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"It is important to establish the “Proto-dynamo” as concept that represents an entirely new paradigm of economic infrastructure. The concept alludes to the “dynamo” which is a machine that uses opposing magnetic forces to efficiently... more
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      Future StudiesEconomicsInternational EconomicsFinancial Economics
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      Business HistoryConsumer CultureConsumer ResearchMaterial Culture and Consumerism
S'appuyant sur une série d'observations réalisées dans le cadre du Festival des Vieilles Charrues et des Transmusicales de Rennes, cet article se propose d'étudier le rôle que jouent les écranns domestiques, professionnels et personnels... more
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      Festivals and musicConsumer BehaviorConsumer CultureConsumer Research
Established in the United States in the 1930s, Esquire and GQ were the first magazines to be designed with a male audience in mind. Subsequently, other nations in the west began to follow this trend and men's magazines were established in... more
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      MasculinitiesConsumer CultureWomen's MagazinesFashion
The relationship between music, the self/identity, and consumption is significant and widely acknowledged, yet it remains under-researched. To further our understanding of the symbolic consumption of music, this study evaluates the... more
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      MusicSelf and IdentityConsumer CultureConsumer Research
This study examines the influence of acculturation and language on the emotional response of three print advertisements (English, Spanish, Code Switched) through an experimental methodology founded on the Revised Hierarchical and the... more
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      MulticulturalismAdvertisingConsumer BehaviorHispanic Linguistics
Online music streaming has become a rapidly increasing social phenomenon in past few years with as many as 103.1 million people currently paying for music streaming services worldwide. However, the literature highlights a specific issue... more
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      SociologyPsychologySocial PsychologyMusic
This article discusses the political impacts on the poor's subjectivity provoked by neoliberal policies such as inclusion through consumption in 21st century Brazil. From 2009 to 2014, we carried out ethnographic research with new... more
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      BrazilNeoliberalismConsumer Culture
Ikea is a worldwide success story; their stores were visited 915 million times and their website was accessed over 2 billion times in 2016 (Highlights, 2016). As the world’s largest furniture retailer, Ikea services a number of market... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer CultureRetail MarketingRetail Design
Ninth Edition
J. Paul Peter
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Jerry C. Olson
Pennsylvania State University
Olson Zaltman Associates
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      MarketingTourism MarketingConsumers & ConsumptionSocial Marketing
Se da la circunstancia de que en esta informada época postmoderna en que vivimos, la conciencia del tiempo histórico se ha convertido en parte de nuestras vidas. Ahora ya nadie niega que el historicismo, el eclecticismo y el revival están... more
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      Design History and TheoryConsumer Culture
With an emphasis on everyday life, this respected text offers a lively and perceptive account of the key theories and ideas which dominate the field of consumption and consumer culture. Engaging case studies describe forms of consumption... more
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      Consumers & ConsumptionConsumerismConsumption StudiesConsumer Culture
Combinando enfoques filosóficos, semióticos y hermenéuticos, en el presente libro se realiza un análisis de diversas producciones audiovisuales que tienen como temática central al narcotráfico. Se trata de un escrito colectivo donde las... more
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesPolitical SociologySocial Sciences
