Recent papers in Constitution
Malgré le récent amendement de 2011 qu’a connu la Constitution haïtienne, il a été présenté au grand public le 29 mars 2017 une commission spéciale sur l’amendement de la constitution au niveau de la Chambre des députés. Le but principal... more
Ce mémoire étudie les rapports entre sciences et politiques institutionnelles au Burkina Faso. Il investit donc une problématique qui relève de l’ensemble plus vaste qu’est l’approche cognitive des politiques publiques. Mais, s’inspirant... more
O objetivo do presente trabalho fora compreender de que modo se deu a tematização do racismo e das questões raciais no momento que inaugura as possibilidades de interlocução entre sociedade civil e instituições formais do Estado... more
Concerning political and social reform of Korean society after the ‘Candle revolution’ and impeachment of a president, the civil society and the political sphere show different approaches to the problem. The people (or citizens) assembled... more
Una expresión que encierra múltiplas actividades, la Unidad del ordenamiento jurídico es tomada como una característica o axioma o postulado del Derecho. Hija del Derecho Natural de tradición racionalista, fue adoptada por el Derecho... more
analysis to the recent Egyptian constitution with a focus on the powers given to the military and security services.
Pojęcie interregnum w symboliczny sposób oddaje istotę zagadnień podjętych w ramach niniejszej monografii. Jej przedmiot stanowi analiza XX-wiecznych transformacji ustrojowych, które dokonały się w kręgu euroatlantyckiej kultury prawnej.... more
Kenya’s Vision 2030 and all its flagship projects are envisaged to spur rapid economic growth and steer the country into a middle income economy by the year 2030. The LAPSSET Corridor Projects (LCPs) which includes a port in Lamu, resort... more
A Constituição Política da Monarquia Espanhola, de 19 de março de 1812, seria conhecida na Espanha como a Constituição de Cádiz. Sua elaboração precoce fez da Espanha um dos primeiros países do mundo a ter sua Constituição escrita. Ela... more
Article 52 provides that there shall be a President of India. Article 53-The executive power of the union shall be vested in the hands of the president. First citizen of India Head of the State All executive decisions are taken... more
Christopher Buck, “Plessy v. Ferguson.” Encyclopedia of African American History. Edited by Leslie Alexander & Walter Rucker. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2010. Pp. 959–963 (Vol. 3). ABSRACT In The Souls of Black Folk (1903), W. E. B.... more
The development of technology has become inevitable in almost every sphere. Over the years technology has permeated even in the defence technology. A dramatic transformation of war took place in the year 1945 with the development of... more
This paper is intended to explain the South Korea legislation process and its comparative with Indonesian legislation process. Obtained from an interview conducted by the author with the political function of the Korean Embassy in Jakarta... more
Аннотация. Автором рассматривается вопрос правовой природы российской Конституции. Прово-дится диалектический анализ понятия «Основной закон» в действующей доктрине конституционного права, на основании чего делается вывод об отсутствии... more
Статья подготовлена на основании мониторинга решений, вынесенных судами общей юрисдикции и арбитражными судами РФ в 2010–2012 гг., в которых суды ссылались на нормы Конституции РФ. В статье обобщены и проанализированы ситуации... more
Resumen: El resultado tangible de la primavera árabe en Marruecos es la reciente reforma constitucional de 1 de julio de 2011 cuyo alcance es limitado. El propósito de este artículo es analizar las demandas y propuestas de reforma de la... more
Indian working women have treaded difficult paths to make a place of their own in their workplaces. Today, there are women achievers in each field. The social reformers of the past had played an important role in spreading education to... more
Le deuxième alinéa de l'article 38 de la Constitution est complété par une phrase ainsi rédigée : « Elles ne peuvent être ratifiées que de manière expresse ».
