Constitutive Equation

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A constitutive equation is a mathematical relationship that describes how a material responds to external forces, relating stress and strain in a material under deformation. It characterizes the material's mechanical behavior, incorporating properties such as elasticity, plasticity, and viscosity, and is fundamental in fields like continuum mechanics and materials science.
Classical metal plasticity theory assumes that the hydrostatic pressure has no or negligible effect on the material strain hardening, and that the flow stress is independent of the third deviatoric stress invariant (or Lode angle... more
Although the use of Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) for structural applications is continuously increasing, it is still limited with respect to its potentials, mainly due to the lack of International Building Codes for FRC structural... more
Current seismic design of bridges is based on a displacement performance philosophy using nonlinear static pushover analysis. This type of bridge design necessitates that the geotechnical engineer predict the resistance of the abutment... more
Viscoelastic fluids are of great importance in many industrial sectors, such as in food and synthetic polymers industries. The rheological response of viscoelastic fluids is quite complex, including combination of viscous and elastic... more
A constitutive equation is derived from a Lodge-Yamamoto type of network theory for polymeric fluids. The network junctions are not assumed to move strictly as points of the continuum but allowed a certain "effective slip". The rates of... more
A methodology to determine the constitutive parameters for the simulation of progressive delamination is proposed. The procedure accounts for the size of a cohesive finite element and the length of the cohesive zone to ensure the correct... more
When copper is deformed to high plastic strain (y ~ 34) at high strain rates (~ ~ I04 s -1) a microstructure with grain sizes of ~0.1 am can be produced. It is proposed that this microstructure develops by dynamic recrystallization, which... more
This paper first presents a complete formulation of a constitutive model that deals with the irreversible behaviour of unsaturated soils under various loading and drying/wetting conditions. A standard form of incremental stress-strain... more
A plastic-damage constitutive model for plain concrete is developed in this work. Anisotropic damage with a plasticity yield criterion and a damage criterion are introduced to be able to adequately describe the plastic and damage behavior... more
by Jan Cervenka and 
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This paper describes a combined fracture-plastic model for concrete. Tension is handled by a fracture model, based on the classical orthotropic smeared crack formulation and the crack band approach. It employs the Rankine failure... more
The response of brick masonry walls to in-plane horizontal cyclic loads analogous to those induced during seismic events is analysed by applying constitutive models which take into account the mechanical behaviour of each component and... more
In the present paper, thermal and mechanical behavior of neat polypropylene, 40 wt.% talc-filled polypropylene and 5 wt.% silicate-clay filled polypropylene nanocomposite were tested and evaluated. TGA and DSC results show that filling... more
The material coefficients of Biot's anisotropic poroelasticity are interpreted following micromeehanieal considerations. The adoption of the micro-homogeneity and micro-isotropy assumptions leads to a most practical model for laboratory... more
This article is devoted to some inverse problems arising in the context of linear elasticity, namely the identification of distributions of elastic moduli, model parameters, or buried objects such as cracks. These inverse problems are... more
The embodied and situated approach to artificial intelligence (AI) has matured and become a viable alternative to traditional computationalist approaches with respect to the practical goal of building artificial agents, which can behave... more
Current seismic design of bridges is based on a displacement performance philosophy using nonlinear static pushover analysis. This type of bridge design necessitates that the geotechnical engineer predict the resistance of the abutment... more
A constitutive model to simulate the behavior of ceramic materials under impact loading is proposed in order to achieve a better representation of the damage process due to the material fragmentation. To integrate the proposed... more
A new computational uid-dynamic (CFD) model with a separate granular temperature (2/3 random particle kinetic energy per unit of mass) equation for each phase or particle size was developed using constitutive equations derived earlier by... more
From MRI velocimetry we measure the local flow characteristics of a Carbopol gel in a Couette geometry under different inner cylinder rotation velocities. Associated with torque data under the same flow conditions we deduce the local,... more
The conception of the slow invariant manifold is recognized as the central idea underpinning a transition from micro to macro and model reduction in kinetic theories. We present the Constructive Methods of Invariant Manifolds for model... more
The uniaxial monotonic compressive behavior of tuff masonry has been studied by laboratory tests carried out along the directions parallel and orthogonal to the mortar bed joints. Based on the experimental results, different nonlinear... more