598 DEPAUL LAW REVIEW [Vol. 50:597 oped in analog environments, we have found this thesis perhaps even more pertinent in digital contexts. In The Cultural Life of Intellectual Properties,2 Rosemary Coombe explored mass commercial culture... more
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      SociologyIntellectual PropertyDigital MediaDigital Culture
This paper investigates, on the basis of work by Jean Baudrillard and David Harvey, what we can define as neo-liberal global culture. Harvey's ideas on time-space compression and management of such within production systems are in the... more
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      Popular CultureConstructivismIdentity (Culture)Consumerism
O estudo teve como objetivo principal levantar os hábitos e motivações associados ao consumo do guaraná (Paullinia Cupana Kunth) junto aos moradores de Maués, município do Amazonas reconhecido nacionalmente pela qualidade do guaraná... more
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      BrazilConsumer CultureHolistic HealthPhitoterapy
This paper focuses on community development and its relationship to eco-tourism as a means of creating a sustainable future for local Cuban communities. If communities control local resources to create economic opportunities for local... more
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      Tourism StudiesCuban StudiesCentral America and MexicoConsumer Culture
The use of material culture methodologies within the historical discipline has prompted scholars to redefine how and what we might consider primary source material. Subsequently, objects and their ‘process of making’ have come to play a... more
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      British HistoryHistory of TextilesPolitical CultureGender
O site Jovem Nerd se transformou em porta-voz do estilo de vida nerd no Brasil. Sua influência no consumo e comportamento destes jovens comprova a sedimentação deste estilo de vida e nicho de mercado. Este artigo faz parte de uma pesquisa... more
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      Consumer CultureLifestyle & ConsumptionCultura Nerd
Qu'est-ce que consommer ? Comment aborder, en sociologue, un phénomène si familier ? Le présent ouvrage apporte des réponses à partir d'un ensemble de recherches, toutes empiriquement fondées. Les différentes thématiques abordées-enjeux... more
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      Consumption StudiesConsumer BehaviorConsumer CultureConsumer Research
This presentation explores the notion of indifference in a consumer culture, how it is distinct from cognate states such as apathy and boredom, and how it can link to forms of consumer nonparticipation or 'non-consumption' (Wilk 1997... more
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      MarketingConsumer CultureBoredomApathy
The aim of my presentation is to discuss two mechanisms of "domestication" of technologies in everyday life in People's Republic of Poland (so called People's Poland).
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      Consumer CultureSociology of Everyday LifeSocial PracticeDomestication of technology
The article traces the changes in everyday practices of production and consumption of amateur photographs at the beginning of the XXIst century. The authors argue that transformations were caused by a massive shift towards use of digital... more
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      Sociology of CultureMedia StudiesDigital HumanitiesPhotography
Although it is widely accepted that music can be used as a tool to communicate symbolic meaning, there has been little inquiry into how music is consumed to represent the self in social interaction. This paper seeks to provide new... more
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      MusicSelf and IdentitySocial InteractionConsumer Culture
The twenty-first century has seen the emergence of a new style of man: the metrosexual. Overwhelmingly straight, white, and wealthy, these impeccably coiffed urban professionals spend big money on everything from facials to pedicures, all... more
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      Sex and GenderSociology of WorkOrganizational CultureSexuality
Musica e marketing nell'equilibrio ideale? Un'analisi semiotica per scoprire le pratiche di consumo del prodotto musicale attraverso l'artista Calcutta, in rapporto al videoclip del singolo "Paracetamolo", diretto da Francesco Lettieri.
