Consumer Behavior
Recent papers in Consumer Behavior
"It is important to establish the “Proto-dynamo” as concept that represents an entirely new paradigm of economic infrastructure. The concept alludes to the “dynamo” which is a machine that uses opposing magnetic forces to efficiently... more
La interactividad y el multimedia son dos de los pilares fundamentales del periodismo digital, junto a la hipertextualidad. Dado su carácter relativamente incipiente, analizamos empíricamente el uso en cabeceras internacionales. En este... more
P e t l a n d B r a d e n t o n 3 5 3 0 5 3 r d A v e n u e W e s t B r a d e n t o n , F L 3 4 2 1 0 -3 4 8 7 ( 9 4 1 ) 7 5 2 -0 5 1 7
Disney and its spectacularly successful theme parks are analyzed through the lens of its consumers. We focus on how Disney manages the consumption experience and discuss Disney strategies from several perspectives. Disney provides a... more
Pakistani consumers must be well informed that, in achieving their corporate goals, organizations now bear greater responsibility to develop healthy environment and aware society. This study aims towards assessment of the impact of... more
Ultimately climate change is the product of consumption; greenhouse gases are produced by making things and energy, moving things, and carrying people around. Simply put, more people are using more energy and creating and using more... more
A collaborative UK government-funded research project drawing on the design and sustainability expertise of the Department of Design and Technology at Loughborough University and the sustainability and product bank functions at The Boots... more
While shaping aesthetic judgment and choice, socially constructed authenticity takes on some very different meanings among observers, consumers, producers and critics. Using a theoretical framework positing four distinct meanings of... more
The keeping of dogs and cats as household pets is prevalent throughout the United States. Individuals define and express their personal identities in part through customizing their personal repertoires of possessions, which includes pets.... more
The intention of this research article is to examine the modern characteristics of demand in the market under the tag modern demand prism. Intention to purchase (need, want & desire) creates demand in the market. The macro demand... more
"Moda, design e sostenibilità" di Kate Fletcher postmedia books 2018 172 pp. 43 ill. isbn 9788874902057 Molte delle preoccupazioni sociali e ambientali incorporate nel termine "sostenibilità" sono direttamente o indirettamente... more
Online music streaming has become a rapidly increasing social phenomenon in past few years with as many as 103.1 million people currently paying for music streaming services worldwide. However, the literature highlights a specific issue... more
Kamu politikalarıyla Türkiye’de bireylerin davranışlarını iyi yönde değiştirmek; refah düzeyini yükseltmek; daha sağlıklı bireyler olmalarını sağlayacak bir yaşam tarzı ve alışkanlıklar kazandırmaktır. - Tüketici davranışlarını... more
This article assesses how consumers' decision-making styles relate to their shopping mall behavior and their global evaluations of shopping malls. Based on exploratory data analysis including the use of the comparative method, the article... more
La decisione di acquistare una bottiglia di vino è guidata spesso da meccanismi di facilitazione della decisione (come per esempio la marca, il prezzo, l'etichetta, la bot-tiglia). Si tratta di soluzioni «veloci» che permettono di... more
Financial Analysis Report on Barratt Developments PLC and Taylor Wimpey PLC on the basis of Annual Report 2015
This research analysed the relationship between photographing and tourist experience, and evaluated its implications on the visitors’ post-visit behavioural intentions. Using data collected from international first-time Caucasian visitors... more
Advertisement is done by the organisations to induce potential customer to purchase or consume their product. In this study we will try to study the influence of advertisement on the consumer's buying behaviour by taking response from the... more
Ninth Edition
J. Paul Peter
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Jerry C. Olson
Pennsylvania State University
Olson Zaltman Associates
J. Paul Peter
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Jerry C. Olson
Pennsylvania State University
Olson Zaltman Associates
This introduction briefly summarizes each of the fifteen articles included in this special issue on fashion marketing of luxury brands and provides a rationale for the inclusion of each article. The articles are grouped by topic-luxury... more
The relationship between color psychology and consumer behavior is at the centre of most marketing activities in the business environment. Empirical and theoretical literature asserts that color psychology is instrumental in determining... more
iv Understanding Consumer Behavior, Perceived Quality, and Advertising and Consumer Behavior, as well as several conference proceedings.
Consumers transferring from agriculture society to industrial society, changing life standards and rich product options have necessitated radical changes in the concept of marketing beyond traditional perspective by breaking the routine.... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
O presente artigo possui o objetivo de analisar alguns dos graves efeitos da pandemia da Covid-19 nas relações consumeristas e laborais inseridas na estrutura estatal brasileira, que, atualmente, é assumidamente neoliberal, e que, em... more
BACKGROUND: Akpan is a traditional ready-to-drink fermented yoghurt-like cereal beverage consumed in urban and rural areas in Benin. With the aim of adapting the product to new local and export markets, this work maps African and European... more
Literature Study based on Report by MoEngage (2019)
The aim of this research is to understand the experience of the football sector on the use of artificial turf (satisfaction, safety, sporting feature, or the advantages and disadvantages). The study was conducted on a random selection of... more
Brand zealotry was defined as a specialized form of opinion leadership. Brand zealots are consumers who frequently engage in brand-related opinion leadership, report high interest in identifying the best brands to buy, and regularly... more
door survey was conducted in Costa Rica 3 identib consumer attitudes and concerns about the safety of fruits and vegetables available in the marketplace. m e sample (n = 98) was randomly selected from a panel of 255 households in urban... more