Constitutional Theory and Design

8 papers
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Constitutional Theory and Design is the study of the principles, structures, and processes that underpin the creation and interpretation of constitutions. It examines the philosophical, legal, and political foundations of constitutional frameworks, focusing on how they shape governance, protect rights, and facilitate social order within a state.
, had such weighty matters as "the existence of the UNION" and "the fate of an empire" in the calculation that brought him to his summary view of The Federalist's significance to the task at hand. Nothing so consequential is at stake for... more
Polls in the United States have long indicated that a clear majority of Americans believe that “the United States [is] a Christian nation.”1 At the same time they indicate that a minority – no more than 30% -support a constitutional... more
Across the United States, voters in many states have enacted initiative constitutional amendments that abrogate protections for equality and fundamental rights. In most cases, state supreme courts have upheld the validity of these... more
This paper examines the legitimacy of judicial review of the merits of proposed new constitutions and constitutional amendments. But we first have to deal with a preliminary question: Are constitution-making and constitutional-amending... more
The unconstitutional constitutional amendment doctrine has emerged as a highly successful, albeit still controversial, export in comparative constitutional law. The doctrine has often been defended as protecting a delegation from the... more
Public participation in constitutional reform can play a key role in legitimizing and constructing a lasting constitution. However, few resources have been invested in determining why exactly this is, and what factors should be considered... more
A review of The Constitution of Risk by Adrian Vermeule
The 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis, in which sitting President Manuel Zelaya was captured from the Presidential Palace and flown to Costa Rica under the cover of night, illuminated the danger of entrenched and eternity clauses in... more