à laquelle la psychologie positive prétend conférer une légitimité scientifique. Il suffirait d’écouter les experts et d'appliquer leurs techniques pour... more
Closed loop or ‘circular’ production systems known as Circular Economy and Cradle to Cradle represent a unique opportunity to radically revise the currently wasteful system of production. One of the challenges of such systems is that... more
implied with an ideal-typical picture of the past when the middle class espoused high culture and denigrated popular culturefor which they were sometimes deemed 'snobs' by members of other classes. These issues were explored against a... more
The paper analyses behaviour of Generation Z (GenZ) in the region of Balkans (Serbia, Croatia and Republika Srpska). It presents the survey that was conducted among young people of age between 12 and 25, during December 2019 and January... more
Since doi moi, Vietnam has undergone a variety of social and economic transformations. Among the most obvious are found in the realm of consumption. The new openness to international trade and foreign investments has radically increased... more
The aim of the essay is to situate Bataille’s idiosyncratic thought on consumption in the context of the modern debate on this topic, to unravel its vacillations and contradictions, and to tease out its main implications. The modern... more
In the article, we make an attempt at discussing what it means that our reality is commodified, what the consequences of this are, how we commodify our bodies and what role in this process is played by cyborgization, as well as what the... more
The article discusses consumption as a social process that is a part of social provisioning and is in an evolutionary interplay with other social processes. The discussion is grounded in, but is not limited to the contributions of... more