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Describes and covers construction techniques for Distributed Antenna Systems.  In-Building focus.
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      Antennas & Radio Wave PropagationConstruction MaterialsRF PropagationCellular Networks
A case-control study was conducted to understand the risk factors associated with kala-azar in diseaseendemic areas of Bihar, India. A total of 134 kala-azar cases treated at the Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences in... more
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      GeographyConstruction MaterialsHousingAdolescent
Background This study evaluated the effects of a combination of three ergonomic measures designed to reduce the risk of low back complaints among gypsum bricklayers. The measures focused on optimizing working height and reducing carrying... more
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      Health PromotionConstruction MaterialsHealth EducationRisk
An experiment to investigate the potential of a laser-induced plasma method for determining concrete compressive strength was conducted by focusing a Nd:YAG laser on concrete samples with different degrees of compressive strength. This... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringOpticsAnalytical ChemistryMedical Imaging
The European Biocidal Products Directive 98/8/EC requires a risk assessment concerning possible effects of active ingredients on the environment. Biocides can be leached from treated materials exposed to outdoor use. These emissions have... more
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      WaterConstruction MaterialsMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental science and technology
A case-control study was conducted to understand the risk factors associated with kala-azar in disease- endemic areas of Bihar, India. A total of 134 kala-azar cases treated at the Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences... more
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      GeographyConstruction MaterialsHousingAdolescent
In addition to the biodegradation problems encountered in buildings, exposure of their occupants to moulds is responsible for numerous diseases: infections (invasive nosocomial aspergillosis), immediate or delayed allergies, food-borne... more
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      Construction MaterialsEnvironmental MonitoringFungiMultidisciplinary
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      WetlandsConstruction MaterialsOperations StrategyCoal
Column experiments were performed to examine (a) the potential for leachate from construction and demolition (C&D) debris landfills to mobilize naturally-occurring iron and arsenic from soils underlying such facilities and (b) the ability... more
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      Environmental EngineeringSoilConstruction MaterialsArsenic
Although domestic computer use is increasing, most efforts to reduce energy use through improved power management have focused on computers in the workplace. We studied 20 households to understand how people use power management... more
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Introduction Environmental Aspect Nowadays, every country in our earth is looking into one of the most popular topic which is “the sustainability development for a better future”. The sustainable construction concept was introduced due to... more
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      Construction MaterialsHousingRecycled Construction MaterialsGreen materials in construction
Quantifying or, more generally, estimating the severity of the possible consequences of occupational accidents is a decisive step in any occupational risk assessment process. Because of the lack of historic information (accident data... more
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      PsychologyConstruction MaterialsOccupational HealthFuzzy Logic
The reuse of debris from building demolition is of increasing public interest because it decreases the volume of material to be disposed to landfill. This research is focused on the evaluation of the possibility of reusing recycled... more
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      Environmental EngineeringGeologyConstruction MaterialsWaste Management
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      AcousticsConstruction MaterialsSoundMultidisciplinary
Leaching tests, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy, and thermodynamic modeling were performed to investigate arsenate [As(V)] immobilization mechanisms in iron... more
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      Environmental ScienceThermodynamicsConstruction MaterialsArsenic
Hydrogen sulfide oxidation on sewer pipe surfaces was investigated in a pilot scale experimental setup. The experiments were aimed at replicating conditions in a gravity sewer located immediately downstream of a force main where sulfide... more
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      WaterConstruction MaterialsKineticsCorrosion
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      Construction MaterialsHousingRecycled MaterialsMinimal Housing
Presently in India, about 960 million tonnes of solid waste is being generated annually as by-products during industrial, mining, municipal, agricultural and other processes. Of this 350 million tonnes are organic wastes from agricultural... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringArchitectureConstruction Materials
Effect of acid rain on leaching and hydraulic characteristics. Leaching of calcium and lead are significantly affected by initial pH of acid rain. Decreasing rate of hydraulic conductivity is lower in acid rain case. Presence of SO 4 2-in... more
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      EngineeringConstruction MaterialsLeachingCalcium
Herbicides are still used to control weeds on hard surfaces, including municipal, private and industrial sites. Used under unfavourable conditions, especially when rain occurs shortly after application, herbicides may run off to surface... more
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      ZoologyWaterConstruction MaterialsPest Management
The rapid urbanisation of many cities in south and south-east Asia has increased the demand for bricks, which are typically supplied from brick kilns in peri-urban areas. We report visible foliar damage to mango, apricot and plum trees in... more
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      Construction MaterialsPakistanEnvironmental MonitoringEnvironmental Pollution
Identifying strategies for reconciling human development and climate change mitigation requires an adequate understanding of how infrastructures contribute to well-being and greenhouse gas emissions. While direct emissions from... more
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      Construction MaterialsCarbon DioxideCarbonMultidisciplinary
Rammed earth is an accessible, sustainable and increasingly popular building material. Owing to a lack of research, current design standards for rammed earth have taken a conservative stance on material attributes like shear strength.... more
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      Materials EngineeringCivil EngineeringConstruction Materials
This study investigates the feasibility and effect of poly(lactic) acid (PLA) on bitumen modification. The chemical and physical properties were evaluated for the modified bitumen produced with varying percentages of PLA ranging from 3 to... more
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      Transportation EngineeringConstruction MaterialsSustainable DevelopmentBitumen (Petrochemical Product)
The presence and deteriorating action of microbial biofilms on historic stone buildings have received considerable attention in the past few years. Among microorganisms, fungi are one of the most damaging groups. In the present work,... more
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      Chemical EngineeringConstruction MaterialsTitaniumZinc Oxide
