Ductile fracture prediction is often considered as a challenging task in complex stress state applications, such as metal joining process. A systematic method for predicting the joint strength in the hot shear joining process is presented... more
In this work, we developed a bond-based cohesive peridynamics model (CPDM) and apply it to simulate inelastic fracture by using the meso-scale Xu-Needleman cohesive potential . By doing so, we have successfully developed a bond-based... more
Thermomechanical fatigue loadings (TMF) applied on components in a certain temperature range with a variable state of stress (tensile and/or compression) produce a localized concentration of plastic strains that results in crack... more
Recent environmental restrictions constrained car manufacturers to promote cast aluminum alloys working at high temperatures (180 • C-300 • C). The development of new alloys permits the fabrication of higher-strength components in engine... more
Thermomechanical fatigue loadings (TMF) applied on components in a certain temperature range with a variable state of stress (tensile and/or compression) produce a localized concentration of plastic strains that results in crack... more
The coolant channel of Indian Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR)[1] is having two concentric tubes, the Pressure Tube (PT) and Calandria Tube (CT). There are four spacer rings known as Garter spring between these two tubes. At... more
Visual examination is the first and most important stage in the examination of a component. It is one of the simplest methods used for the inspection of defects / discontinuities open to the surface. The flaws present on the surface are... more
In Portugal, steel fibres are the most used for concrete reinforcement, and flooring and tunnelling are the main applications of fibre reinforced concrete (FRC). In last years the prefabrication industry is showing more interest in... more
Large diameter welded pipes are amongst the most cost effective transportation means for oil and gas. In general, one can differentiate between longitudinally (LSAW) and spirally welded (HSAW) pipes, whereby LSAW pipes are produced from... more
In this work, a one-dimensional constitutive model is used to study rotary bending fatigue in shape memory alloy beams. The stress and strain distributions in a beam section are driven numerically for both pure bending and rotary bending... more
In this work, a one-dimensional constitutive model is used to study rotary bending fatigue in shape memory alloy beams. The stress and strain distributions in a beam section are driven numerically for both pure bending and rotary bending... more
The vast expanse of coasts in iran is affected by many faults and has a high seismic potential. Most of coastal lands consist of very loose soils with the risk of liquefaction. In the present study, the seismic behavior of the anchored... more
Incremental forming is a rather innovative process in which sheet metal is formed into complex shapes by stretching the sheet with forming tool whose path is controlled by a computer numerical control machine, this kind of process is... more
This work addresses the formulation of a new mixed-mode cohesive model, able to handle the transition from small to large openings: the proposed model is an extension of the isotropic damage model formulated in [Confalonieri and Perego,... more
Every day billions of tiny meteoroids impact the Earth's atmosphere at hypersonic speeds, creating dense plasmas between 80 and 130 km altitude. In this part of the E-region ionosphere electrons are magnetized by the geomagnetic field... more
Some aspects of numerical analysis of problems related to high strain rates with thermal effects are considered. The attention is focused on constitutive modelling that describes the accompanied phenomena like plastic strain localization... more
The behaviour of concrete under quasi-static loadings for uniaxial compression, tension and plane stress conditions is studied. The failure criteria of concrete are discussed as well as the methods of constitutive parameters... more
We obtain in this article a new formulation of the generalizations of the Cahn-Hilliard equation based on constitutive equations proposed by Gurtin. This formulation, which can be seen as a compatibility equation, is obtained by making a... more
Most constitutive models can only simulate cumulative deformation after a limited number of cycles. However, railroad ballast usually experiences a large number of train passages that cause history-dependent long-term deformation.... more
We consider stagnation point flow away from a wall for creeping flow of dilute polymer solutions. For a simplified flow geometry, we explicitly show that a narrow region of strong polymer extension (a birefringent strand) forms downstream... more
View the article online for updates and enhancements. You may also like Structural, optical, and electrical properties of silicon nanocrystals fabricated by high silicon content silicon-rich oxide and silicon dioxide bilayers
Current needs in the design and optimization of complex protective structures lead to the development of more accurate numerical modelling of impact loadings. The aim of developing such a tool is to be able to predict the protection... more
