Constituional Law
Recent papers in Constituional Law
This paper considers the basis of child marriages in Northern Nigeria. It is an Islamic practice rooted in the interpretation of the Quran. Significantly, the caveat that copulation should be delayed until such girls are mature is often... more
Our nation asks the men and women in our military to serve, suffer, and sacrifice. But we do not ask them to lay aside their citizenry and give up the very rights they have sworn to protect. 1 Every president since the signing of the... more
The following is a critique of the Supreme Court judgment in the case of DON NYAMANDE AND ANOR V ZUVA PETROLEUM (PRIVATE) LIMITED SC 43/15. The article critiques narrow approach that was taken by the Supreme Court. This is in light of the... more
Derecho PUCP se registra en los siguientes catálogos, directorios y bases de datos: Dialnet, Worldcat, Primo Central, Latindex, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), JournalTOCS, BASE, CLASE, EbscoHost, Cengage Learning, Vlex, La... more
This case review discusses the landmark judgment of the late Justice Prasanna Jayawardena P.C. in Karuwalagaswewa Vidanelage Swarna Manjula et al v. Pushpakumara, Officer-in-Charge, Police Station, Kekirawa et al. The case concerned a... more
Atish Chakraborty1 " Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere "-Martin Luther King Part IV of the Indian Constitution provides for Directive Principles of State Policy. Though these principles are guidelines and are not... more
RESUMO O texto busca fazer uma análise comparativa sintética acerca das Constituições de Portugal, de 1976, e do Brasil, de 1988, no que diz respeito à concretização efetiva da ideia de democracia presente em tais normas constitucionais.... more
The Boko Haram insurgency started in 2002 as an Islamic Organisation in response to local grievances in Borno State. Today, it has metamorphosed into a resilient force identified internationally for its brutality and declared an armed... more
This paper analyses the development of child justice during three main periods in Nigeria. From 1914-1943, juvenile delinquency emerged as a distinct social problem; specific laws were enacted relating to children and Reformatory and... more
The main aim of this paper is to present the legislation process and background of the Japanese Constitution of 1946. At the end of World War II in the Pacific the Empire of Japan was submitted under the military occupation of the United... more
Swahili Version of Constitutional Development in Tanzania
The relationship between legislative and executive has been an important subject of academic studies. However, we have not found any studies to provide numerical data for comparative analysis. This study is an attempt to increase the... more
This paper analyses the development of child justice during three main periods in Nigeria. From 1914-1943, juvenile delinquency emerged as a distinct social problem; specific laws were enacted relating to children and Reformatory and... more
There are three courts with different theoretical underpinning administering child justice in Nigeria. The Juvenile Court is premised on the rehabilitative ideal but researches have shown that the apparatus to fulfill this ideal is... more
This article analyzes the contemporary issue known as "judicialization of politics" and its sibling "politization of law". The text draws its conclusions from the Systems Theory by Niklas Luhmann. Artigo Conceito Jurídico - Viana, Ulisses... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Separazione o integrazione? -2. La giurisprudenza sull'integrazione europea non è una chain novel. -3. … neppure quella della Corte di giustizia. -4. "Nulla dire se non ciò che può dirsi". -5. Il principio di entropia e le... more
The article studies the modern challenges to the doctrine of sovereignty of parliament in the light of AV Dicey’s criticism of Irish autonomy as envisaged by Irish Home Rule proposals of the 19th century. The main objective of the project... more
This paper examines the threat to the institutional integrity of the federal judicial power posed by the modern administrative state and its disdain for the formal separation of powers that pervades the framers’ Constitution. I proceed by... more
Beitrag für den Verfassungsblog, erschienen am 9.März, auch online verfügbar unter:
Sommario: 1. Oggetto e tesi della ricerca-2. Le attuali dinamiche politico-istituzionali dell'ordinamento tedesco.-3 La streitbare Demokratie e l'ordine liberal-democratico.-4. L'istituto del Parteiverbot: disciplina normativa e dibattito... more
Petition for Certiorari asking Supreme Court to consider consequences of lying attorneys in federal court. "We [the Court of Appeals] do not condone the defendants’ attorneys’ unreasonable persistence throughout the litigation in... more
経済のグローバル化に伴い、異質な文化や社会との接触が増えるにつれ、アメリカの企業の間では「多様性」を価値ととらえる見方が広がってきている。マイノリティの存在が職場に多様な視点をもたらし、活力をもたらすとする見方である。しかし、もし企業がマイノリティに属する求職者や従業員を優先的に扱い、「顧客がマイノリティを求めているので」という理由で別扱いを正当化するとすれば、これは「顧客が白人を求めているので」という理由で黒人が排除された人種差別の時代の論理と何ら変わるところがない。差別を... more
The critique of socialism is built on the denial of its relevance in modern day governance. However, there are visible experiences and refined arguments to counter the same. The subject touches on the notions of state legitimacy,... more
Özet Anayasa yapımı genellikle bir elit meselesi olarak algılanmıştır. Yirmin-ci yüzyılın sonunda, özellikle demokratikleşme sürecindeki ülkelerde, demokratik bir anayasanın, sadece içeriğiyle değil yapım sürecinin de demokratik olmasıyla... more