Recent papers in Constellation
In the frame of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Space Component programme, the European Space Agency (ESA) undertook the development of a European Radar Observatory (Sentinel-1), a polar orbiting two-satellite... more
Aboriginal Australians have been observing the stars for more than 65,000 years, and many of their oral traditions have been recorded since colonisation. These traditions tell of all kinds of celestial events, such as the annual rising of... more
Apoyado en el material de archivo de la Teoría estética, este artículo aborda el tema de la exigencia tardía de reelaboración de la Darstellung, elemento fundamental de la constelación. Al parecer, Adorno buscaba una radicalización de la... more
With increasingly low-cost and power-efficient RF electronics being demanded by today's wireless communication systems, it is essential to keep up to speed with new developments. This book presents key advances in the field that you need... more
In the frame of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Space Component programme, the European Space Agency (ESA) undertook the development of a European Radar Observatory (Sentinel-1), a polar orbiting two-satellite... more
The Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Haut in Ronchamp designed by Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, also known as Le Corbusier, has been studied, analyzed and explored by architects, theorists and historians ever since it was completed. Despite these... more
A constellation of remote sensing small satellite system has been developed for infrastructure monitoring in India by using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Payload. The low earth orbit (LEO) constellation of the small satellites is... more
O capítulo é versão expandida de uma comunicação apresentada no 1º Congresso Internacional Theodor W. Adorno, na PUC-RS. O texto entrecruza as considerações de Adorno a respeito das noções de Signo e Imagem que aparecem em sua aula... more
ABSTRACT We apply an evolutionary strategies (ES) algorithm to the problem of designing modulation schemes used in wireless communication systems. The ES is used to optimize the digital symbol to analog signal mapping, called a... more
The 1955 Cold War incident involving the Bulgarian Air Force.
In the frame of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Space Component programme, the European Space Agency (ESA) undertook the development of a European Radar Observatory (Sentinel-1), a polar orbiting two-satellite... more
The New Aesthetic and Art: Constellations of the Postdigital is an interdisciplinary analysis focusing on new digital phenomena at the intersections of theory and contemporary art. Asserting the unique character of New Aesthetic objects,... more
Localisé au coeur de la cordillère de Vilcabamba, au Pérou, à quelque 150 km au nord-ouest de Cuzco, l'ancienne capita le de l'État inca, Choqek'iraw est l' un des rares sites préhispaniques et le seul de l'époque inca à posséder une... more
Tämän tutkielma tarkastelee mitä kriittinen ajattelu tarkoittaa kasvatustieteiden kontekstissa, miten sitä perustellaan kasvatustavoitteena ja millaista subjektiviteettia kriittisellä ajattelulla tuotetaan. Tutkimus on menetelmältään... more
Low was a reaction to having gone through that peculiar… that dull greenie-grey limelight of America and its repercussions; pulling myself out of it and getting to Europe and saying, For God's sake re-evaluate why you wanted to get... more
The Space Technology 5 (ST-5) Project is part of NASA s New Millennium Program. ST-5 will consist of a constellation of three micro-satellites, each approximately 25 kg in mass. The mission goals are to demonstrate the research-quality... more
In the frame of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Space Component programme, the European Space Agency (ESA) undertook the development of a European Radar Observatory (Sentinel-1), a polar orbiting two-satellite... more
This paper analyzes the placenta’s biological and ontological underpinnings in human affectivity as it is generated. The placenta as medial boundary constitutes a place for the encounter and becoming of mother and child, not only as... more
This review of Martin Jay's recent published collection of essays examines his ongoing rethinking, supplementation, and revision of central themes-the negative and positive dialectics of historical totalization, the varieties and uses of... more
This paper describes a new high performance cost effective Earth Observation Platform, the SSTL-300 and associated optical sensor suite, offering a 7-year mission lifetime with a very high operational availability, for a mission cost an... more
Sparse code multiple access (SCMA) is a class of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) that is proposed to support uplink machine-type communication services. In an SCMA system, designing multidimensional constellation plays an important... more
Cultures around the world find meaning in the groupings of stars and features in the Milky Way. The striking appearance of our Galaxy in the night sky serves as a reference to traditional knowledge, encoding science and culture to a... more
Actuellement, on constate dans le domaine de la navigation, un besoin croissant de localisation par satellites. Après une course à l'amélioration de la précision (maintenant proche de quelques centimètres grâce à des techniques de lever... more
This paper proposes one possible concept for a dual frequency dual constellation GBAS architecture. It is based on a single frequency L5/E5a mode as primary processing scheme for best standard performance, a switch to an ionosphere free... more
This review of Martin Jay's recent published collection of essays examines his ongoing rethinking, supplementation, and revision of central themes-the negative and positive dialectics of historical totalization, the varieties and uses of... more
Planche-Bandes d'épidotes concentriques soulignant la présence de 3 mëgacoassins "soudés" 31 Planche-Lentille de coussins et de brèche dans la lave massive 37 Planche 3A-Petit coussin ayant crû par bourgeonnement et encore relié â son... more
This essay attempts to mark the current phase of capitalist neoliberalism, in order to create a space for articulation, in both senses of the word: there is a need both to articulate, as in to connect together ideas, events and their... more
In the frame of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Space Component programme, the European Space Agency (ESA) undertook the development of a European Radar Observatory (Sentinel-1), a polar orbiting two-satellite... more
GANDER -for Global Altimeter Network Designed to Evaluate Risk -was an idea that was probably ahead of its time. Conceived at a time when ocean observing satellites were sometimes 10 years in the planning stage, the concept of affordable... more
This paper describes a new high performance cost effective Earth Observation Platform, the SSTL-300 and associated optical sensor suite, offering a 7-year mission lifetime with a very high operational availability, for a mission cost an... more
The FORMOSAT-3/COS MIC space craft con stel la tion con sist ing of six LEO sat el lites is the world's first op er a tional GPS Ra dio Occultation (RO) mis sion. The mis sion is jointly de vel oped by Tai wan's Na tional Space Or ga ni... more
Nietzsche’s Dionysus, admittedly, represents a direct provocation and an attack on the classical interpretation accepted since Winckelmann, an interpretation that elevates the Apollonian to its central point of focus; Nietzsche’s... more
The Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC) is an international micro-satellite constellation, currently capable of providing 32m spatial-resolution, tri-band, multi-spectral imagery over a 600km swath of any location in the world, within... more
Introduction: Determining the frequency, geographical distribution and severity of electrical activity, (which converts water vapor to hydrogen peroxide) has important implications for the compatibility of the Martian atmosphere and... more
COSMO-SkyMed is a Dual-Use program, devoted to produce both civilian and military applications, and as such it is required to have a fast response time, to manage conflicts and to optimize resources. In order to provide operational... more
Vil 2.7 Apports des recherches en ce qui concerne les attitudes du personnel enseignant de niveau postsecondaire envers la « clientèle émergente » 2.8 Besoins du personnel enseignant quant au soutien et à l'encadrement de la « clientèle... more
This paper introduces a family of bandwidth efficient modulation schemes called quadrature multiplexed continuous phase modulation (QM-CPM). QM-CPM can be thought of as an alternative to smooth pulse-shaped quadrature amplitude modulation... more