In this companion article, we present, within the finite element context, the numerical algorithms for the integration of the thermodynamically consistent formulation of the elastic plastic and damage model for concrete materials derived... more
In this work use is made of functional forms of hardening state variables within a consistent thermodynamic formulation to model the elasto-plastic behavior of materials. The formulation is then numerically implemented using the developed... more
Recently, there has been a burgeoning interest in developing constitutive soil models from the laws of thermodynamics, mainly due to the benefits that these models automatically obey them and the approach provides a well-established... more
This Note lays out the specialization of the two-potential constitutive framework -also known as the "generalized standard materials" framework -to rubber viscoelasticity. Inter alia, it is shown that a number of popular rubber... more
If the modeling approach for strain localization with softening does not contain a material length-scale parameter, the numerical simulation suffers from the excessive mesh dependence. This paper presented the extended finite element... more
Deficiencies of constitutive models in prediction of dilatancy are often attributed to simplifications associated with flow rules such as assumptions of isotropy and coaxiality. It is thus proposed here to develop a comprehensive flow... more
Proper life-time prediction modeling of single crystalline components is of increasing importance due to their common use in turbine industry. Viscoplastic damage approaches are of great interest in that context. However, mechanical... more
This work addresses the formulation of a new mixed-mode cohesive model, able to handle the transition from small to large openings: the proposed model is an extension of the isotropic damage model formulated in [Confalonieri and Perego,... more
18 ?me Congr?s Fran?ais de M?canique Grenoble, 27-31 ao?t 2007 1 Rh?ologie en cisaillement et compression de dispersions aqueuses d'une argile mod?le dans le r?gime concentr? C?line Martin 1,2 , Albert Magnin 2 ...
In this work, a fully adaptive 2D numerical methodology is proposed in order to simulate with accuracy various metal forming processes. The methodology is based on fully coupled advanced finite strain constitutive equations accounting for... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
The springback phenomenon is a significant concern in manufacturing processes, particularly in metal component forming, as it directly affects dimensional control and the shape of formed parts. Accurate prediction and analysis of... more
The coupled damage/plasticity model for meso-level which is plylevel in case of Uni-Directional (UD) Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) is implemented. The mathematical formulations, particularly the plasticity part, are discussed in a... more
In mine ventilation, the head loss due to friction is usually calculated using Atkinson's equation. But only in an ideal case is this equation valid. In the present analysis a power law constitutive relation based on Atkinson's equation... more
Computational mechanics has been advanced in every area of orthopedic biomechanics. The objective of this paper is to provide a general review of the computational models used in the analysis of the mechanical function of the knee joint... more
SummaryIn the context of eigenfracture scheme, the work at hand introduces a variational eigenerosion approach for inelastic materials. The theory seizes situations where the material accumulates large amounts of plastic deformations. For... more
L’indentation instrumentee est une technique repandue et tres puissante utilisee pour l’etude des proprietes mecaniques des materiaux, principalement la durete et le module d’elasticite. Cependant, l’analyse des resultats est une... more
To gain a better insight into the failure mechanism of reinforced sand, a FEM simulation of plane strain compression tests of dense Toyoura sand reinforced with planar reinforcement having a wide range of stiffness was performed. A new... more
A constitutive model is proposed for clays based on the experimental observations from a series of flexible boundary true triaxial shear tests on cubical specimens of light to heavily overconsolidated kaolin clay. The proposed model... more
We investigate the transient viscoelastic response of weakly strain-hardening fluids to imposed elongational deformation in filament stretching devices. We combine timedependent finite-element simulations with quantitative experimental... more
The application of hyperbolic sine equation and Artificial Neural Network(ANN) model to predict high temperature flow behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V preform is assessed for development of a constitutive equation to model ring rolling process.... more
During the last decade, finite element (FE) modelling has become ubiquitous in understanding complex mechanobiological phenomena, e.g. bone-implant interactions. The extensive computational effort required to achieve biorealistic results... more
A theory is presented to simulate the consolidation of elastic porous media saturated by two immiscible Newtonian fluids. The macroscopic equations, including mass and momentum balance equations and constitutive relations, are obtained by... more