The effects of respirable dust from three commercially produced calcium silicate insulation materials were examined in laboratory rats by long-term inhalation and injection techniques. These calcium silicate products have been used as... more
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      Construction MaterialsMacrophagesBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
This paper reports the results of an investigation on material recovery by stabilization/solidification of bottom ash coming from a municipal solid waste incineration plant. Stabilization/solidification was carried out to produce... more
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      Environmental EngineeringConstruction MaterialsWaste ManagementItaly
In line with the development in the construction sector and continuous need for many of concrete structures that meet the need of continuous population increase in Iraq. It became necessary to think in concrete construction be more... more
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      Construction MaterialsConstruction TechnologyConstruction Project ManagementRecycled Construction Materials
A model that combines plasticity and damage mechanics is developed to assess both multiaxial monotonic and cyclic behavior of concrete. The model adopts a bounding surface concept and combines plastic deformation with the deformation due... more
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    • Construction Materials
CITATIONS 0 READS 96 5 authors, including:
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsConstruction MaterialsStructural Health Monitoring
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    • Construction Materials
Microbiologically induced deterioration (MID) causes corrosion of concrete by producing acids (including organic and inorganic acids) that degrade concrete components and thus compromise the integrity of sewer pipelines and other... more
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      MicrobiologyEnvironmental microbiologyConstruction MaterialsMedical Microbiology
This paper seeks to situate architecture between the ridiculous and the profound using pop art as a medium. Andy Warhol’s “piss paintings” also known as Oxidation paintings are the subject of study in this paper. A recent call to design a... more
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      ArchitectureConstruction MaterialsTectonicsPop Art
This paper addresses the detection and monitoring of the development of epilithic phototrophic biofilms on the granite fac¸ade of an institutional building in Santiago de Compostela (NW Spain), and reports a case study of preventive... more
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      TechnologyBiofilmsConstruction MaterialsEnvironmental Monitoring
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      PsychologyErgonomicsConstruction MaterialsLow back pain
Background Prevalence of exposure related respiratory symptoms and decreases in lung function are unknown among quartz dust exposed construction workers. Methods In a cross-sectional study (n ¼ 1,335), the occurrence of respiratory... more
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      Construction MaterialsLinear modelsConstruction IndustryPneumoconiosis
Time and cost overruns on construction projects during the project life cycle continue to pose great challenges to developing countries. There are many factors that impede on successful completion of projects on time, budget, and quality.... more
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      Civil EngineeringConstruction MaterialsConstruction TechnologyConstruction Management
The aim of the present research work is to investigate the possibility of adding steel slag, a by-product of the conversion of iron to steel process, in the raw meal for the production of Portland cement clinker. Two samples of raw meals... more
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      EngineeringConstruction MaterialsMetallurgyNegative Affect
Wet Mix Macadam Plant is designed and manufactured by experts of Vibrant Construction Equipment Pvt Ltd. based in Hyderabad, for those road contractors who are seriously searching for a strong and trustworthy machine to build up their... more
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    • Construction Materials
Todos los materiales, incluyendo los de construcción, sufren con el tiempo procesos de envejecimiento que se presentan como degradación y/o deterioro, especialmente los que están a la intemperie o en contacto con el medioambiente. La... more
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      Construction MaterialsCathedralsSanto Domingo
Industrial activities in Iraq are associated with significant amounts of non-biodegradable solid waste, waste plastic being among the most prominent. This study involved 86 experiments and 254 tests to determine the efficiency of reusing... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringConstruction MaterialsWaste Management
The paper ''Super absorbing polymers as an internal curing agent for mitigation of early-age cracking of high-performance concrete bridge decks'' deals with different aspects of using superabsorbent polymers (SAP) in concrete to mitigate... more
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      Civil EngineeringConstruction MaterialsConcreteRecycling
Project cost is one of the three main challenges for the construction manager, where the success of a project is judged by meeting the criteria of cost with budget, schedule on time, and quality as specified by the owner. Many projects... more
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      Remote SensingConstruction MaterialsIrrigationWater resources
The concomitant recycling of waste and carbon dioxide emissions is the subject of developing technology designed to close the industrial process loop and facilitate the bulk-re-use of waste in, for example, construction. The present work... more
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      Environmental EngineeringConstruction MaterialsCarbon DioxideWaste Management
Recycling of secondary raw materials is a priority of waste handling in the countries of the European community. A potentially important secondary raw material is the product of the thermal transformation of cement-asbestos, produced by... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringMaterials ScienceConstruction Materials
Diffusion : Éditions A. & J. Picard, 18 rue Séguier, 75006 Paris Tél. librairie 01 43 26 96 73 -Fax 01 43 26 42 64 [email protected] Toute reproduction de cet ouvrage, autre que celles prévues à l'article L. 122-5 du Code de la... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyArt HistoryArchitecture
Carpenters and other construction workers who install drywall have high rates of strains and sprains to the low back and shoulder. Drywall is heavy and awkward to handle resulting in increased risk of injury. The purpose of this study was... more
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      Construction MaterialsFocus GroupsLow back painApplied Ergonomics
Objectives: Dermal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the role of an industrial by-product, coal fly ash, on workers' PAH exposure were investigated during stone mastic asphalt (SMA) paving and remixing.
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      Construction MaterialsCarbonEnvironmental MonitoringStatistical Significance
The manufacture of prefabricated building materials containing binding products such as ettringite (6CaOÁAl 2 O 3 Á3SO 3 Á32H 2 O) and calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) can give, in addition to other well-defined industrial activities, the... more
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      Environmental EngineeringConstruction MaterialsMineralsWaste Management
On the analysis of the architectural design of the Croffead House and the construction technology methods associated with its working drawings.
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      Structural EngineeringArchitectureConstruction MaterialsConstruction Technology