Construction Management
Recent papers in Construction Management
The use of theories in construction management research (CMR) is very important so as to generate an acceptable and generalizable construction management (CM) knowledge. This has generated a lot of research contributions that revealed the... more
BIM Excellence ist ein forschungs-basierter Ansatz, um die Leistungsfähigkeit einzelner Personen, Organisationen und Projektteams zu bewerten und zu verbessern. Die BIMe Initiative organisiert alle Forschungsaktivitäten in Knowledge Sets,... more
Análise de Valor Agregado na Construção Civil.
Règlement des équipementS
In recent years, the Construction Industry in Puerto Rico has experienced a wealth of activity unparalleled in its history. While public construction projects have always carried the Industry, private construction accounted for nearly... more
A project management methodology is a set of procedures and techniques that can be modulated and applied to a specific situation. It is methodological process that provides a procedural list of tasks and procedures with aim to attain... more
The writing consists of main issues of adoption on BIM and covers the solutions provided by standard forms and protocols and discuss future solutions.
Construction projects in Egypt are categorized with high uncertainties. Coping with change in construction projects is such a big challenge that a project manager could face in managing a project. Change is something evitable specially... more
The 2014 update of this note is now available at — On the basis of research they did to improve construction productivity in the 1980s, Glenn Ballard and Greg Howell created The Last Planner System (LPS) to... more
Site safety is one critical factor affecting the sustainability of skyscrapers and decoration, repair, and maintenance projects. Many newly-built skyscrapers exceed 50 storeys in Hong Kong and decoration, repair, and maintenance projects... more
Human resource is the key component for any organization's success. It is crucial for organization to manage their human resources effectively and to their satisfaction, so that they stay longer without leaving the organization. Job... more
Actualmente las organizaciones que buscan permanecer en el futuro, deben hacer planeación estratégica en virtud de los cambio es que ocurren y lo vertiginoso de los mismos, es así que todas las organizaciones, llámense empresas privadas o... more
The ambition for this inaugural edition of The Oxford Handbook of Megaproject Management is to become the ultimate source for state-of-the-art scholarship in the emerging field of megaproject management. The book offers a rigorous,... more
Research has identified various beneficial capabilities for augmented reality technologies in the AEC industry such as virtual site visits, comparing as-built and as-planned status of projects, pre-empting schedule disputes, enhancing... more
Cost and time overrun in construction projects has become a reoccurring problem in construction industries around the world especially in developing countries. This situation is unhealthy for public educational buildings which are... more
Participate in an international competition for a project in China, design a project for Dubai, build a school in the favellas of Brazil. Those are some of the challenges that firms in the fields of architecture, urban planning and... more
İnşaat Mühendisliğinde yapılan tüm tasarım, hesaplama ve projelendirme faaliyetlerinin nihai hedefi projenin somut bir şekilde hayata geçirilmesi olduğu gerçeğinden hareketle mesleğin değeri her geçen gün daha da artan en önemli konusu,... more
Uzun süre boyunca üzerinde çalıştığım ve bana çok yardımcı olan, programlama yapmam için olmazsa olmaz excel dosyam; inşaat maliyetleri hesaplaması. Maliyetleri zamana göre güncellemeniz yeterlidir.
One noteworthy gap in the management of projects has been observed to be considering projects as systems existing in isolation from its surrounding environment. From an examination of the deficiencies in such an approach and how to avoid... more
Managing risks in construction projects has been recognised as a very important management process in order to achieve the project objectives in terms of time, cost, quality, safety and environmental sustainability. However, until now... more
During the last decade, "fuzzy techniques" have been increasingly applied to the research area of construction management discipline. To date, however, no paper has attempted to summarize and present a critique of the existing "fuzzy"... more
The collaborative development of each unit in industrial clusters is the only way to enhance the regional industrial competitiveness and the regional economy. While the scientific and technological service platform based on integrated... more
This research work mainly focuses on stabilization of Ikpayongo laterite using cement blended with Rise Husk Ash (RHA) and Carbide Waste (CW) to promote its physical characteristics. The blending of cement with Rice Husk Ash (RHA) and... more
The study examines the dimensions and components of construction safety culture and whether the application of BIM technologies to the dimensions of construction safety culture improves the safety maturity levels among construction... more
The complex environments of today’s markets makes managing organizations in complexity and turbulence a concern for senior managers, and necessitate developing a dynamic strategic framework to cope with complexity in managing... more
Simulation and computational techniques cover a variety of aspects also had proved its feasibility in construction management as whole, so it had adopted by a lot of researches during the last decades with rapid progress. The current... more
The importance of claims and disputes in Portuguese public contracting is so large nowadays that most construction managers tend to consider a specific final stage of the project life cycle for dealing with them. The aim of this paper is... more
Project management are still depending on manual exchange of information based on paper documents. Where design drawings drafting by computer-aided design (CAD), but the data needed by project management software can not be extracted... more
The construction industry has always been viewed as being the last to adopt modern technology and methods compared with other industries. The need for major change in the industry is abundantly clear as many projects in recent years have... more
Partnering has become an important approach for construction project management and there exists a wide range of tools to facilitate the implementation of partnering in construction projects. However, there is a lack of attention in terms... more
The relationship between total quality management (TQM) practices and organizational performance has been widely reported in literature without consensus on its nature. This study examined the nature of relationship as well as influence... more
The diffusion of BIM practices and the increasing connotation of BIM contributed to the emergence of several BIM-based specialist roles within the Architectural, Construction, Engineering and Facility Management (AEC-FM) sector. Both the... more
The focus on wages, prices and the living standards has led the discussions around the great divergence, resulting in varied perspectives. This paper builds a new set of relationships between these variables. This chapter describes the... more
For domestic buildings to meet current definitions of zero carbon the building fabric and services must achieve 70% reduction in energy use, taking the carbon emissions down to less than 7 Kg CO2/m2. However, there is a significant... more
The briefing process is critical to the successful delivery of construction projects. Although a number of briefing guides have been developed, attempting to address the problems of briefing, they are often criticized as being too general... more
The study examines the dimensions and components of construction safety culture and whether the application of BIM technologies to the dimensions of construction safety culture improves the safety maturity levels among construction... more
A survey of waged and salaried, project-based construction workers was conducted. The survey measured work-family enrichment, a type of positive interaction between work and family life. A six-item work-family enrichment scale confirmed... more