Constitutional Making Process
Most cited papers in Constitutional Making Process
In 2014, Tunisia’s National Constituent Assembly (NCA) almost unanimously approved the country’s first democratic constitution despite significant identity-based divisions. Drawing on the Tunisian case, the article explores the role of an... more
Tanto en la teoría política como constitucional, la abrumadora mayoría de los análisis sobre la creación de constituciones toma como perspectiva la idea de un nuevo comienzo político, sea que refiera a la revolución que funda el primer... more
The empirical evidences of constitution-making conducted by the United Nations (UN) represent a significant challenge to contemporary constitutional law and to the deeper tradition of modern constitutionalism. By incorporating the ideals... more
The empirical experience of constitution-making carried out by UN in countries like East Timor, the Republic of Haiti, Sudan, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Bosnia, Nepal, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Arab Republic of Egypt and the... more
The present work aimed at verifying the institutional ability of United Nations (UN) to contribute to the generation of a legitimate order in those countries passing through stages of redemocratization from the perspective how it... more
Yirminci yüzyılın son çeyreği ile yirmi birinci yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde anayasa yapım yöntemlerinde paradigmatik bir kırılma meydana gelmiştir. Daha önce kurucu meclis sistemi içinde temsilcileri aracılığıyla anayasa yapımında söz sahibi... more