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Results indicated that WPB can be suitably used as a modifier for asphalt mixes as a part of sustainable management of plastic waste as well as for improved performance of asphalt mix. WPB content of 5.0 % by weight of OBC is recommended... more
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      Environmental LawConstruction ManagementAsphaltWaste Management
Design errors are claimed to account for 26% of the cost of defects, these in turn are stated to encompass 2-9% of production cost for building and constructions. Lack of knowledge and information has been identified as a major reasons... more
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      EngineeringConstruction ManagementKnowledge sharingBoundary objects
In the 1980s an innovative concrete footing system was designed, tested, developed and constructed to address the problem of high variability in onsite materials management. The need to improve reliability in housing concrete footings was... more
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      BusinessHousingConstruction IndustryIntellectual Capital
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      BusinessMicroeconomicsConstruction ManagementProcurement
IBS precast concrete is construction system which is meant to improve the conventional construction process. However IBS precast concrete projects are suffering from serious problems such as cost overrun, delays and less quality of the... more
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      EngineeringConstruction ManagementPrecast ConcreteConstruction Industry
This paper presents the accuracy of preliminary cost estimates prepared by Public Works Department (PWD), which is the largest public construction management in Malaysia. It attempts to understand the Quantity Surveyors' (QS) estimation... more
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      EconomicsPublic AdministrationProject ManagementQuantity Surveying
This paper describes a research project, aimed at developing a system to integrate RFID-based materials management with resources modelling in project management to improve on-site materials tracking and inventory management processes. In... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceRFIDICT
: Most introductory discussions of Agile software development have focused on team management concepts and the implications of the Agile Manifesto for a single, small team. The focus now includes scaling these concepts for a variety of... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringAgile software development
Lean Production has been studied for over 20 years, and for many the term is still illdefined. Our first hypothesis suggests that there are many meanings for Lean when applied to Construction. Our second hypothesis suggests that Lean... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringArchitectureConstruction Management
Work structuring is the breakdown of both product and process into chunks, sequences and assignments to make work flow smoother and with less variability, in turn reducing waste and increasing value. Work-structuring decisions should... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceWorkflowStructuring
Work structuring is the breakdown of both product and process into chunks, sequences and assignments to make work flow smoother and with less variability, in turn reducing waste and increasing value. Work-structuring decisions should... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceWorkflowStructuring
Lean Production has been studied for over 20 years, and for many the term is still illdefined. Our first hypothesis suggests that there are many meanings for Lean when applied to Construction. Our second hypothesis suggests that Lean... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringArchitectureConstruction Management
In a quest for the safe and sustainable delivery of built environment projects in South Africa, this study explored intelligent wearable technologies (IWTs). A post-positivism philosophical stance was adopted by surveying 165 built... more
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      WorkforceWearable ComputerSustainability
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      BusinessCivil EngineeringProject ManagementConstruction Management
Las plantas del género Bambusa han enriquecido nuestra vida en múltiples maneras. Sus brotes comestibles presentan características sensoriales especiales para la cultura oriental, y sus hojas son materia prima para numerosos productos... more
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Rework is a persistent challenge in construction projects, significantly affecting project performance and remaining a major focus for research. The problem addressed in this study is the lack of a systematic framework for identifying and... more
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    • Construction Management
The purpose of this research is to present a view of the application of artificial intelligence and its effects on library services. Artificial intelligence is one of the important modern technologies that have appeared in recent years... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceManagement Information SystemsInnovative Library ServicesSmart Library Concepts
This study presents the dark side of "unethical practices" in construction projects in Egypt, which impact the construction industry's development. It also identifies the project parties' unethical practices in funded... more
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      BusinessMarketingEngineeringCivil Engineering
The traditional decision-making process in construction is still driven by factors such as cost and time, not adequately addressing indicators to control their environmental impacts. So, how to improve environmental communication to... more
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      EconomicsConstruction ManagementEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental Impact Assessment
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      BusinessEngineeringProductivityConstruction Industry
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceArtificial Neural NetworksRegression
Megaprojects present significant economic risks to their financiers and sponsors. Factors such as inflation, cash flow issues, material and energy price hikes and change in government policies can cause such capital intensive projects to... more
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      BusinessEngineeringProject ManagementConstruction Management
The success of projects is measured by the parameters of time, cost and quality. However, it is common knowledge in Nigeria that most Heavy Engineering construction projects have not performed well in each of these parameters. Quantity... more
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      EngineeringConstruction ManagementSustainable DevelopmentCost Estimation
Scheduling with constrained resources, particularly skilled labor, is a major challenge for almost all construction projects. In the literature, various techniques have been developed to reduce consequent project delay of constrained... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringComputer ScienceAlgorithms
Rework has been a primary cause of cost and schedule overruns in large construction projects. While several research efforts have analyzed the causes and effects of rework and provided guidelines to reduce rework, almost no research... more
