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In the coming decades, the platforms and formalisms scholars employ to display, transform, and transmit information will continue to evolve. Innovations in information management did not stop with the codex. They will not stop with the... more
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      Music EducationPhilosophyCommunicationInstructional Design
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      Mathematics EducationConstructivismConstructivist EducationConstructivism (Education)
Na sequência de um trabalho de investigação (Dias, 2007), procedemos à instalação e disponibilização da plataforma de eportefólio Elgg (open source) e a sessões para sua divulgação, na Escola Secundária Padre Benjamim Salgado (ESPBS).... more
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      EportfolioConstructivist EducationStudent Centered LearningMultimodal Composition
An effective educational leadership philosophy involves mindful adherence to a set of approaches and core beliefs about teaching, learning and work environments. Educational philosophies are as diverse and unique as the individuals who... more
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      Educational LeadershipEducational AdministrationPhilosophy of EducationProblem solving (Education)
This chapter describes the salient elements of a learning theory called constructivism.  It explains knowing, learning, remember, and believing from this perspective.
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSpecial Education
Instructional design as a serious course of study has been around just a few short years in comparison with other educational methodologies. Because it is still quite young, debates about its effectiveness and the effectiveness of the... more
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      Instructional DesignConstructivist Education
Observations and interview transcript from Kamaroi Rudolph Steiner School in Sydney, Australia, focusing on how the arts are integrated into all learning in the curriculum, as well as how the school as avoided the use of technology. This... more
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      Music EducationEducationEducational TechnologyRudolf Steiner
Na sequência de um trabalho de investigação (Dias, 2007), procedemos à instalação e disponibilização da plataforma de eportefólio Elgg (open source) e a sessões para sua divulgação, na Escola Secundária Padre Benjamim Salgado (ESPBS).... more
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      EportfolioConstructivist EducationStudent Centered LearningMultimodal Composition
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      Mathematics EducationConstructivismConstructivist EducationConstructivism (Education)
This chapter discusses efforts to cultivate a critical, arts-based approach, focusing on how students and their teacher experienced a curriculum designed to deconstruct identity, personalize literature, and foster community in a high... more
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      Creative WritingTeacher EducationSocial IdentityConstructivism
Mascolo, M. F., & Fischer, K. W. (2004).  Constructivist theories.  In Hopkins, B., Barre, R. G., Michel, G. F., Rochat, P. (Eds.). Cambridge encyclopedia of child development. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
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      Developmental PsychologyEducationCognitive developmentConstructivism
Na sequência de um trabalho de investigação (Dias, 2007), procedemos à instalação e disponibilização da plataforma de eportefólio Elgg (open source) e a sessões para sua divulgação, na Escola Secundária Padre Benjamim Salgado (ESPBS).... more
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      EportfolioConstructivist EducationStudent Centered LearningMultimodal Composition
Abstracts: A. Rationale/Background The Conceptual Framework in English of the 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum (SEC) reveals that the Department of Education in the Philippines believes in the Constructivist Theory of Learning as one... more
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      Language EducationConstructivist EducationSecondary EducationTeaching Strategies and Styles
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageDrama In EducationConstructivist EducationApplied Drama/Theatre
This paper explores the impact of NCLB on the behavior of teachers and school leaders and juxtaposes their reactions to the types of teaching and leadership needed to lead 21st century schools, as described by the authors of the 21st... more
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      AccountabilityConstructivist EducationStudent Centered LearningMultimodal Composition
Tarih öğretim programlarının doğasını belirleyen temel etken, kabul edilen felsefi paradigmanın ve öğrenme-öğretme yaklaşımlarının özelliklerinin programa yansımasıdır. Kabul edilen yaklaşım, pozitivist bilgi kuramı üzerine dayalı bir... more
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      AssessmentConstructivist EducationMeasurement and EvaluationEvaluation
In recent decades, student centered pedagogy has provided serious challenges to traditional ―lecture-and-test‖ modes of education in colleges and universities. Advocates of student-centered pedagogy generally proceed from the... more
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      Developmental PsychologyTeaching and LearningEducationCultural Sociology
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      Information ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationConstructivist Education
تهدف هذه الورقة إلى تبيان التغيير الذي يحدثه اعتماد المقاربة المعرفية – البنائية (Approche cognitive – constructiviste) على الكتاب المدرسي في العملية التعلّمية. علمًا أن هذا التغيير يطال دور الكتاب، وبنائه (كمؤلَّف وكسلسلة مؤلَّفات)،... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceEducationTeacher Education
The study investigated the relative effect of constructivist based teaching strategy on academic performance of junior secondary school students in integrated science. Four (4) Junior Secondary Schools were randomly selected for the... more
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      Constructivist EducationTeaching Methods
School discipline remains authoritarian in the USA despite the superficial adoption of student-centered, constructivist lesson delivery. The issue may be lack of ideas for how to conduct constructivist discipline. Three novel activities... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationConstructivismCritical Pedagogy
The project-based approach has been discussed as one of the most influential methods applied in translation pedagogy, which ensures the development of translation knowledge and skills of students by providing them with a chance of... more
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      Translation StudiesConstructivist EducationMetacognitionTechnical translation
Na sequência de um trabalho de investigação , procedemos à instalação e disponibilização da plataforma de eportefólio Elgg (open source) e a sessões para sua divulgação, na Escola Secundária Padre Benjamim Salgado (ESPBS). Neste momento,... more
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      EportfolioConstructivist EducationStudent Centered LearningMultimodal Composition
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      EducationFormative AssessmentConstructivist EducationStudent Centered Learning
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      EducationConstructivist Education
The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the effects of a constructivist instructional design on a group of students and their teacher. The sample consisted of 26 students and one teacher. The research was conducted at Istanbul... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducationInstructional Design
