Constitutive model

6,002 papers
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A constitutive model is a mathematical representation that describes the relationship between stress and strain in materials, capturing their mechanical behavior under various loading conditions. It is essential in fields such as solid mechanics and materials science for predicting how materials deform and fail.
In a recent paper, Starr and Segalman demonstrated that any Masing model can be represented as a parallel-series Iwan model. A preponderance of the constitutive models that have been suggested for simulating mechanical joints are Masing... more
A nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model for the solid propellant is proposed. In their earlier work, the authors have developed an isotropic constitutive model and veri®ed it for one-dimensional case. In the present work, the validity... more
The viscoelastic behavior of carbon-black-filled rubber under small oscillatory loads superimposed on large static deformation is dealt with. In this class of problems, as the strain amplitudes of the load increase, the dynamic stiffness... more
This paper deals with the development of a non-linear constitutive model of a rock mass and its application to predict the extension of the excavation damaged zone (EDZ) around openings. A comparison of the model results with the... more
A looal damage constitutive model based on Kachanov' s theory is used within a finite element frame and applied to the case of 2D and 3D Timoshenko beam elements. The model takes into account viscous effects, thus allowing damping to be... more
This paper presents a new constitutive model for the time dependent mechanical behaviour of rock which takes into account both viscoplastic behaviour and evolution of damage with respect to time. This model is built by associating a... more
Predicting the deformations of deep reservoirs due to fluid withdrawal/injection is a challenging task that could have important environmental, social, and economical impacts. Finite element models, if endowed with an appropriate... more
Polymer nanocomposites refer to a broad range of composite materials with polymer acting as the matrix and any material which has at least one dimension in the order of 1 ~ 100 nanometer acting as the filler. Due to unprecedented... more
The main objective of the present paper is the numerical investigation of dynamic shear bands in inelastic solids generated by impact-loaded adiabatic processes. Particular attention is focused on the proper description of a ductile mode... more
Application of the thermodynamic-based strain gradient plasticity theory in high velocity impact problems GEORGE VOYIADJIS, YOOSEOB SONG, Louisiana State University -In this work, a thermodynamicbased framework of the higher-order strain... more
In this companion article, we present, within the finite element context, the numerical algorithms for the integration of the thermodynamically consistent formulation of the elastic plastic and damage model for concrete materials derived... more
In this work use is made of functional forms of hardening state variables within a consistent thermodynamic formulation to model the elasto-plastic behavior of materials. The formulation is then numerically implemented using the developed... more
Proper life-time prediction modeling of single crystalline components is of increasing importance due to their common use in turbine industry. Viscoplastic damage approaches are of great interest in that context. However, mechanical... more
Solid state dynamics experiments at very high pressures (P >> 10 GPa) and strain rates (C: >> lo5 s-') have been demonstrated on high energy laser facilities, albeit over brief intervals of time and small spatial scales. We have developed... more
A constitutive model is proposed for clays based on the experimental observations from a series of flexible boundary true triaxial shear tests on cubical specimens of light to heavily overconsolidated kaolin clay. The proposed model... more
Higher-order polynomial functions can be used as a constitutive model to represent the mechanical behaviour of biological materials. The goal of this study was to present a method for assessing the fit of a given constitutive... more
A significant step forward in modelling polymer melt rheology has been the introduction of the Pom-Pom constitutive model of McLeish and Larson [T.C.B. McLeish, R.G. Larson, Molecular constitutive equations for a class of branched... more
In this study we develop a first‐order, nonstationary stochastic model for steady state, unsaturated flow in randomly heterogeneous media. The model is applicable to the entire domain of a bounded vadose zone, unlike most of the existing... more
A rate dependent theory of polycrystalline plasticity is presented in which the solid is modeled as an isotropic continuum with internal variables. The rate of plastic deformation is shown to be a function of the deviatoric portion of the... more
The linear stability analysis of an uniform shear flow of granular materials is revisited using several cases of a Navier–Stokes-level constitutive model in which we incorporate the global equation of states for pressure and thermal... more
The aim of the present work is to present two operational numerical methods allowing for integrating rate constitutive equations accounting for large strains and rotations. Both methods can be applied in the development of home-made... more
This article experimentally evaluates the influence of shearing rate on the monotonic and cyclic response of isotropically-consolidated samples of Malaysian kaolin. On the one hand, a series of undrained monotonic triaxial tests were... more