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      EngineeringConstruction ManagementSchedulingOptimization
Detailed as-built information is essential for progress tracking, corrective actions, and schedule analysis. As-built documentation, however, has mainly been a manual process that is time-consuming and error-prone. This paper proposes a... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceDocumentationConstruction Management
Those respondents who did not file claims said that that it was useless to file claims as laws and procedures were too complex, and the government did not compensate. 45 percent of the clients reported having received one or more claims.... more
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The oil price drop has significantly affected complex construction projects in the United Arab Emirates. After this crisis, adversarial relationships and trust issues between subcontractors and main contractors have increased, therefore,... more
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    • Business
Pekerjaan ulang (rework) pada proyek konstruksi diakibatkan karena kesalahan dalam perencanaan, kesalahan prosedur kerja, kurangnya pengawasan sehingga hasil pekerjaan tidak sesuai dengan desain awal konstruksi dan dapat mengakibatkan... more
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One of the problems that often arise in housing projects is time delay, which may results in an increase in construction costs. This delay can be attributed to deficiencies in site management, ineffective communication strategies, and a... more
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      BusinessConstruction ManagementLean ConstructionLean Manufacturing
Purpose: Contractor Development Programmes (CDPs) are aimed at creating an enabling environment for the survival and sustainability of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) contractors. Albeit, literature informs that the opinions... more
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      BusinessEngineeringHousing PolicySustainable Construction
Pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi bangunan gedung  yang mundur dari waktu yang telah ditentukan, ini adalah hal yang paling tidak disukai oleh semua pihak, apalagi pelaksanaan proyek pemerintah, dalam menghadapi pihak pemeriksa yaitu BPK atau... more
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Background: Research institutions and donor organizations are giving growing attention to how research evidence is communicated to influence policy. In the area of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV there is less weight given to... more
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      LawSexual and Reproductive HealthConstruction ManagementSexual Violence
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      BusinessEngineeringCivil EngineeringComputer Science
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      BusinessEngineeringCivil EngineeringComputer Science
Many large scale construction projects (LSPs) are designed in a collaboration between famous international architects and local design firms. Design management usually evolves as a tool at the design stage for designers and design... more
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      EngineeringAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessProduction economics
Specification of materials for concrete repair is a complex task requiring broad knowledge of materials science, engineering and construction practice. In this paper, several issues important for proper design and implementation of... more
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      EngineeringConstruction Materials
The effectiveness of labor productivity determines whether building projects are successful locally and internationally. It has proven difficult to increase Construction Project Labor Productivity (CPLP) in both developed and developing... more
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      Labor EconomicsConstruction Project Management
Dual-purpose underground retention systems are a sustainable idea for today's water management. They solve the problems of not having enough water and managing stormwater. These systems collect, store, and reuse rainwater for things like... more
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      Construction ManagementStormwater management
İnşaat sektörü hem ulusal hem küresel düzeyde temel sektörlerden bir tanesini teşkil etmektedir. Ülkeler gelişmişlik seviyelerine göre, gelişmiş, gelişmekte olan ve gelişmemiş ülkeler olarak tasnif edilmektedirler. Gelişmişlik seviye ve... more
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According to the data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, building construction in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Province belongs to a construction cluster with the highest realization value compared to civil and other... more
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      BusinessKnowledge ManagementConstruction ManagementOrganizational Performance
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      Computer ScienceInformation Technology Construction
Mestre pelo programa de Pós-Graduação em Contabilidade na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina -UFSC RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo é identificar o comportamento dos custos das empresas listadas no segmento de fios e tecidos da... more
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Construction project involves huge capital flow (materials, machines, manpower, management, finance) from inception to completion and handover. Bank consolidation will enhance synergy; improve efficiency through cost reduction revenue in... more
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      BusinessFinanceConstruction ManagementLoan
In subsequent years, the construction sector has been recommended to expand the use of off-site technology, or ‘new construction approaches,' to tackle the ‘productivity puzzle’ and building shortage supply. Throughout the industrial... more
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      Civil EngineeringChristianitySupply Chain ManagementQuantity Surveying
This paper aims at developing an integrated cloud-based internet of things (IoT) platform for asset management of elevated metro rail project. This platform will provide information about the various assets of the project and its location... more
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      BusinessCivil EngineeringConstruction ManagementInternet of Things
Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) is a high technology digitization to enhance communication networks, organization and management, as well as production and processes across industries. The rate of changes and its convergence towards IR... more
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      EngineeringDigitizationArchitecture DesignSyllabus
PURPOSEThis paper critically analyzes and assesses the various factors of occupational health and safety (OHS), and elucidate the factors affecting construction workers’ behavior in different construction projects of Oman. It aims to... more
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      BusinessEngineeringSocial WorkSocial Entrepreneurship
Risks in Underground Construction.
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      Computer ScienceConstruction ManagementRisk ManagementRisk assessment