Recent papers in Constructivism
Mixed methods research (MMR) is currently on the rise in the social sciences. This paper provides a theoretical discussion and a practical illustration of MMR in the social psychological study of language attitudes. First, I review... more
Critical reflections on constructivism and its origins, paralleling Piaget's clay experiments and Descartes' ones with wax. Early hints of ecopedagogy
In philosophy, there is an as yet unresolved discussion on whether there are different kinds of kinds and what those kinds are. In particular, there is a distinction between indifferent kinds, which are unaffected by observation and... more
Higher education is facing a range of major challenges during the twenty-first century. Personalised, flexible and open learning are considered among the driving forces, thus, issues of quality must be urgently addressed.
As hundreds of so-called "psychotherapies" have been foisted onto the public, all claiming to treat "mental illness," newer understandings of how the human brain actually works and the processes which drive the formations of mentation... more
Learning Theories and Instructions 2 What did you find surprising or striking as you furthered your knowledge about how people learn?
This paper argues that a social constructivist account of the Cuban-US relations offers compelling insights to understand the nature of the conflict. The aim is to seek answers, not about how things are but how the USA and Cuba have... more
In this paper I will shed light on the question of whether or not aesthetic experience can constitute practical knowledge and, if so, how it achieves this. I will compare the approaches of Nelson Goodman and Edmund Husserl. Both authors... more
Kastrup's attempt to undermine the dichotomy between mind and matter is interesting but it leaves much to be desired. In particular, it suffers from the following three difficulties. First, it is predicated on a misguided working... more
Le Royaume ambitionne d’être reconnu comme une puissance africaine émergente dans son identité comme dans son espace de projection. Afin de satisfaire ces ambitions, l’appareil diplomatique se développe et se modernise, tandis qu’une... more
"Ginzburg severely criticised the idea of building in this new society being the same as in the old one, and to elaborate on this socialist architecture he formedThe OSA Group. The OSA Group generated progressive theoretic and practical... more
Despite a growing interest in the role of emotions in world politics the relationship between emotion and securitization remains unclear. The article argues persistent, if sporadic, references to fear and emotion in securitization... more
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über more
Salinas De Gortari (1988) gave a high priority to teaching as part of his agenda developed during his term as president in the last six years. The current Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo also from the Institutional Revolutionary Party... more
The book examines the relationship between national identity and foreign policy discourses on Russia in Germany, Poland and Finland in the years 2005–2015. The case studies focus on the Nord Stream pipeline controversy, the 2008... more
The pending narrative is an important macrostructure of persuasive speech. With it, the speaker not only describes the world and its social phenomena, but also lays a foundation for transforming the world to conform with the objective... more
El aprendizaje colaborativo en línea traza una perspectiva constructivista para estudiantes que activamente se interesan en el intercambio de ideas, negociación de opiniones y la creación de recursos para el conocimiento, los cuales se... more
This work presents a discussion around the differences between the qualitative and quantitative approaches of investigation, which does not try to revive the old dispute on the greater validity of a method in despite of the other. Rather... more
This essay offers a strategic reinterpretation of Kant’s philosophy of mathematics in his Critique of Pure Reason via a broad, empirically based reconception of Kant’s conception of drawing. It begins with a general overview of Kant’s... more
This article presents a paper-based Tangible User Interface (TUI) that facilitates the production of complex queries on a Cultural Heritage (CH) repository. The system helps to easily make use of the data elements and Boolean logic that... more
This paper investigates, on the basis of work by Jean Baudrillard and David Harvey, what we can define as neo-liberal global culture. Harvey's ideas on time-space compression and management of such within production systems are in the... more
This book falls within the limits of academic research, certified by the order of the Romanian Ministry of Education, no. 5766 / December 15, 2021. The book represents the author's doctoral thesis modified according to the format and... more
Constructivism in practice is a challenging endeavor that invites teachers and students to engage in problems that elicit uncertainty. This article investigates the relationship between preferences for constructivist approaches and other... more
This article focuses on the emergence of postmodern and critical anthropology in the late twentieth century approaches which strongly affected main epistemological assumptions. Here attention is paid to dismissal of ahistoric... more
Web-based e-learning education research and development now focuses on the inclusion of new technological features and the exploration of software standards. However, far less effort is going into finding solutions to psychopedagogical... more
Endereço: Nos últimos anos assistimos a uma proliferação do termo construtivismo em disciplinas como Psicologia, Educação, Sociologia e Filosofia da... more
This paper insists that a psychological theory should be reflexive, i.e. it should be able to account for itself and its development if it is to be taken seriously as a valid contribution to the discipline. Bannister was a member of a... more
This chapter argues that the literature on European identity has advanced constructivist IR theorizing on collective identity mainly in three ways. First, it has allowed for an empirical analysis of the ways in which collective identities... more
This paper describes the history of science education and the efforts of the Science, Technology and Society (STS) movement in the United States to develop scientifically literate individuals. The Iowa Chautauqua Program focusing on STS... more
Ao longo de quase um século de desenvolvimento das Relações Internacionais, alunos e acadêmicos deparam-se com uma variedade de campos teóricos, métodos e temas de pesquisa. Este artigo resume a evolução histórica da disciplina, aponta os... more
This paper studies the concept of moral equivalence as a form of comparative evaluation that involves two distinct types of argument that depend upon a specific point of comparison. I particularly focus upon the moral equivalence of... more
Lidea di istituire un sistema di categorie di costrutti personali è nata per ordinare in categorie più ampie e successivamente in aree tematiche più consistenti i costrutti personali normalmente ottenuti dalla somministrazione di Griglie... more
The present study investigated relationships between students' conceptions of constructivist learning on the one hand, and their regulation and processing strategies on the other hand. Students in a constructivist, problem-based learning... more
El presente es un reporte del diseño, estandarización y aplicación de un instrumento de medición de habilidades cognitivas, sociales y tecnológicas en niños de 4°, 5° y 6° de primaria. La evaluación de estas habilidades es de suma... more
The unprecedented growth of Web 2.0 has affected learning and has made the growth of learning networks possible. Learning networks are shaped by communities to help their members acquire knowledge in specific areas and are the most... more
One of the foreign policies that can best describe the relationship between two states would be the Huawei Ban. Considering the major impact that this ban might bring to the global economy, it is necessary to discuss the reasons behind... more
Fenomena hubungan internasional semakin lama semakin mendekat ke persoalan sehari-hari penduduk di berbagai belahan dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Cara kita menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari sangat jelas dipengaruhi oleh kejadian-kejadian di... more
El presente ensayo constituye un intento de relación de tres cuerpos teóricos: el constructivismo radical; la biología de la cognición y la teoría pragmática del lenguaje. El propósito es describir el cómo podría darse la adquisición y/o... more
This (preprint) chapter argues that the 'thick' constructivism to which many prominent Feminist Security Studies authors currently subscribe is incapable of providing this sub-field of International Relations with adequate philosophical... more
An essay from the MA module in International Relations at Kingston University: This essay aims to examine UNAMIR’s failure, the lack of international response and essentially the failure of international cooperation in preventing the... more
Umwelt, Technik & Risiko – damit verbinden wir eine Symptomatik, die für die Moderne von bestandskritischer Bedeutung ist. Soweit herrscht Einigkeit. Kontrovers sind hingegen Diagnose und Therapie. Ist die industriegesellschaftliche... more
The present document shapes the joint work of five professionals of the education pertaining to different Mexican institutions from higher education, focused in the design and validation of a project of educational innovation based on the... more