The aim of this paper is to show that recent advances made in the field of speckle image processing give valuable information useful in understanding and modelling of localisation phenomena. The potentialities of the proposed imaging... more
In the present study, the microstructural changes of a Nickel based superalloy Nimonic 80A during a non-isothermal deformation were studied. Therefore, microstructure evolution during hot side pressing test was predicted with combined... more
In this study the influence of precipitates on the mechanical properties and plastic anisotropy of an age hardenable aluminum alloy during uniaxial loading was investigated using crystal plasticity modeling. The kinetics model of Myhr et... more
Several theoretical expressions of the at rest earth pressure coefficient for normally consolidated soils ( 0( NC ) k ) are available in the literature. Some of them have been derived using Critical State Soil Mechanics constitutive... more
This work presents a fully nonlinear Kirchhoff-Love shell model. In contrast with shear flexible models, our approach is based on the Kirchhoff-Love theory for thin shells, so that transversal shear deformation is not accounted for. We... more
In order to obtain high-quality products in powder metallurgy, it is important to control and understand the densification behavior of metallic powders. The effect of the powder characteristics of magnesium powders on the compaction... more
Aiming at the acid-etched freeze-thaw rock for geotechnical engineering in cold regions, chemical damage variables, freeze-thaw damage variables, and force damage variables were introduced to define the degree of degradation of rock... more
The constitutive model with a single damage parameter describing creep-damage behaviour of metals with respect to the different sensitivity of the damage process due to tension and compression is incorporated into the ANSYS ®nite element... more
The large-deformation three-dimensional glass±rubber constitutive model for isotropic, amorphous, linear polymers near the glass transition, previously proposed, has been extended to include a spectrum of network relaxations. In addition,... more
Two recently proposed developments of the Glass-Rubber constitutive model for glassy polymers treat the viscoplastic deformation as intrinsically anisotropic, and incorporate the kinetics of structural evolution. These features enable the... more
This research is aimed at determining the effect of thermo-mechanical ageing experimentally and numerically on the Mechanical Properties of Al-Cu Alloy by formulating a model (constitutive) to determine the nodal value of certain... more
Most structures exposed to severe loadings may suffer damage, possibly resulting in safety risk or economic loss. In complement to experimental studies and design codes and standards, advanced numerical simulation of damage appears as a... more
Yakai Zhao, Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Korea Email address: [email protected] In-Chul Choi, Institute for Applied Materials, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe 76344,... more
A frequent problem for structural analysis is the brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Archivio istituzionale della ricerca -
A numerical approach for structural analysis of masonry walls in plane stress conditions is presented. The assumption of a perfectly no-tension material (NTM) constitutive model, whose relevant equations are in the form of classical... more
We develop a constitutive model of paper's in-plane biaxial tensile response accounting for the elastic-plastic hardening behavior, and its orthotropic character. The latter aspect is motivated by machine-made papers, which, in contrast... more
Water flow in partially saturated heterogeneous porous formations is modelled by regarding the hydraulic parameters as stationary random space functions (RSFs). As a consequence, the flow variables are also RSFs, and we aim to develop a... more
The e!ect of the nonlinear magnetoelastic coupling on the magnetostrictive stress and the magnetic anisotropy of epitaxially grown ultrathin Ni "lms with large epitaxial strain is investigated by the ab initio density functional electron... more
The finite element method is used for simulating the compaction process of powders. Attention is focused on both the metal powders and ceramics on which experiments have been conducted and test data made available for comparison purposes.... more
The notion of a two-point susceptibility kernel used to describe linear electromagnetic responses of dispersive continuous media in non-relativistic phenomena is generalized to accommodate the constraints required of a causal formulation... more
In order to characterize the mechanical behavior of HDPE pipes, the ASTM D 2290-04 standard recommends carrying out tensile tests on notched rings, cut out from the pipe. This very simple test is also utilized to investigate the aging... more
In the present paper theoretical and experimental investigations are made to verify viscoplastic theories applied to thin-walled structures. The vibrations of plates are studied under the assumption of small strains and moderate rotations... more
An elastoplastic pressuremeter theory for cohesive soil has been used in the design of construction, such as retaining walls, slope stability, or foundation engineering. This theory takes into account the plasticity along the vertical and... more
An elastoplastic pressuremeter theory for cohesive soil has been used in the design of construction, such as retaining walls, slope stability, or foundation engineering. This theory takes into account the plasticity along the vertical and... more