Constructive Developmentalism
Recent papers in Constructive Developmentalism
The purpose of this study was to explore how recursive processing of meaningful language, expressed through resonant relationships, generates the neural architecture that is integral to the process of becoming an authentic servant-leader.... more
constructive developmental theory; subject-object theory; developmental action inquiry; adaptive leadership theory; post-conventional leadership; higher education leadership; Robert Kegan; William Torbert; Ronald Heifetz; multiple-case... more
Research and theories of leadership development link the capacity for complex thinking to effectiveness at leading adaptive change. However, few empirical studies examine how this link operates in natural work settings, or explore its... more
Uncertainty is a pervasive feature of our times. In this paper I argue that an age of uncertainty is not a reason for despair, but rather an opportunity to develop and mobilize our capacities for creativity, complexity, and collaboration.... more
This research examined the personal, professional, and developmental impact of introducing a constructive developmental perspective to faculty and students in a post-secondary program in sustainability education and leadership... more
Constructive-development and stage development theory, which posits that individuals move through different stages or action logics throughout life, has been the foundation for several models of human transformation. The literature on the... more
Keywords: study abroad, education abroad, transformative learning, disorienting dilemma, critical reflection, perspective transformation Abstract: The purpose of this mixed-methods study, grounded in transformative learning theory (TLT),... more
In this paper I critically review and synthesize multiple strands within the leadership, human development, and education reform literatures to offer a new lens for understanding and addressing the complex, adaptive problems facing the US... more
Buen Vivir, a political paradigm at work in Bolivia and Ecuador that underpins the state and social regeneration after a prolonged and devastating period of neoliberalism, has become a hotly contested subject within academia and politics.... more
In this reflective essay we examined the experiences of a group of students from a small liberal arts college in the United States on a study abroad program to the Marshall Islands to intern as preservice teachers in Marshallese schools.... more
Change Professionals sehen sich im Beratungsgeschehen vielfältigen Anforderungen ausgesetzt. Diese haben nicht nur mit dem eigenen Wissen, verfügbarem Know-how oder dem über Jahre gewonnenen Erfahrungsschatz zu tun. Wie und warum der... more
Have you ever wondered why an intelligent and experienced manager is often unable to act adequately when presented with complex situations? A possible answer to that could be the maturity of his action logic – a central personality aspect... more
During the last quarter of 2016, an upsurge of violence in Myanmar northern area of Rakhine state has led to mass displacement amongst the local population. Until a comprehensive assessment is completed, it is not possible to say how many... more
eoretical constructs about the discipline of contemporary geopolitics in Latin America, raise a critical analysis of the relations between states, to monitor the exercise of power and domination, social movements, pressure groups and... more
Cultural marginality, its impact on the individual and the role of the educator in assisting cultural beings in their own self-discovery and power of choice. Experiences as a third culture kid (TCK). Transitions from one culture to... more
using a combined approach to critique the main themes outlined in John Sidel’s “Social Origins of Democracy and Dictatorship revisited”(“Sidel” in short) and “Systemic vulnerability and the origins of developmental states: Northeast and... more
The issue of jurisdiction may arise during the course of garnishee proceedings. Jurisdiction is so fundamental and crucial that once a court is held to have no jurisdiction to entertain a matter, the proceeding is a nullity however, well... more
Recent research has shown that in order for teachers to embrace the plurilithic nature of English in their teaching, they need to be engaged in reflecting critically on, re-considering and, eventually, transforming deeply-rooted... more
The vertical development theory is a stage theory that has built upon other theories from postconventional constructivist developmental psychology including the adult developmental theory which focuses on the meaning making system of the... more
Integral Theory, as I understand it, is a developmental framework for integrating all kinds of knowledge. It is a transdisciplinary space, a sort of memetic scaffolding where the complex, emergent reality that IS can be mapped, navigated,... more
1 Abstract Integral theory presents as a theory of everything. As such, how do we validate its use while applying it as a methodology and investigating its blind spots? Meta-theory methodology can authenticate integral theory and... more
This study is a result of parallel reading of a relatively new book Lost River of Cinematography (2013) by Martin Čihák and proofreading of the English version of a considerably older music-theoretical book Foundations of Modern Harmony... more
This paper focuses on describing the ways in which ELF-awareness was intended to be promoted at the 'ELF-GATE Project', an original teacher development programme undertaken in Greece.