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Project finance is a pervasive method of financing in developing countries. It has a significant advantage over traditional financing approaches. In the era of the globalization of business and investment, where the demand for energy has... more
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      Oil and Gas LawConstruction Project Finance
Nigeria is a West African country, often referred to as the "Giant of Africa" due to its population of over 177 million and an estimated GDP of over US$587 billion; abundant natural resources including one of the largest natural gas and... more
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      SocioeconomicsSDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure)Infrastructure PlanningGreen Infrastructure
The success of construction contractors largely depends on the specific terms and the availability of sufficient funds for realizing planned projects. Financial issues in construction have been discussed since mid 1970s, yet no consensus... more
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      FinanceCivil EngineeringBorrowingFinancial management
The research aims at exploring the critical variables that affect public works contractors’ working capital in the delivery of infrastructure projects. Effective financial management has long been recognized as the ‘lifeblood’ of... more
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      BusinessInfrastructure PlanningConstruction Project FinanceConference paper
To cite this article: Gundes, S., Atakul, N., Buyukyoran, F. (2019) Financial issues in construction companies: bibliometric analysis and trends. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 46 (6), 329-337. Abstract The success of construction... more
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      FinanceBorrowingFinancial managementFinancial Risk Management
Over the past decade, Public - Private Partnership Policy has increasingly been adopted by governments over the world and the Ghanaian Government is no exception. This paper explores the key reasons for adopting PPP for construction... more
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      ProcurementConstruction Project ManagementGhanaPublic Private Partnerships
La mia Tesi per la Laurea Specialistica in Architettura, sul Project Financing, tesi discussa e preparata con l'Arch. Jacopo Casadio Il Programma Integrato di Intervento, strumento attuativo della pianificazione territoriale in... more
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      ArchitectureUrban PlanningProject FinanceStatistics, Econometrics, Economics, Marketing searching and adjusting, Management methods, Demography, Projects with foreign financing, Price universe and interpret indices, Physics, Econophysics.
Sea loan or pecunia traiecticia belongs to the heritage of Roman legal thought. It seems to occupy a distinctive position in the conceptual framework of private law and few researchers are interested in investigating it. One of them is Z.... more
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      Project FinanceConstruction Project FinanceCivil liabilityTerms and Conditions
The introduction of the 'Cash-Lite; a cashless policy, by the Central Bank of Nigeria in 2011 has changed the modus operandi of the construction industry. This is because the industry is one of the few industries that deal mostly with... more
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    • Construction Project Finance
The success of construction contractors largely depends on the specific terms and the availability of sufficient funds for realizing planned projects. Financial issues in construction have been discussed since mid 1970s, yet no consensus... more
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      BusinessFinanceCivil EngineeringBorrowing
The research aims at exploring the critical variables that affect public works contractors' working capital in the delivery of infrastructure projects. Effective financial management has long been recognized as the 'lifeblood' of... more
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      Infrastructure PlanningConstruction Project Finance
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      Construction ManagementConstruction Project Finance
This study sought to explore the challenges and barriers facing Small and Medium Construction Firms (SMCFs) in Ghana in their quest to access finance from financial institutions for their business purposes. This study was a... more
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      BusinessFinanceConstruction ManagementSocial Science Research Network
Nigeria is a West African country, often referred to as the "Giant of Africa" due to its population of over 177 million and an estimated GDP of over US$587 billion; abundant natural resources including one of the largest natural gas and... more
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      BusinessGreen InfrastructureCritical Infrastructure SystemsInfrastructure Development
Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) and Real Options Analysis (ROA) is undertaken for a materials manufacturing company. MCS and ROA offers a comprehensive process for advanced project valuation and project risk management via the formal... more
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      Real OptionsMonte Carlo SimulationBiotechnologyProject Finance