Consumer Science

197 papers
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Consumer Science is the interdisciplinary study of consumer behavior, preferences, and decision-making processes. It integrates knowledge from psychology, sociology, economics, and marketing to understand how individuals and groups select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services, aiming to improve consumer welfare and inform business practices.
Understanding reference points to make purchase decisions: overview, phases, and time-features Pochopenie referenčných bodov pri rozhodovaní o nákupe: prehľad, fázy a časové charakteristiky Nelson B. Guillen Jr. Leveraging beauty pageants... more
A digital marketing strategy ideally should incorporate a range of methods and budgets. Digital advertising provides an opportunity to reach people and companies around the world. A marketing strategy is designed, implemented and... more
Abstract: As the world economy continues to evolve, businesses and industries must adopt new practices and processes in order to survive. Quality and cost control, work teams and participatory management, and an infusion of technology are... more
Understanding reference points to make purchase decisions: overview, phases, and time-features Pochopenie referenčných bodov pri rozhodovaní o nákupe: prehľad, fázy a časové charakteristiky Nelson B. Guillen Jr. Leveraging beauty pageants... more
Development does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability in the provision of educational programs and services or employment opportunities and benefits. The following office has... more
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has played a pivotal role in shaping the economic policies of developing countries, including Ghana. This study aims to investigate the impact of IMF programs on the performance of the Bank of Ghana... more
Adolescents with disabilities require access to general education and life skills instruction. Knowledge of food safety for this audience is important for health and valuable for work placement. The objective was to implement a survey to... more
A needs assessment survey was designed and administered to measure knowledge of and attitudes toward food safety impacts of nonthermal processing technologies of shellfish and produce industry personnel and extension educators. An online... more
ABSTRACTThis study aims to see and explain the influence of lifestyle and the maturity of online clothing purchase decisions on students with a sample of 183 people who are carried out by census. To obtain data, the study used... more
Utilizing a cross-sectional qualitative design, this study examined how the Chimbu provincial government systems in Papua New Guinea (PNG) employed communication strategies as cultural tools in the delivery of services to constituents in... more
Using Ayesha Harruna Atta’s The Hundred Wells of Salaga as a stepping-stone, this research paper sets out to delve into the gendered structure of slavery. The article argues that the straightjacket of patriarchal masculinity with its... more
A total of 734 sixth through twelfth grade students completed tvo questionnaires in a study that focused ci the development of consumer skills, the sources cf consumer skill acquisiticn,;,the effects of cognitive development and social... more
• Consumer trust and preferences in organic food differs significantly between the four countries. • Recognition is vital in consumer trust of organic certification. • Countries differ on their preference of national and EU-level... more
Boursin is a versatile semisoft cheese that can be made with different types of milk. While widely distributed in the European and North American markets, Boursin is produced to a limited extent in Brazil despite its commercial potential.... more
• Consumer trust and preferences in organic food differs significantly between the four countries. • Recognition is vital in consumer trust of organic certification. • Countries differ on their preference of national and EU-level... more
En este trabajo se muestran los resultados de un experimento de neurociencia sobre el cortometraje Memorias de un Cine de Provincias, donde se midió la actividad electrodérmica de un grupo de 32 personas de forma simultánea mediante la... more
According to Giles and Eyler (1998), identifying ways service-learning can enhance subject matter learning is the first of their top ten unanswered questions in service-learning research. Zlotkowski (2000) recommended careful... more
According to Giles and Eyler (1998), identifying ways service-learning can enhance subject matter learning is the first of their top ten unanswered questions in service-learning research. Zlotkowski (2000) recommended careful... more
Utilizing a cross-sectional qualitative design, this study examined how the Chimbu provincial government systems in Papua New Guinea (PNG) employed communication strategies as cultural tools in the delivery of services to constituents in... more
This article highlights results of a review of available literature (1985 to 2004) to substantiate the effectiveness of family and consumer sciences (FCS) secondary-level public school programs. Commissioned by AAFCS, the study found... more
This article highlights results of a review of available literature (1985 to 2004) to substantiate the effectiveness of fam- ily and consumer sciences (FCS) secondary-level public school programs. Commissioned by AAFCS, the study found... more
