Constitutional Making Process
Recent papers in Constitutional Making Process
The theoretical-abstract category of hybrid constituent power and the crisis of democracy: materializing new meanings for internationalization of the constituent power Carina Barbosa Gouvêa (…)A pesquisa objetiva, com isso, oferecer ao... more
Jon Elster suggested that the constitution-making enterprise can be understood resorting to two types of “speech acts”: “arguing” and “bargaining”. He also makes reference to “rhetorical statements”. Thus, the model seems to be triadic:... more
Why were the "founding fathers" of Argentina unable to constitutionally organize the country in the Congresses of 1816-9 and 1824-7? And why did the provinces reject the Constitutions of 1819 and 1826? Historically, the rejection of... more
Tanto durante las transiciones a la democracia que tuvieron lugar desde finales de los años 70 hasta principios de los 90 como, más recientemente, en el contexto de regímenes democráticos ya establecidos, los debates acerca de cómo crear... more
Our problems are man-made. Therefore they may be solved by man. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings & “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.” – John F. Kennedy This research has unlocked a lot of valid... more
The most powerful way of exerting sovereignty in the constitutional democratic state is making or remaking of a constitution. The people, who have authority over the constitution, is the final source of legitimizing the... more
Ementa: A disciplina contextualizará o estudo do denominado “constitucionalismo populista” cujo conceito tem sido ferozmente contestado. O constitucionalismo populista investe nas formas de explorar as maneiras pelos quais os “populistas”... more
Buenas tardes. Don Jose Luis, muchas gracias por la presentacion. Un saludo a Felipe Larrain, director de CLAPES, y especialmente a Francisco Moreno, por haber coordinado y por la paciencia, as! que muchas gracias.
... Since the major guerrilla organizations (FARC and ELN), were left out of the ANC, this reform was unable to pacify Colombia in a way comparable to the FN. Pact ... This pact was incorporated in the decree 1926, promulgated by... more
Os sistemas democráticos incorporaram alguns mecanismos de natureza instrumental como a teoria da separação dos poderes de Montesquieu . Esta teoria vem acompanhando o estudo do constitucionalismo e das constituições ao longo dos tempos.... more
En este trabajo se analizan los elementos centrales que debiese considerar el reglamento de la Convención Constitucional. Se consideran dimensiones de la organización interna, toma de decisión, participación y transparencia entre otros.
This article will help students know the challenges that encounters constitution making in East African Countries
Public participation in constitutional reform can play a key role in legitimizing and constructing a lasting constitution. However, few resources have been invested in determining why exactly this is, and what factors should be considered... more
La Constitución importa porque contiene la decisión política fundamental sobre la forma y el modo de la existencia política concreta de un pueblo que ejerce el poder soberano 1 en tanto titular del poder constituyente. Esto significa que... more
Yirminci yüzyılın son çeyreği ile yirmi birinci yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde anayasa yapım yöntemlerinde paradigmatik bir kırılma meydana gelmiştir. Daha önce kurucu meclis sistemi içinde temsilcileri aracılığıyla anayasa yapımında söz sahibi... more
The empirical evidences of constitution-making conducted by the United Nations (UN) represent a significant challenge to contemporary constitutional law and to the deeper tradition of modern constitutionalism. By incorporating the ideals... more
Introduction of the work “UN's interventions on the constitution-making process in political transition States: the role of the UN in the rescue of the democratic order"
As the world grows ever smaller from the impact of globalization and technological advance—which effectuate the interdependence, cross-pollination, and ease of communication between the various cultures and nations of the... more
Tanto en la teoría política como constitucional, la abrumadora mayoría de los análisis sobre la creación de constituciones toma como perspectiva la idea de un nuevo comienzo político, sea que refiera a la revolución que funda el primer... more
Historically, in spite of many chances to amend the Constitution after the revolution and people’s sacrifices, people could not participate in the actual constitutional amendment processes. The ‘Candlelight Revolution’, in which nearly 17... more
ÖZET: Bir ülkedeki siyasal, ekonomik ve toplumsal güçler, o ülkenin demokrasiye geçişi bakımından büyük etkiye sahiptir. Bu unsurlar, aynı zamanda, anayasasının yapımı sürecinde de etkin rol oynamaktadır. Özellikle halkın anayasa... more
VI Constitutional Law Congress Publius 2017 Roundtable 5: Constitutional Emancipation and International Context CARINA BARBOSA GOUVÊA (UFRPE / UNESA-RJ) – “THE ROLE OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF INSTITUTIONAL DRAWING AND... more
The empirical experience of constitution-making carried out by UN in countries like East Timor, the Republic of Haiti, Sudan, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Bosnia, Nepal, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Arab Republic of Egypt and the... more
As velhas questões que envolvem políticas de migração, imigração, nacionalidade, pessoas e cidadãos continuam a desafiar o constitucionalismo, a democracia e os direitos humanos. Nos dias atuais, o movimento de entrada ou saída de... more
"UN's interventions on the constitution-making process in political transition States: the role of the UN in the rescue of the democratic order" ABSTRACT The present work aimed at verifying the institutional ability of United Nations... more
Bu çalışma, mevcut konjonktür altında Türkiye'de yeni bir anayasa girişiminin gerekli olup olmadığını ve bu girişimin ne anlama geldiğini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. 1982 Anayasası birçok kez kapsamlı değişiklikler geçirmesine rağmen... more
Primer bloque temático: principios constitucionales 17 de enero de 2022 Este trabajo se enmarca en el convenio de colaboración firmado por la Agrupación de Universidades Regionales (AUR) y la Convención Constitucional.
In 2014, Tunisia’s National Constituent Assembly (NCA) almost unanimously approved the country’s first democratic constitution despite significant identity-based divisions. Drawing on the Tunisian case, the article explores the role of an... more
E foi maravilhoso o encontro com os acadêmicos da FDUFBA no dia 27 de abril para discutir a minha pesquisa, as intervenções da ONU no processo de constitution-making nas fases pré-constituinte, constituinte e pós- constituinte. Um tema... more
The present work aimed at verifying the institutional ability of United Nations (UN) to contribute to the generation of a legitimate order in those countries passing through stages of redemocratization from the perspective how it... more