Sesame Workshop is a non-profit organization involved with community outreach to support the educational needs of children and foster healthy, strong families. The Educational Outreach Department creates needs-driven public service... more
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      Constructivist EducationResillienceSesame Street
This reflective paper discussesthe growingpresenceof student laptop computers and smart phones in classroomsand the various strategies adopted by lecturers and faculty todeal with ‘digital distraction’. The paper further suggests... more
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      Constructivist EducationMobile learning and eLearningKnowledge Communities
Nachdem der pädagogische Diskurs der 1990er und teilweise der 2000er Jahre sich auf einen bestimmten Begriff der Qualität bezog, womit Outputorientierung im Sinne effizienter Leistungserwartung verbunden war (vgl. Krönig 2007), ist mit... more
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      DidacticsConstructivist EducationOffener Unterricht
This is a systematic hands on writing process that begins by defining and outling writing skills required for California Content standards. Writing standards are outlined and compared by grade level for a systematic approach to teaching... more
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      EducationConstructivist EducationStudent Centered LearningWriting
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      EducationEnglish languageConstructivist EducationStudent Centered Learning
This study implemented the proposed model of a constructivist teaching- learning process and determined the extent by which the students manifested the institutional learning outcomes which include competency, credibility, commitment and... more
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      Constructivist EducationCurriculum and InstructionOutcomes based education
Background: Influenced by the original observations of Bunker and Thorpe Q1 , physical education theorists began to question the effectiveness of a traditional model for teaching games and have increasingly begun to believe that... more
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      Teacher EducationCaring school communitiesConstructivist EducationEmotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
Encouragement by the Chinese government for education to move from an emphasis on passive learning, rote memorisation and mechanical training towards the development and delivery of education using active, student-centred education... more
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      Constructivist EducationChinaChinese higher educationExperential Learning
Today, teaching and learning tend to be viewed from a constructivist perspective. Learning is regarded as a self-directed process of constructing meaning, which takes place in interaction. The teacher supports the learning process by... more
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      Constructivist EducationTeaching of Foreign LanguagesCulture and Learning
Na sequência de um trabalho de investigação (Dias, 2007), procedemos à instalação e disponibilização da plataforma de eportefólio Elgg (open source) e a sessões para sua divulgação, na Escola Secundária Padre Benjamim Salgado (ESPBS).... more
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      EportfolioConstructivist EducationStudent Centered LearningMultimodal Composition
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      EportfolioConstructivist EducationStudent Centered LearningMultimodal Composition
This study aims at investigating the student teachers’ traditional versus constructivist educational beliefs and their sense of self-efficacy by some variables: gender, grade, and department. Also it is intended to examine the... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationConstructivismConstructivist Education
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      Digital MediaConstructivist EducationStudent Centered LearningNew literacy studies
Na sequência de um trabalho de investigação (Dias, 2007), procedemos à instalação e disponibilização da plataforma de eportefólio Elgg (open source) e a sessões para sua divulgação, na Escola Secundária Padre Benjamim Salgado (ESPBS).... more
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      EportfolioConstructivist EducationStudent Centered LearningMultimodal Composition
Özet Bu çalışmada müzik öğretmeni adaylarının yapılandırmacı yaklaşıma ilişkin bilgi düzeylerini ölçmek amacıyla bir başarı testinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yapılandırmacı yaklaşım başarı testinin geliştirilmesinde, 2011-2012... more
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    • Constructivist Education
The goal of combining language instruction with the teaching of core content has been widely adopted in European schools and universities, at least since the 1990s. The concept has its roots in Content Based Language Instruction (CBLI) as... more
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      EducationAcademic WritingConstructivist EducationStudent Centered Learning
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      Teacher EducationConstructivist EducationTeachers' professional developmentTeaching Strategies and Styles
Childhood in the United States, and in the American South more particularly, has several well-known and popularized constructions, typically divided by social class and ethnic identity. More specifically, Southern childhood is constructed... more
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      Latino/A StudiesSociology of Children and ChildhoodConstructivismSouthern Studies (U.S. South)
This chapter excerpt describes the basics of teaching and learning from a constructivist perspective.  Three video mini-lectures are included.
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationConstructivism
The aim of this research is to determine the trends of education technology researches on Constructivist Learning Approach, which were published on database of ScienceDirect between 2010 and 2016. It also aims to guide researchers who... more
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      EducationTechnologyConstructivist EducationResearch
Constructivist instruction favours learning strategies that emphasize student independence (Bodner, 1986; Murphy, 1997). It suggests that limiting direct guidance and increasing constructed thinking through a student-centered approach... more
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      Teaching and LearningConstructivismConstructivist EducationDirect Instruction
The “millennial” historical moment presents fresh dilemmas for race-critical instructors. In addition to being well-versed in colorblind racial discourse, millennial students are socialized in a pop-cultural milieu that implies a more... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationRace and RacismCritical Pedagogy
O texto foi elaborado a partir de um conjunto de informacao recolhida em tres Centros de Reconhecimento, Validacao e Certificacao de Competencias (CRVCC). O trabalho realizado nos CRVCC consiste na avaliacao de competencias atraves da... more
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      EportfolioConstructivist EducationStudent Centered LearningMultimodal Composition
There are many classroom teaching approaches available, but they generally all have one fundamental commonality: they require some form of human communication. As human communication is subject to several perceptual errors in both... more
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      CyberneticsConstructivist EducationSecond-Order Cybernetics