This paper presents a theoretical study of the thermally driven behavior of a shape memory alloy (SMA)/FGM actuator under arbitrary loading and boundary conditions by developing an integrated mathematical model. The model studied is... more
A constitutive model for polycrystalline metals is established within a micromechanical framework. The inelastic deformation is defined by the formation and annihilation of dislocations together with grain refinement due to continuous... more
Gelatin gel properties have been studied through the evolution of the storage [G' (co)] and the loss [G" (co)] moduli during gelation or melting near the gel point at several concentrations. The linear viscoelastic properties at the... more
In this research, the plastic flow behavior of Al-6%Mg alloy was studied by analyzing the results of hot compression tests in a range of temperature and strain rate. Then, an artificial neural network (ANN) model was trained at which the... more
Direct shear experiments on ground surfaces of a granodiorite from Raymond, California, at normal stresses of •6 MPa demonstrate that competing time, displacement, and velocity effects control rock friction. It is proposed that the... more
This paper presents the equations for the implementation of rotational quaternions in the geometrically exact three-dimensional beam theory. A new finite-element formulation is proposed in which the rotational quaternions are used for... more
Ductile fracture is often considered as the consequences of the accumulation of plastic damage. This paper is concerned with the application of a recently developed damage plasticity theory incorporates the pressure sensitivity and the... more
Constitutive Model for Municipal Solid Waste. [Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 128, 940 (2002)]. Sandro L. Machado, Miriam F. Carvalho, Orencio M. Vilar. Abstract. Municipal solid waste (MSW) is ...
An elastic constitutive relation for cancellous bone tissue is developed. This relationship involves the stress tensor T, the strain tensor E and the fabric tensor H for cancellous bone. The fabric tensor is a symmetric second rank tensor... more
A new method of modeling material behavior which accounts for the dynamic metallurgical processes occurring during hot deformation is presented. The approach in this method is to consider the workpiece as a dissipator of power in the... more
This paper presents a new yield criterion for orthotropic sheet metals and its implementation in a theoretical model of the forming limit diagrams. The equivalent stress equation shows that the shape of the yield surface is defined by... more
Modeling of metal cutting has proved to be particularly complex, especially for tool-chip interface. The present work is mainly aimed to investigate the limiting shear stress at this interface in the case of Titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) dry... more
This work deals with the virtual simulation of the sheet metal stamping process. The main objective is to predict when and where the cracks can appear in the workpiece during the forming operation. A local approach based on the strong... more
The mechanical behaviour of bonded geomaterials is described by means of an elastoplastic strainhardening model. The internal variables, taking into account the 'history' of the material, depend on the plastic strains experienced and on a... more
A general framework for the analysis of heterogeneous media that assess a strong coupling between viscoplasticity and anisotropic viscodamage evolution is formulated for impact related problems within the framework of thermodynamic laws... more
In this study we have used a convergent and highly accurate mixed finite element technique to model the effect of fluid elasticity on the flow kinematics and the stress distribution in lid driven cavity flow. Our work is motivated by the... more
Dimensional changes between a pattern die and its corresponding investment cast part occur as a result of complex phenomena such as thermal expansion/contraction and hot deformation (elastic, plastic, and creep) during the processing of... more
Starting from an analysis of the rheological behavior of the complex modulus predicted by the Cole-Cole formalism, a generalized Cole-Cole ansatz is suggested in order to overcome the related difficulties. The corresponding rheological... more
In this contribution various aspects of an anisotropic damage model coupled to plasticity are considered. The model is formulated within the thermodynamic framework and implements a strong coupling between plasticity and damage. The... more
The main feature of the interlocking hollow block masonry is the replacement of mortar layers commonly used in bonded masonry with interlocking keys (protrusions and grooves). This study covers the modelling and the analysis of... more
Formability of sheet metal is usually assessed by the useful concept of forming limit diagrams (FLD) and forming limit curves (FLC) represent a first safety criterion for deep drawing operations. The level of FLC is strongly strain path... more
This study describes the development of a constitutive law for the modelling of the periodontal ligament (PDL) and its practical implementation into a commercial finite element code. The constitutive equations encompass the essential... more
AbstractÐA phase mixture model in which a polycrystalline material is regarded as a mixture of a crystalline phase and a grain-boundary phase is presented. The model aims to describe the plastic deformation behaviour of ®ne-grained... more
This paper is a contribution to the study of tunnelling in difficult conditions, with attention paid to large time-dependent deformations, which may develop either during construction, causing instabilities of the tunnel heading and of... more