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      SemioticsVisual SemioticsConsumer BehaviorConsumer Culture
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologySocial PsychologyPopular Music
Análisis de los cinco grandes modelos publicitarios de análisis del consumidor: el racional (informativo-persuasivo), el conductista (publicidad mecanicista), el motivacionista (publicidad sugestiva), el modelo social (publicidad de... more
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      AdvertisingConsumer BehaviorMarketing ResearchConsumer Culture
In addressing skin this paper seeks to illuminate current research within consumer culture theory. Framing our discussion within a consideration of tattoo culture, we explore the double-sidedness of skin, its ambiguity and ambivalence. In... more
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      The TattooGenderConsumer CultureMarketing Theory
This article explores how 800-service, or toll-free longdistance (In-WATS) lines, became an institutionalized part of direct marketing in the United States between the mid-1960s and early 1980s. Introduced by AT&T in 1967, 800-service... more
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      Media HistoryBusiness HistorySocial Construction of TechnologyHistory of Capitalism
This study focuses on brand literacy in the emerging market of China. Results reveal Chinese consumer desire to express a deep resonance between Chinese values and aesthetics and a favored brand identity. Chinese brands such as Shanghai... more
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      Consumer CultureCultural LiteracyChinese AestheticsNation Branding
This book argues that the transformation of the print media in the 1950`s and 1960`s expanded the possibilities for social, individual and national identities in Japan. From the late 1950`s, the growth in the market for weekly magazines... more
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      Japanese StudiesCold War and CultureCold WarNationalism
Resumo: O artigo discute a pertinência conceitual do termo turismo religioso popular e sua capacidade de geração de negócios, portanto, de produção de desenvolvimento social e econômico. Se por um lado o conceito se revela frágil, por... more
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      MarketingBusiness AdministrationReligionSociology of Religion
In 1993, Martin Boase, founding partner of the British advertising agency Boase Massimi Pollit (BMP), addressed an audience at the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) in central London. In his speech, delivered to mark the... more
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      MarketingSociologyCultural StudiesConsumer Culture
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      Cultural HistoryDrugs And AddictionDrugs and drug cultureConsumer Culture
When it comes to advertising, commercial or promotional culture, feminists and critical theorists alike have, by and large, played a similar tune . This might be aptly summarized by the idea that advertising is the antithesis and the... more
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      Self and IdentityAdvertisingMarketing ResearchConsumer Culture
This article focuses on how spirituality and commercialism are intertwined in the representations of yoga in the media. For this study, articles on yoga were collected from seven Finnish popular magazines, and analyzed using qualitative... more
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      Comparative ReligionPsychologyMedia StudiesYoga
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      ConservationConservatismConsumptionConsumption Studies
Despite the prediction that modernization would lead to secularization, the past 30 years brought a global resurgence of religion. As many scholars note, religion has gained a new visibility in the contemporary political economy and... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionConsumer BehaviorConsumer Culture
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      Cultural StudiesConsumer CultureConsumer Culture Theory
A short article on my research on Cape Town's craft beer industry. It argues that craft beer is a new expression of social distinction acting through the desire of high-end consumers (who seek out individuation through alternative lines... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryConsumer BehaviorCreative Industries
In the mid-to-late 1980s, rap music became the soundtrack of Americanization. Along with breakdance, graffiti, and deejaying, rap inspired young people all over the world to create and practice their own versions of this popular culture.... more
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      Cultural StudiesGerman StudiesAmerican StudiesPopular Culture
Focusing on the account book of the MP and antiquary Sir Edward Dering (1598–1644), which covers the decade of his life in which he came of age, was knighted, and embarked on an ambitious political and courtly career, this article argues... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesHeraldryAutobiography
a short research on Mao-era's communist souvenirs(the so-called "Red Collection") consumption upsurge in modern day China.
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      Capital MarketsConsumer CultureCollective MemoryConsumer Research
Drawing from the literature on analytics of government, the paper discusses marketing as a form of government, elaborating and illustrating the many ways in which consumer choice is shaped, modified and directed in the market through... more
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      GovernmentalityMichel FoucaultConsumer CultureEnvironmental Sustainability
This article explores the way in which wine came to be viewed as a quintessentially ‘Italian’ beverage among Italy's middle- and upper-class households during fascism's twenty years in power. Due to significant increases in wine... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryIdentity (Culture)Consumer CultureModern European History
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      MarketingGender StudiesConsumer CultureMarketing Theory
Le differenze di genere hanno importanti effetti sulle nostre preferenze di consumo e sulla cultura materiale. Non solo uomini e donne consumano cose diverse in modo diverso, ma esistono anche oggetti “maschili” e oggetti “femminili”,... more
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      Gender StudiesConsumer CultureSociologiaSociología
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      AnthropologyConsumer CultureAntropologíaConsumo
In order to attract the consumer's some organizations introduce new products whereas some organizations advertise in order to attract the consumers. The latter is considered to be one of the most influential ways of attracting consumers,... more
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      Social SciencesAdvertisingConsumer BehaviorAdvertising and Media