Ermy Wijaya, Yeni Oktariana; Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi impulse buying pada Hodshop Bengkulu. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah rating scale. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah... more
During the last two decades, olive oil consumption in Japan is showing an increasing trend due to dietary and health concerns. Traditional olive oil producer and exporter countries such as Italy, Spain and Tunisia have interest to... more
Los avances de las neurociencias en las últimas décadas han traído la oportunidad de utilizar sus tecnologías al servicio de la investigación en marketing. Existen numerosas controversias en torno a esta nueva aplicación de la tecnología,... more
Food technology innovation has the potential to deliver many benefits to society, although some technologies have been problematic in terms of public acceptance. In promoting the commercial success of innovative technological processes... more
A needs assessment survey was designed and administered to measure knowledge of and attitudes toward food safety impacts of nonthermal processing technologies of shellfish and produce industry personnel and extension educators. An online... more
Stress on students is more common and varied. Therefore, a good coping strategy is needed in order to control stress and increase academic achievement. The purposes of this study are: 1) to describe the level of academic stress and coping... more
ptt 10 year's: Slice mo service providers do busihess in a single loc l'e,,the evaluations are usually localAn scope (for example, a comp rison of major-appliance repair firms at: in Washington, D.C.), alth ugh, assessments of... more
Pembelian impulsif adalah tindakan membeli yang sebelumnya tidak diakui secara sadar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsep diri, gaya hidup, dan strategi pemasaran terhadap perilaku pembelian impulsif pada generasi... more
During the last two decades, olive oil consumption in Japan is showing an increasing trend due to dietary and health concerns. Traditional olive oil producer and exporter countries such as Italy, Spain and Tunisia have interest to... more
There is a need to train professionals across disciplines to work collaboratively on program development and implementation to address the caregiving issues prevalent in our aging society. The North Carolina State University Departments... more
This paper describes our ongoing attempts to involve consumers in innovation and technology policy by means of a national Consumer Panel, using focus group discussions as the primary method of consumer participation. We evaluate our... more
We employ a behavioral-economic equation put forward by Hursh and Silberberg (2008) to explain human consumption behavior among substitutable food brands, applying a consumer-choice model-the behavioral perspective model (BPM; Foxall,... more
Para citar este artículo: Salazar, César, "La neurociencia del consumidor como horizonte de investigación, conceptos y aplicaciones. Un enfoque paradigmático",
Para citar este artículo: Salazar, César, "La neurociencia del consumidor como horizonte de investigación, conceptos y aplicaciones. Un enfoque paradigmático",
For years, schools across the nation have been joining the technology revolution. Today, students have at least some form of technology available to them in school (Roblyer, Castine, and& King, 1993; Croxall and& Cummings, 2000). This... more
in Tempe, where she teaches courses in curriculum and cultural studies. Her research focuses on the intersections of education, learning, and consumption; and various sites of ideological education for children, youth, and adults. Her... more
The paper investigates Italian consumers’ behavior towards characteristics of extra virgin olive oil, in particular organic production methods and geographical origin. On the basis of the existing literature, the concepts of... more
The phrase "bigger is better" has become a common theme among Americans. The purpose of this study was to assess college students' portions and perception of recommended serving sizes of specific foods and beverages and to... more
En este trabajo pretendemos hacer una aportacion desde el campo de la neuropsicologia y de la tecnologia electronica al estudio y conocimiento del comportamiento humano en el campo de la opinion publica, en el debate politico y en la... more
This publication, extracted from a full study report, summarizes the development and utilization f an assessment model for , the effectiveness of library and noh-librar tinetwork delivery of consumer information. Consumer information Me... more
Adolescents with disabilities require access to general education and life skills instruction. Knowledge of food safety for this audience is important for health and valuable for work placement. The objective was to implement a survey to... more
The reduction of the first degree in Portugal, driven by the Bologna reforms, has resulted in a perceived loss of its value in the society and the labour market. The implementation of the reforms coincided with the severe economic crisis... more
En esta investigacion se muestra la aplicacion experimental en el campo de la comunicacion de una metodologia mixta capaz de localizar y cuantificar las palancas de cambio, o drivers emocionales, de los receptores a partir del estudio... more