Si suole dire, con formula ispirata ad Aristotele, che lo Stato di diritto è quello in cui governano le leggi e non gli uomini, è lo stato limitato dal diritto. La formula è suggestiva ma, come si dirà, insufficiente di per sé a catturare... more
Monografia dotyczy problemu legitymizacji działań władzy publicznej podejmowanych w obliczu zagrożenia, którego skala oraz szybkość eskalacji pozwala na stwierdzenie wystąpienia sytuacji nadzwyczajnej (public emergency). Praca ma... more
People with disabilities in Swaziland have over the years been at the receiving end of government developmental processes and service delivery, hence it is necessary that persons with disabilities be emancipated enough to be agents of... more
In Indian economic history, the GST is the biggest tax reform. As government revenues increase in terms of increased tax compliance and reduced tax evasion, the spillover outcomes of GST are immense, enabling tighter control and... more
لقد جاء هذا المؤلف بمبادرة شخصية من الفقيد الأستاذ الدكتور محمد بوسلطان بدعوته لصفوة الأساتذة المختصين والخبراء في المجال الدستوري للتعليق على مواد القانون المشار إليه أعلاه مادة بمادة إيمانا منه أن الصلاحية الجديدة التي أنيط بها المجلس... more
The 18th Amendment to the constitution devolved education to the provinces and also inserted Article 25-A declaring it a fundamental right. The provinces were now expected to impart universal education to all children between the ages of... more
Par sa décision du 16 juillet 1971, le Conseil constitutionnel reconnaît la pleine valeur constitutionnelle de la liberté d’association et estime que le texte qui lui est déféré méconnaît cette liberté constitutionnelle. Ce faisant, il... more
Тази статия е посветена на конституционната аксиология разгледана като теория за конституционните ценности и конституционните принципи, като правна институционализация на ценностния конституционен консенсус и като практическо прилагане на... more
There is growing resentment of people against government which is visible from the ever growing number of litigations filed against government and government actions. This also indicates the mistrust of the people on the... more
This article presents an introduction to constitutionalism which is regarded as the highest governing regulations and is the core of modern states. This article presents the development of the concept of constitutionalism through Western... more
In many European countries are being held constitutional debates. The search for a broader form of participation of all social forces with a new, so-called governance, the struggle for autonomy, regionalism and federalism, they all have... more
A omissão inconstitucional é um tema desafiador. Este trabalho é dedicado a revisar os pressupostos de sua configuração, buscando explicar a possibilidade de a omissão implicar um estado de coisas inconstitucional. Presente violação... more
There is growing resentment of people against government which is visible from the ever growing number of litigations filed against government and government actions. This also indicates the mistrust of the people on the government's... more
Luis I. Gordillo Pérez y Naiara Arriola Echániz, coautores
In 2008, Ecuador became the first country in history to guarantee rights to nature, in its new constitution. This article tells the story of this extraordinary moment in constitutional history, presenting a detailed description of how... more
This piece outlines how to create a youth-adult governance model based on constitutional principles and processes.
"Η ιστορική εξέλιξη του πολιτεύματος της αρχαίας πόλεως των Αθηνών μέχρι την κλασσική εποχή. Συμβολή στην ιστορία των πολιτειακών θεσμών και της μνημειακής τοπογραφίας των πόλεων της αρχαίας Ελλάδας".
社科法學乃蘇永欽教授所提出「法學的想像」中的四個道標之一,並倡議一種社 科法學與法釋(教)義學相輔相成的「輔助命題」。然此命題對法釋(教)義學 外的其他法學思維則似未提及。而致力社科法學此一研究取徑的張永健教授,則 以吾人最為熟知的比例原則為目標,提出一「取代命題」:以成本效益分析取代 比例原則。 為反對「取代命題」,本文試圖指出作為法學思維的比例原則肩負了正確性與拘 束性的雙重任務,並從一虛擬案例出發,指出「純粹」的成本效益分析似未對拘... more
Ky punim ka si qëllim të analizojë kontrollin gjyqësor të amendamenteve kushtetuese në Republikën e Shqipërisë, duke u bazuar jo vetëm në parashikimet e së drejtës, jurisprudencës dhe qëndrimeve të studiuesve të brendshëm, por duke marrë... more
This essay looks onto the basic definition of Federalism and then explores its strengths and weaknesses in the context of Pakistan
El texto "Los derechos humanos en el marxismo jurídico. Análisis crítico para una revisión de las concepciones teóricas de los derechos humanos en Cuba" hace una revisión teórica de cómo se conciben los ddhh en el marxismo jurídico, sobre... more
Final point: "Although the constitutional bill did not survive opposition from political and academic elites, theoretically it can still be used as the basis for a new Icelandic constitution by any future government that chooses to do so.... more